One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 218 The riots continue

Several hours had passed since the banquet riot.

At this time, three of the top four dessert generals of the Big Mom Pirates are leading a large number of people to hunt down non-Big Mom Pirates members who disappeared from the banquet.

In addition to Ace and Crocodile, there are many people who disappeared from the banquet and their whereabouts are unknown.

For example, among the six invited emperors of the underground world, in addition to Stracey, the whereabouts of [Funeral Parlor Tycoon] Drago Pecklo and [Loan Usury King] ‘Lucky God’ Lou Field are also unknown.

There was also the warden of the ‘former’ Impel Down City, Shiliu, who also disappeared in the chaos.

Cake castle, hall.

"Have you not found them yet?" Charlotte Lingling sat there and asked her children below.

"Already found one, mother." Charlotte Perospero held the phone bug and replied: "It's the guy named [Loan Shark King] Lou Field, but when Brother Snag found him, that guy already dead."

"Oh, quack, the [King of Loan Usury] is dead. This is big news!" After hearing Perospero's words, Morgans immediately took out a notebook and recorded the news.

"Shut up, Morgans!" Charlotte Lingling yelled at Morgans. She didn't care who killed Lou Field, she just asked: "Where are the others? Haven't they been found yet? "

"Under arrest." Charlotte Perospero licked her tongue and replied: "Now the entire Cake Island is surrounded by your mother's anger. No one can escape from here except the [Fire Emperor] , it’s just a matter of time to find them, so mom, please just wait patiently, lick lick lick~"

"Very good!" Charlotte Lingling said with gloomy eyes: "No matter who it is, anyone who dares to provoke me will never let him live!"

Charlotte Lingling is very angry now. The last time she suffered such a gaffe was when Roger stole (actually snatched) [Road Sign·History Text] from her before the Great Pirate Age. .

"Of course, no one can anger mother on our territory and leave intact!" Charlotte Perospero flattered.

"Bulu Bulu~Buru Bulu~"

At this time, the phone bug in Charlotte Perospero's hand suddenly rang.

"Lick, lick, there's news again. Whose body will be found this time? I'm really looking forward to it!" Perospero answered the phone excitedly, but as soon as he connected, an anxious voice came from the phone bug's mouth. sound.

"Mom, Mom, I'm Pockmusk, something terrible is going on!"

Hearing the anxious voice on the phone, the smile on Perospero's face disappeared, and he asked in a solemn voice: "Pocmus, aren't you outside the island? What happened?"

"I'm on my way back now, but I just got news that the giants of Elbaf are gathering forces and preparing to attack us. What is going on? Aren't we going to marry the giants? Why did they suddenly Gather troops to attack us?" Pokomus asked anxiously.

"Well... there was an accident at the wedding. Laura ran away from the wedding, so our marriage with the giants failed, and the prince of the giants died on Cake Island..." Perospero explained to Pokemus helplessly. After taking a look at what happened on Cake Island, he said: "I didn't expect that the news of Rocky's death would reach Elbaf so quickly... In short, the current situation is very complicated. Please come back quickly."

"Okay, I understand. I'm going to speed up and return immediately." Pockmus said quickly, and then hung up the phone.

"Mom, I didn't expect Elbaf to know the news of Rocky's death on Cake Island so quickly, and he was already gathering troops. What should we do?" After hanging up the phone, Perospero looked at Charlotte. Lingling asked with a worried look on her face.

"Elbaf..." When she heard that the giants were gathering troops and preparing to attack them, Charlotte Lingling's face was not angry, but showed an expression of nostalgia.

boom! ~

Suddenly, there was a huge explosion somewhere in the Cake Castle.

"what happened!"

"That direction... is the treasure room!"

"Who dared to sneak into our treasure room at this time!"

In the hall, the cadres of the Charlotte family looked towards the direction of the explosion and shouted angrily.

"Mom, mom, it's Shiliu of the Rain, and the 'Queen of Happy Street' Stacy, they broke into the treasure room!" Dandan's voice came from the phone bug in the hall.

"Asshole, forget it about Xi Liu, that woman Stacy is here, I didn't expect her to do such a thing!" Perospero looked angry.

You know, the relationship between the Big Mom Pirates and the [Queen of Happy Street] is usually very good. Basically, she is invited to every tea party held by Auntie. I didn’t expect that Stacy would do such a thing.

"Mom, let us go help!" Charlotte Owen and Charlotte Dafu stepped forward to ask for help, wanting to go to the treasure room to reinforce Eggy.

"Let me go, your strength is no match for Shiliu." Katakuri stood up and said.

"Go, my dear children, bring the heads of Shiliu and Stacy to me!" Charlotte Lingling showed a terrifying smile and said to Katakuri and the others.

"Don't worry, Mom, as long as they are against our Charlotte family, no matter who they are, I will definitely bring their heads to you." Katakuri said coolly, and then brought His brothers and sisters walked towards the treasure room.

"Mom, there was news from Cracker just now. He has found Crocodile and Daz Bones, and is now leading an 'angry legion' to besiege them. I believe it won't be long before Cracker will lead them." Bring their heads to you." Perospero came up and said to Charlotte Lingling.

At this time, in the treasure room of Cake Castle, Shiru was fighting fiercely with Katakuri.

The strength shown by Shiru was on par with Katakuri. The sword energy and domineering force of the two men were rampant on the battlefield, and those with weaker strength could not even get close to the battlefield between the two.

Stacy was besieged by Charlotte Owen, Charlotte Dafu and Dandan. Although Stacy, a woman, also showed good combat power, she faced three people with more than three bounties on their heads at the same time. The powerful combat power of 100 million immediately fell into decline.

Outside the Cake Castle, Crocodile and Darz Bones are also being besieged by the 'Angry Legion' led by Cracker.

On the other side, Ace and Luffy also quietly returned to Dessert City, preparing to wait for an opportunity to rescue the three women on Nine Snake Island.

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