One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 219 Still too weak

"Bulu Bulu~Buru Bulu~"

Suddenly, the phone bug in Perospero's hand rang again. After he answered the call, the voice from the phone bug was Charlotte Smoothie's.

"Mom, I found [Fire Emperor], but that guy seems to be eyeing Sister Bree, and seems to want to snatch something from Sister Bree." Charlotte Smoothie said.

"Bree? Are they the three women locked in the mirror?" After hearing Smoothie's words, Charlotte Lingling immediately guessed Ace's target, and then smiled: "Well, well, Si Muji, you don’t have to fight him, just bring Bree back to me.”

Charlotte Lingling had a sinister smile on her face and said, "I will tell that brat myself that no one can take anything away from me without paying the price!"

"Okay, Mom, I will take Sister Bree back to you right away." Charlotte Smoothie replied, and then hung up the phone.

In the streets of Dessert City, Luffy was fighting with the officers of the Big Mom Pirates, while Ace was chasing Charlotte Smoothie and Charlotte Bray.

Originally, he and Luffy took advantage of the chaos to return to Dessert City and found Charlotte Bray. Ace was planning to capture her quietly and then threaten her to release the three Kujas she had locked in the mirror. woman.

Because Charlotte Bray has been holding a mirror in her hand, in order to prevent her from sneaking into the mirror world, Ace's plan was for him to take action, but he didn't expect that Luffy had just heard that the three women were raped by Charlotte. ·Bree locked up with her ability and rushed out immediately.

The result was that Ace's plan to capture Charlotte Bray failed, and she escaped into the mirror.

Later, Charlotte Smoothie, one of the four dessert generals, was attracted by Luffy's noise, and then the two brothers Ace and Luffy started fighting with them.

Although Ace is stronger than Charlotte Smoothie, with Wang Lufei as a dragster, he is helpless in the fight and cannot defeat the opponent for a while.

After receiving Charlotte Lingling's order, Charlotte Smoothie gave up the fight with Ace and fled toward the Cake Castle with the mirror left by Charlotte Bray.

"Do you want to lure me to Big Mom?" Ace immediately saw through Charlotte Smoothie's intentions, and the expression on his face became tangled.

If he was alone, even if he faced Big Mom, he would be completely worthy. If he couldn't beat him, he could at least retreat calmly. But with Wang Lufei as a dragster, once he was entangled by Big Mom, then Wang Lufei would He will definitely be caught again, and in that case, things will go back to how they were before.

"This is going to be a bit difficult!" Ace looked at Wang Lufei, who was fighting fiercely with the officers of the Big Mom Pirates, and suddenly fell into deep thought.

But after thinking for a long time, Ace didn't think of any good way. Even if he could stop Charlotte Smoothie before she returned to Big Mom, he still couldn't stop Charlotte hiding in the mirror. · Bree found out.

"Forget it, at worst, you have to pay some price to get those three women back from Big Mom." With this thought in mind, Ace was about to call Luffy to meet Big Mom.


"Desert Greatsword!"


At this time, Crocodile and Charlotte Klicker, who were fighting, suddenly came to Ace's vicinity.

Seeing Crocodile, Ace's eyes suddenly lit up.

If Crocodile were watching Luffy, he would be able to cause a scene without restraint.

"Hey, that's it!"

Thinking like this, Ace swayed and rushed in front of Charlotte Cracker who was fighting Crocodile. He clasped his hands together and crossed his fingers into a hammer shape, facing the unsuspecting Cracker fiercely. Li Jia punched him.

"Armed 2nd Form - Kongming Hammer!"


Before the unsuspecting Charlotte Cracker could react to what was going on, she was violently thrown away by Ace's Sky Hammer, and was sent thousands of miles away.

"Just one blow..." Crocodile, who also didn't react, just watched helplessly as the opponent he couldn't defeat quickly despite all his efforts was sent away with a blow from Ace who suddenly appeared. He was shocked for a moment, and then he showed an angry face and asked Ace: "Portcas... who asked you to interfere in my battle!"

"Well, they are all enemies anyway, don't mind." Ace said with a smile, then looked at Crocodile and said seriously: "Crocodar, I'm going to meet Big Mom for a while, and my brother is How about I leave it to you to take care of it for me?"

"Your brother?" Crocodile turned his head and looked at Luffy who was still fighting with the Big Mom Pirates not far away. He frowned and said, "That brat from Straw Hat has a lot of connection with me. Are you really relieved to let me take care of him because of his hatred?"

"Of course, we are comrades who fought side by side in the hell of Impel Down City!" Ace gave Crocodile a thumbs up and said, "Luffy will be left to you, at least until dawn, don't let him I'll be caught by Big Mom's people, please!" After saying that, Ace flew up and flew towards the cake castle.

"Hey~, what a self-righteous man." Crocodile looked at the direction Ace disappeared with an unhappy expression on his face, then looked at Luffy, pondered for a while, and finally walked towards him.

"Heavy Shalan!"

Crocodile released a sandstorm and directly swept away all the cadres of the Big Mom Pirates who were fighting with Wang Luffy.

"Sand Crocodile!" Seeing Crocodile suddenly appearing, Luffy was stunned for a moment, then looked at him warily.

Although he couldn't figure out why Crocodile appeared here, he had not forgotten the grudge between the two of them in Alabasta, and he would not think that he would help him.

"I was once defeated by a weak pirate like you, and now I feel ashamed even thinking about it!" Crocodile looked at Luffy who was on guard with disdain, then turned around and said, "Although I agreed to Potka Si will take care of you until dawn, but I won’t be your nanny. If you don’t want to be caught, I’ll follow you myself.”

"Weak... Am I still too weak?" Looking at Crocodile's back, Wang Lufei shook his hands. He thought he could fight side by side with Ace, but he didn't expect that he was still a burden.

"But, I will definitely become stronger soon!" Wang Lufei's eyes quickly became firm again, and then he chased after Crocodile's back.

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