One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 221 Crocodile’s Determination

"Armed One Style - Air God Strike!"


Ace's armed domineering energy was released without reservation, and it hit Charlotte Lingling hard. The place where she was hit was directly dented, and then her whole body was severely bombarded by the huge power. Fly out.

This time, the Sky God Strike was not just a release of armed domineering energy. At the same time as the attack, the elbows of Ace's hands also released powerful purple flames, and the driving force generated greatly strengthened the power of the Sky Underworld Hammer attack.

Boom! ~

Charlotte Lingling's flying body crashed through the cake castle, then flew directly to the coast, collapsing another mountain before stopping.

"...Mom, I was beaten away!"

"This...this, how is this possible!"

Charlotte Perospero and Charlotte Smoothie had shocked expressions on their faces when they saw Big Mom being beaten away.

"Oh, it looks like it flew far away." Ace looked at the direction Charlotte Lingling flew out, smiled, and then flew away, speeding in that direction.

"Mommy mommy."

"Are you OK!"

[Sun] Prometheus and [Thundercloud] Zeus surrounded Charlotte Lingling, shouting anxiously.

"Shut up!" The disheveled Charlotte Lingling climbed up from the gravel. Although she didn't look injured, the anger on her face made her eyes turn red.

"You were actually knocked away so far!" Charlotte Lingling glanced around, then arched her body, jumped up, and shouted: "Zeus!"

"Here we come, mom!" Thundercloud Zeus understood and immediately flew under Charlotte Lingling and caught her.

"Go back and beat me so far away. I must kill that brat with my own hands!" Charlotte Lingling said with an angry look.

"No need to bother, I'm already here!"

Before Thundercloud Zeus and Charlotte Lingling flew far, they directly met Ace who was flying towards them.

"Kid, I'm really angry this time, you're dead!" Charlotte Lingling's red eyes almost burst out of fire when she saw Ace flying towards her. Then she stretched out her right hand and shouted: "Napoleon, Prometheus!"

"Here it comes, mom! X2"

[Tricorned Hat] Napoleon and [Sun] Prometheus understood each other. The former turned into a huge blade and fell into the hands of Charlotte Lingling, while the latter turned directly into flames and wrapped around Charlotte Lingling's head. , and then spread to her whole body and the blade in her hand, making Charlotte Lingling look like a burning giant.

"Go to hell, you brat!" The angry Charlotte Lingling came riding a thundercloud, flew in front of Ace quickly, then raised the burning blade in her hand and struck him down hard.

"Emperor's Sword: Broken Blade!"

"Well done!" Faced with Charlotte Lingling's angry slash, Ace's eyes were solemn, but he did not dodge. Instead, he raised his hands, clasped his hands, interlocked his fingers, and formed a hammer shape, and then put his own The armed domineering force was released without reservation, and he struck hard at Charlotte Lingling's chopping blade.

"Armed 2nd Form - Kongming Hammer!"

Boom! ~

This time, the fight between Ace and Charlotte Lingling was just like when Ace fought against Kaido in Wano Country. Before their attacks even touched, a thunderous arrogance shot into the sky. Suddenly, a heavy dark cloud appeared in the sky, as if the sky was falling, giving people a strong and oppressive feeling that was about to suffocate.

boom! ~

When the two attacks officially collided, a tyrannical impact swept out from the two of them instantly, and the heavy aftermath turned into a hurricane, not only sweeping through the entire Cake Island, but even affecting the surrounding Cake Island. The sea area with a radius of dozens of miles suddenly surged into turbulent waves.

That shocking sight was even more terrifying than the scene when Charlotte Lingling got angry when she couldn't eat the dessert she wanted.

However, an even more terrifying scene was still in the sky. The momentum of Ace and Charlotte Lingling's full collision was like a sharp blade, splitting the thick clouds in the sky.

That scene, from a distance, looked like the sky was torn apart by the collision between the two.

"Impossible! Such a sight..." Charlotte Perospero looked at the [split] sky in the sky, and suddenly thought of the man who had not yet become the Pirate King who came here more than 20 years ago. , the scene when the two of them fought while snatching something from their mother's hand.

However, at that time, the [celestial phenomena] that occurred when his mother and that man fought were even more terrifying than they are now.

Charlotte Smoothie looked at the [celestial phenomenon] in the sky, and also recalled the memories of that time more than twenty years ago.

Although she was still very young at the time, that scene was deeply engraved in her mind.

"That man really wasn't serious when he fought with me. Moreover, does he really have the strength of the [Yonko] level?" Charlotte Smoothie thought in her heart.

She had fought against Ace. At that time, she naively thought that the man was not that great. For a moment, she even felt that she could defeat him.

However, now that she saw the [celestial phenomena] that occurred when he fought with his mother, Charlotte Smoothie knew that she was too naive.

When that man was fighting with her, he didn't show his true strength at all, and he might even be teasing her.

Now that I think about it, it’s really a bit irritating.

"...Is that guy actually so powerful?" Somewhere on Cake Island, Crocodile looked at the [celestial phenomena] in the sky and remained silent for a long time.

Of course Crocodile knew that the [celestial phenomenon] in the sky was caused by the fight between Ace and Big Mom. At the same time, he thought of what Ace had said to him not long ago, and couldn't help but murmured: "Could it be that Do I really think I have lost the qualification to reach the top as that guy said?”

Crocodile was silent for a while, and then he secretly made some determination in his heart, and decided to give up pursuing the power of 'things outside of himself' before he became strong enough.

"Hey, Sand Crocodile, why did the sky become like that? It looks very depressing." Wang Lufei, who had never seen the [Four Emperors] level battle, did not understand what the [celestial phenomenon] in the sky meant. It just felt like something was pressing on the top of my head and my chest was a little tight.

"..." Crocodile glanced at him indifferently, his eyes full of disdain. He wanted to explain to him, but when he thought that he had been defeated by this kind of thing, he felt sad again, and he completely lost his ability to educate him. Mood.

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