One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 222 Katakuri and Shiliu

In the cake castle, there are treasures everywhere.

"Shiliu, you saw it!" Katakuri pointed to the [celestial phenomenon] in the sky and said to Shiliu who was standing opposite him: "That man already has the strength to ascend the throne. He once told me personally, He will unseat all the [Four Emperors] soon and create a new era."

"I also have this kind of power, you should have realized it just now, and I already have a comprehensive plan." Katakuri pulled down his scarf, revealing a ferocious face, looked at Shiliu, and said in a deep voice: " How about you join me, or are you ready to end your journey here?"

That's right, Katakuri, whose ambition was pulled out of his heart by Ace, has already begun to find a team for himself, laying the foundation for future hegemony.

Shiliu is the partner he likes. For this reason, he even showed his long-hidden strength in front of Shiliu, which is comparable to the power of the Four Emperors.

"..." Shiliu looked at Katakuri and had a million words of MMP in his heart, but he didn't dare to say them out.

You made it so obvious. If you don't surrender, you will die. If you can't beat me, what else can I do?

I haven’t lived enough yet, so of course I choose to surrender!

Shiliu silently sheathed the [Thunderstorm] in her hand and said, "Okay, I choose to join the Big Mom Pirates."

"No, it's not the Big Mom Pirates, but me, Charlotte Katakuri's subordinate!" Katakuri looked at Shiliu and said seriously.

Shiliu looked at Katakuri, then nodded solemnly, and said again: "I understand, from now on, I will be your subordinate Katakuri!"

"Very good!" Katakuri nodded with satisfaction, and the battle between the two ended here. Next, Hiryu will become a member of the Big Mom Pirates who openly joins the Big Mom Pirates, but secretly surrenders to Katakuri. Kuli's twenty-fifth son.

Shiliu didn't want to do this, but the situation was stronger than the people, and he had no choice. If he had known that things would turn out like this, he would never have agreed to Big Mom's invitation to come to this island.

But it was useless to regret it now. As for informing Big Mom afterwards and telling Charlotte Lingling about Katakuri's ambition, he had not thought about it, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

Moreover, Shiliu always feels that compared to surrendering to Big Mom, joining Katakuri's command seems to be easier to accept.

Southeast coast of Cake Island.

In mid-air, the battle between Ace and Charlotte Lingling had been going on all night and was still going on.

And as the two of them fought, the dark clouds in the sky covering the entire Cake Island became lower and lower, as if the sky was about to collapse.

If they hadn't deliberately controlled the battlefield in mid-air, Cake Island would have been sunk by them long ago.

Because the battlefield between Ace and Charlotte Lingling is in the sky, people on the island who have the ability to participate cannot go up, and those who can go up are not even qualified to approach the battlefield between the two, so everyone on the island can only Looking up at the battle between the two people below.

Even though everyone in the Charlotte family has absolute confidence in their mother, after a night of fighting, they have to admit that the man known as [Fire Emperor] has the potential to challenge the [Four Emperors] qualifications.

And as time goes by, some people even begin to worry, will Charlotte Lingling be defeated?

"If Big Mom is defeated by [Enti], are you sure to control the situation and take over the Big Mom Pirates?" In the cake castle, Shiru came to Katakuri and asked him.

"It's impossible for him to defeat mom, at least not yet." Katakuri shook his head, and then said: "If mom is defeated now, unless I can kill him, the Big Mom Pirates will soon It will fall apart."

"Then will you kill him?" Xiliu asked again.

"If mom is defeated, I will take action." Katakuri glanced at Shiliu, pondered for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "But mom can't be defeated, at least... not now."

Hearing this, Xi Liu smiled, then turned his attention to the battlefield in the sky and said no more.

In a street of Dessert City, Crocodile took Wang Luffy and found Daz Bones, but later met Charlotte Snag, one of the Four Dessert Generals, and several members of the Big Mom Pirates. Cadres, the two sides started fighting again without any suspense.

Although Charlotte Snag is at the bottom of the four dessert generals, the strength of the 600 million bounty is not just blown away, but he met Crocodile, and he has already given up his obsession. , Crocodile regained his mentality.

So once the two sides met, Charlotte Snag was completely suppressed by Crocodile and seemed to be no match at all.

"Sand Crocodile... Is this guy so powerful?" Wang Lufei was a little surprised when he saw Crocodile showing off his power. He felt that Crocodile was much stronger now than he was in Alabasta.

Near the Cake Castle, the 'Queen of Happy Street' Stacy, who was besieged by Charlotte Owen, Charlotte Dafu and Dandan, was no match at all and was running away in a hurry under the pursuit of the three.

Kick, kick, kick! ~

After finally escaping from the Cake Castle, Stacy immediately used [Moon Step] to fly into the air, hoping to use this method to escape from the pursuit of Charlotte Owen and Dandan, but as soon as she flew into the air, Charlotte The 35th son of the family, Charlotte Yoon, suddenly appeared in front of her.

"It's just a moon step, there are a lot of people here. It's just wishful thinking to escape from under our noses with this trick." Charlotte Yone said to Stacey with a childish look on her face. One sentence, and then a heavy hammer knocked her down from the sky.

"Good job, Yoon."

"This woman can't escape now!"


Stacy hit the ground hard and was surrounded by Charlotte Irving and three others again.

Just when Stacy was desperate, a huge roar suddenly came from the sky, attracting the attention of everyone, including Charlotte Owen.

"Elbaf's Spear·Powerful Country!"

"Armed · Three Styles - Emperor Yan's Seal!"

Boom! ! ~

In the sky, Ace and Big Mom shouted loudly at the same time, and then a deafening explosion came from the clouds.

Along with this loud noise, a huge hole suddenly appeared in the thick dark clouds over the cake island. The next moment, a violent storm poured out of the hole, like a hurricane, sweeping across the entire cake in an instant. island and surrounding waters.

PS: I went out today and came home late. The update is a bit late. Sorry, (*^▽^*)

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