One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 223 The whole group mobilizes

"Elbaf's Spear·Powerful Country!"

"Armed · Three Styles - Emperor Yan's Seal!"

In the sky, Ace and Charlotte Lingling shouted loudly at the same time, and then a deafening explosion came from the clouds.

This time, the power of the collision between the two people not only completely dispersed the [celestial phenomenon] that shrouded the sky over Cake Island, but the aftermath was like a hurricane, instantly ravaging the entire Cake Island into chaos, and the surrounding sea area was also rough.

At the same time, after the [Celestial Phenomenon] in the sky was dispelled, the figures of Ace and Charlotte Lingling reappeared in everyone's eyes.

"Look, someone is falling from the sky."

"That is...Mom, how is this possible!!~"

"Has mom been defeated?"

Seeing Charlotte Lingling falling from the sky, the entire Big Mom Pirates were stunned and thought that Charlotte Lingling had been defeated by Ace.


Charlotte Lingling fell on the cake island, making a big hole in the ground.

"You brat, you actually killed [Zeus]. I must kill you!" Charlotte Lingling got up from the pit and roared at the sky.


Hearing Charlotte Lingling's breathtaking voice, the entire Big Mom Pirates group instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Forget it, you can't beat me, Big Mom!" In the sky, Ace, who had released the [Fire Emperor] form, looked at Charlotte Lingling falling from the sky, curled his lips and said: " Although I can’t defeat you now.”

Although he was scarred, Ace was very excited. After this battle with Charlotte Lingling, he was finally able to confirm that his current strength has reached the level of the [Yonko]. Although he may not be the [Yonko] 】The lowest level of the hierarchy, but at least he has touched the top level of power in this sea.

"What are you talking about!" After hearing Ace's words, Charlotte Lingling became furious and yelled at Ace in the sky: "You brat, if you can, come down and we will continue to fight. See if I can do it." Kill you!"

"Come up if you can!" Ace said provocatively, holding his hands and hovering in mid-air.

Although if he continues to fight, he will lose in all likelihood, but at least he must not show weakness.

"Smelly brat!"

Charlotte Lingling was very angry, but Thundercloud Zeus was killed. Now she had no means to fly, so she could only stare at Ace in mid-air.


At this time, Charlotte Perospero and Charlotte Smoothie came to Charlotte Lingling with dozens of cadres of the Big Mom Pirates.

When they saw Charlotte Lingling's appearance, they were all stunned.

"Mom, you...are hurt!"

"How is this possible? Mom is actually injured!"

That's right, Charlotte Lingling looks very embarrassed now. Not only does she have various serious burns on her body, but of the three strongest Homitz around her, only [Napoleon] is still intact, and [Prometheus] is still intact. ] and [Zeus] have been beaten to the point where they cannot maintain their original form.

"Smelly brat!"

Charlotte Lingling ignored Charlotte Perospero who came over and they just stared at Ace in the sky fiercely, with anger rising all over her body, and they were about to go berserk.


At this time, the phone bug in Perospero's hand suddenly rang. He immediately answered the call, and then a panicked voice immediately sounded from the phone bug's mouth.

"Brother Perospero, no, Brother Snag has been defeated!"

"What!" Perospero was shocked when he heard the news. As the signature of the Big Mom Pirates and one of the four dessert generals, Charlotte Snag was defeated. This is a big deal!

Even Charlotte Lingling, who was furious, was attracted by the news.


However, before Charlotte Lingling could speak, the phone bug in Charlotte Smoothie's hand rang again.

"Mom, mom, this is Cocoa Island. Just now, the ship of the [Kyuji Pirates] suddenly broke into our territory for some unknown reason."

As soon as Charlotte Smoothie answered the phone, a panicked voice came through the phone.

"Kyuji...the [Empress] Boya Hancock of the Seven Warlords? Why did she suddenly break into our territory?" Charlotte Smoothie asked the phone bug.

"No...I don't know, and they seem to have refused to negotiate and turned the phone bug we sent over into stone. Their ship is now heading towards Cake Island. Do they need to be stopped?"

"No need to stop her, let her come!" Charlotte Lingling suddenly spoke and said in a deep voice: "Whether it is Elbaf's giant or Kuji's Shichibukai, no matter who it is, let them come. Just let them see the consequences of making me angry!"

"I understand, Mom, then I will...wait, what is that!"

Suddenly, the voice on the phone changed suddenly, as if he had suddenly seen something terrible.

"What's wrong? What happened again?" Hearing the sudden change in the voice over there, Perospero suddenly had a bad feeling and asked the phone bug.

"Mom, something big... something bad is going to happen. The ship of the Spade Pirates is also coming towards us!"

"There are six pirate ships in total. The leading ship is flying the Spade, the flag of the Spade Pirates, and behind them are——

[Thor Pirates] led by ‘Thor’ Enel

[Heart Pirates] led by ‘Surgeon of Death’ Trafalgar Law

[Rogue Knight Pirates] led by ‘Rogue Knight’ Doma

"The Gluttonous Girl" Joelle Bonny's [Bonnie Pirates]

The [Massive Dog Pirates] led by ‘Massive Dog’ George Salin and...all the members of the Spade Pirates, and..."

"Moreover, all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates are also on the Spade Pirates' ship. Are they...are they going to launch a war against us?!"

"What!" Hearing the news from the phone bug, Perospero was so frightened that he almost bit off his tongue. Then he looked at Charlotte Lingling and asked: "Mom, what should I do...?"

That's right, it was Ace's order to dispatch the entire Spade Pirates.

Before returning to Dessert City, Ace used a phone bug to contact Sun Island and asked them all to dispatch to the territory of the Big Mom Pirates.

It would be best if he could successfully get Charlotte Lingling to hand over the three women. If not, he would not hesitate to launch a war against the Big Mom Pirates.

Without him, just because his brother called those three women 'saviors', that was enough.

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