One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 224 Reaching an Agreement

"Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates?" Charlotte Lingling, who heard the news, laughed angrily and said, "Come on, let them all come over. I don't have anywhere to vent my anger, so let me take care of it all at once. You’ve solved it all!”

"You brat, don't think that you can scare me with such a posture!" Charlotte Lingling raised her head, looked at Ace in the sky, and said in a deep voice: "This time, even if the old man with white beard comes here in person, I can’t stop me from taking your head off.”

"BIG·MOM, there is no irresolvable conflict between us. As long as you hand over those three women to me now, we will leave your territory immediately. How about that?" Ace said to Charlotte Lingling. .

To be honest, Ace doesn't want to start a full-scale war with the Big Mom Pirates at this time, because once the war starts, the next situation will be completely out of control, which is very detrimental to his subsequent plans.

Of course, once things develop to an irreversible point, he will not be afraid of an all-out war with the Big Mom Pirates.

"Don't even think about it!" Charlotte Lingling looked at Ace and said in a deep voice: "If you had been obedient and made a deal with me from the beginning, things would not have developed to the point where they are now. At this point, no one can Don’t even think about leaving my territory safe and sound.”

"In that case, let's start a war. BIG·MOM!" Ace looked at Charlotte Lingling below and responded in the same deep voice.

"Well, well, well, hahahaha, that's cool." After hearing Ace's words, Charlotte Lingling laughed and said, "Come down, brat, let's continue the fight just now!"


Just when Ace was about to fall from the sky and continue fighting Charlotte Lingling, a voice suddenly stopped him.

Ace looked in the direction of the sound and saw Katakuri and Shiru walking towards this direction.

"Katakuri..." Seeing Katakuri and Shiliu behind him, Ace was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: 'Does this guy seem to have already taken Shiliu under his command? ’

"Katakuri?" Charlotte Lingling also looked at Katakuri who was walking towards him, and asked in a deep voice: "My dear son, do you want to stop me?"

"No, mother." Katakuri came to Charlotte Lingling and said to her: "Compared to starting a war with the Spade Pirates, we have more important things to do."

"Oh?" Charlotte Lingling looked at her best son in confusion and asked, "What else is more important than letting me vent my anger?"

"It's the World Government!" Katakuri looked at Charlotte Lingling and said in a deep voice: "Just now, the minions of the World Government [CP0] broke into our territory and took away the people in front of Owen and Daifuku. Stacey and a rubbing of [historical text] in our hands.”

"It was also at that time that I came to my senses. It turned out that the woman Stracey was actually a spy affiliated with the World Government [CP0]."

"Stacy has always been very close to our family, and that woman knows too many of our secrets, so I think, rather than going to war with the world government, we should first find Stacy and get back what belongs to us. Let’s talk about things later.” Katakuri said in a deep voice.

"What!" Upon hearing Katakuri's words, Charlotte Lingling was immediately shocked and angry. The domineering aura released around her made everyone around him subconsciously step back.

"Stracey!" Charlotte Lingling was furious. Among the giants in the underground world, the one who had the best relationship with the Charlotte family was the 'Queen of Happy Street'. Charlotte Lingling had always been against Stacy is a woman whom she trusts very much, and the frequent transactions between the two parties have also led to Stacy knowing many secrets of the Big Mom Pirates.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Charlotte Lingling hates the feeling of being betrayed by someone she trusts. Therefore, Stacy must die!

"Kid!" Charlotte Lingling suddenly raised her head, looked at Ace, and said, "You heard it just now, right? I'll give you a chance to steal the head of that woman Stacy and her from my place. Bring me your belongings, and I will return those three women to you, and this time the matter will be purchased and sold in one lump sum, how about that?"

Faced with Charlotte Lingling's request, Ace thought for a moment, then fell from the sky, looked at her, nodded and said: "Yes, but you must give them three to me first. I promise to help you." Kill Stacey and get back the rubbings of [Historical Text]."

"Deal!" Charlotte Lingling directly agreed to return the three Margarets to Ace without even thinking about it. She didn't seem to worry at all that Ace would break his promise.

"Bree!" Charlotte Lingling turned around, waved to Charlotte Bray in the crowd, and said, "Let those three women out."

"Yes, mother." Upon hearing this, Charlotte Bray immediately activated her ability and released the three Margarets who were locked in the mirror.

The three women who were released were a little overwhelmed when they saw the big shots around them, and stood there shivering in a daze.

"Kid, if you dare to lie to me, what you will face next time is the wrath of the entire Big Mom Pirates." Charlotte Lingling looked at Ace, warned, and then smiled: "Remind you In a word, don’t underestimate [CP0].”

Ace curled his lips and thought to himself: You don't have to remind me, that is the most mysterious intelligence department of the World Government, how could I underestimate them.

As far as Ace knows, [CP0] contains hidden combat power that is comparable to the admiral who possesses the [World Government's Strongest Combat Power].

Not to mention that [CP0], in addition to being able to directly contact the [Five Old Stars] who hold the highest power of the world government and the [Celestial Dragons] who claim to be the descendants of the Creator, it seems that [CP0] also has huge power to mobilize the admiral-level combat power of the Navy Headquarters. Ai How could Si underestimate them.

"Well, well, well, kid, don't keep me waiting too long. My patience is limited." Charlotte Lingling threw the [Emperor Sword] in her hand upwards, and the blade immediately turned into a three-cornered hat, and she wore it On his head, he then smiled at Ace and said, "Kid, do you really not consider being my son-in-law? I can marry the best woman to you."

"Hey!~" Ace didn't bother to answer this kind of question and turned around and left.

But after walking a few steps, he stopped again, turned to look at the three Kuja women, and called to them: "Hey, you three, come up quickly, Luffy is very worried about you guys."

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