"Hey, Ace!"

Ace had not gone far with the three women of Nine Snakes when he heard Wang Lufei's voice coming from afar.

Ace heard the sound and looked around, just in time to see this group of people running towards him excitedly. Behind him, Crocodile and Daz Bonis were also following.

"Eh? Luffy~"

Seeing Wang Lufei, the trembling Margaret and the other three finally seemed to have found their backbone and immediately rushed towards Wang Lufei.

"Margaret, Aflandora, and..."

"Have you been rescued by Ace? That's great!" Wang Lufei was overjoyed when he saw the three rescued women, then sped up and ran over, hugging the most beautiful Margaret.

"You should have said my name, you stinky man!" Speedo complained immediately without hearing his name.

"Well...we must have been rescued, right?" Margaret looked at Ace quietly and said in a low voice.

Through the conversation between the man and the [Four Emperors] just now, she could tell that the three of them were released because this man made some kind of deal with the [Four Emperors].

"Krokdal, thank you!" Ace first looked at Crocodile and thanked him.

Ace was very sure that during the time when he was fighting Big Mom, if Crocodile hadn't been watching Luffy, this guy might have caused some unexpected incident.

"By the way, I have something to discuss with you. After the things here are over, you come to me and I will fulfill my promise to you... If you still insist on wanting that thing," Ace looked at Crocodile , smiled.

"...I will go find you." Crocodile just glanced at Ace lightly, left a cool word, then turned and walked in the other direction.

When Daz Bonis saw this, he immediately followed.

After Crocodile left, Ace suddenly bowed to Margaret and the other three, and said seriously: "Um...my brother has been lucky thanks to your care during this period."

"No, no, you're welcome." Margaret was stunned for a moment, and then the three of them immediately responded.

"You have to have it. After all, I know how difficult this guy is. I'm really lucky for you." Ace smiled and then said: "By the way, the ship of the Nine Snakes Pirates has also arrived. Did you inform me here?"

"Well, I told Sister Qijiang, but I didn't expect His Majesty to come in person. What should I do?" Speedo said anxiously.

"Don't worry, it's okay now. The Big Mom Pirates won't cause you any more trouble."

Ace came to Luffy's side and spoke to the third woman in a friendly tone. Then he turned around and slapped Wang Luffy on the head, scolding: "As for you, kid, can't you just be more content?!"

Ace originally thought that after the war at the top, this guy would be able to practice peacefully for a while, but he didn't expect that he would still cause trouble everywhere.

Could it be that until I die in front of you, this guy can't make progress? It’s so infuriating!

"It hurts!" Wang Lufei covered his head, looked at Ace with fear in his eyes, and said, "Ace, why are your fists like grandpa's!"

"They are all fists full of love, of course." Ace glared at him and said angrily: "After the things here are over, you kid, come with me."

"But I still have to stay on Nine Snakes Island to practice!" Wang Lufei covered his head and said with an unhappy expression.

"Let yourself stay there by yourself. Only if you can practice peacefully can there be ghosts!" Ace gave Wang Luffy another slap in the face, then looked at him seriously and said in a deep voice: "Luffy, you don't want to either Will this kind of thing be treated as a 'trading item' again in the future?"

"Ah, of course!" After hearing Ace's words, Wang Lufei's expression became serious and he said, "I want to become stronger, stronger than you Ace, stronger than anyone else!"

"I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King!"

"Then stop talking nonsense and follow me!" Ace said.

"Hey, if I follow Ace, can I become stronger faster?" Wang Lufei broke through the power in one second and asked with a blank expression.

"Of course not, I don't have time to teach you." Ace turned around and walked towards the coast, saying, "But I will help you find a teacher, a very powerful teacher."

"Hey, teacher, is it true?" Wang Lufei followed Ace, caught up with him and asked, "Ace, who is the teacher you are looking for for me?"

"You don't know him... Well, you can't say you don't know him. You must have heard of his name, but you probably haven't seen him... In short, he is very powerful," Ace said.

"Very powerful!" Upon hearing Ace's words, stars suddenly appeared in Wang Lufei's eyes, and then he pestered Ace and asked, "Hey, Ace, is he more powerful than you?"

"Well, he's stronger than me. My domineering power is thanks to his teachings."

"Really? The teacher who taught Ace how to practice domineering? I really want to meet him right away!~"

"After we leave here, I will take you to see him. But then again, Luffy, why were you captured by Big Mom?"

"Really? I'm really looking forward to it! That old lady from Big Mom? Hmm... It seems like I ate the dessert I was going to give to her."

Bang! ~

Hearing this reason, Ace couldn't help but give the guy another 'love fist' and scolded: "You guy, can't you control your mouth?"

"It hurts!~ But those snacks are really delicious!"

"Hey, really?"

"Yeah, Ace, if you had tasted it, you would definitely grab it."

"Really? If I have a chance, I would like to try it."

"By the way, are all the Nine Snake Islands really women?"

"Well, all of them. When I first got there, they looked at me like I was a 'rare animal.'"

"Hey, then you have been seen by them!"

"Well, I almost had my golden eggs taken off, it was so scary!"

"Is it so scary? I originally wanted to go there and have a look, but now that I think about it, I might as well forget it."

The two brothers Ace and Luffy were walking in front, chatting. Behind them, Margaret looked at each other and followed helplessly.

When they heard the content of the two brothers' conversation slowly changing, they both showed expressions of "Sure enough," at the same time.

Sure enough, even if he is strong enough to threaten the [Four Emperors], he cannot change his funny nature. He is worthy of being Luffy's older brother.

When Ace and his group of five arrived at the south shore of Cake Island, they found a boat parked on the coast. On this boat, the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family, Charlotte Brynn, was already waiting for them.

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