"Well... mother asked me to take you back." Charlotte Brynn looked at Ace and others and said timidly.

"That's it, then I'll trouble you!" Ace raised his head, looked at Charlotte Brynn on the boat, and said with a smile.

"No...it doesn't matter." Upon hearing Ace's words, Charlotte Brynn immediately covered her cheeks and put on a shy expression.

"Haha." Ace looked at Charlotte Brynn's 'shy' look, keeping a polite smile on her face, but sneering in her heart.

This woman is indeed Charlotte Lingling's most cherished daughter. Her acting skills are really beyond words. If I hadn't known your true face, I would have almost been deceived by you.

However, Charlotte Lingling asked her to see her off, and she also acted like a 'young girl in love' in front of me. It seemed that she still wanted to recruit me as her son-in-law.

Hum, you evil old woman, I won’t let you succeed.

After boarding Charlotte Brynn's ship and sailing at sea for several hours, they finally encountered a ship, which was the ship of the Kuja Pirates from Amazon Lily.

"Hey, Hancock, everyone!~"

Wang Lufei looked very happy when he saw Kuji's ship. He stood on the bow and jumped up and waved to the Kuji pirate group's ship.

"Sister, it's Luffy and the others." Sandasonia said happily to the 'Empress' Boya Hancock when she saw Wang Luffy waving to them from the bow of the boat.

"The Ai family saw it." Boya Hancock replied coldly, but his eyes were fixed on Ace's figure.

Marigold followed her sister's gaze and saw Ace's figure as well, and said, "Is that man the [Fire Emperor]?"

Ever since they learned that Ace almost killed the Celestial Dragons in the Shampoo Islands, the three empress sisters have been paying attention to the news about Ace. It was precisely because of Ace's relationship that they accepted Luffy and allowed him to stay in Nine Snakes. practice on the territory.

"..." The empress didn't speak, she just looked at Ace standing on Charlotte Breen's boat quietly. She had always wanted to ask this man face to face whether he had ever regretted doing something to the Celestial Dragons. matter.

A few minutes later, the two ships met on the sea. Luffy and the three women from Kuji excitedly rushed onto the ship of the Kuji Pirates.

"Margaret, Aflandora, and Speedo, are you okay?" Kikyo, the 'national protector' of the Nine Snakes Island who came with the Nine Snakes Pirates, saw the safe Margarita III. Man, he felt relieved.

To be precise, the three Margarets, like Kikyo, are not official members of the Nine Snakes Pirates, but are country protectors affiliated with Amazon Lily.

"We're fine, thanks to Luffy's brother."

"Compared to this, we..."

Margaret and the other three chatted with Platycodon for a while, then came to the empress, knelt down and said in unison: "I'm sorry, Lady Snake, we have caused you trouble."

"It doesn't matter, just step back."

The empress didn't even look at the three of them. She waved casually, then came to the side of the boat and looked at Ace, who was still on Charlotte Brynn's boat.

Ace happened to raise his head and met the empress's gaze. He gave him a warm smile, then raised his hand and said hello: "Long time no see, Your Excellency, the empress of Nine Snakes."

The first time the two met was on the battlefield of the Dingshang War. Although they did not fight at that time, they were still hostile, but they had never met each other at that time.

Strictly speaking, this was their first official meeting.

"..." The empress looked at Ace with a hesitant expression on her face, as if she wanted to say something but didn't know where to start.

Seeing the empress's expression, Ace knew that she probably had something to say to him, and it just so happened that Ace also had something to say to her.

"Miss Brynn, thank you for sending us here. We don't need you to send us there for the rest of the journey." Ace said hello to Charlotte Brynn, then jumped on the Nine Snakes Pirates group ship.

"No...you're welcome." Charlotte Brynn shook her head timidly, then plucked up the courage and said loudly to Ace: "Well...Mr. Ace, see you next time."

"See you next time!" Ace waved to Charlotte Brynn, then looked at the empress, and said with a smile: "My friends are coming here and should be here soon. Do you mind giving me a ride?" Bar?"

"It doesn't matter..." The empress shook her head, and then said: "Follow me, Ai... I have something to say to you." After saying that, the empress turned and walked towards the cabin.

"It just so happens that I also have something to say to you." Ace smiled and followed.

"Whatever you want to say, I'm going to go too..."

Wang Lufei heard the conversation between the two and wanted to follow them with great interest, but was held back by Sandasonia and Marigold at the same time.

"Luffy, I want to know what happened to you here at Big Mom. Please stay and tell us."

"Hmm, I want to know too."

Sandasonia and Marigold pestered Wang Lufei and said.

"That's it, okay then." Wang Lufei scratched his head, and then told them happily about what happened to him in the Big Mom Pirates.

Well, in fact, this guy couldn't explain it at all. It was only after Margaret and the three of them told what happened that everyone figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

"I see."

After hearing what happened to Wang Luffy and Margaret in the Big Mom Pirates, sisters Sandasonia and Marigold looked at Snake Girl's room at the same time.

To be able to fight the [Four Emperors] to such an extent, that man has become so powerful.

In the cabin, in Snake Queen's room, Ace and the Empress sat opposite each other.

"First of all, thank you very much for taking care of my brother during this time. It's a blessing." Ace stood up, bowed politely to the empress, thanked him, and then said: "I will send Luffy to you later." Take him away and he won't cause any more trouble to you."

"It doesn't matter..." The empress waved her hand. She looked at Ace for a while, with a tangled look on her face.

Looking at the troubled Empress, Ace immediately guessed what he wanted to ask, and said, "Your Excellency, just ask whatever you want. As my brother's savior, no matter what you want to know, I will tell you." I’ll tell you with reservation.”

"Then I'll tell you the truth." After hearing Ace's words, the empress mustered up the courage and asked him: "I want to know, after beating the Celestial Dragon in Shampoo, did you ever regret it?"

"So that's what happened." After hearing this, Ace smiled and said, "To be honest, I regret it..."

Listening to Ace's answer, the empress showed a disappointed look on her face, but what Ace said next shocked her.

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