One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 228 Marco’s Approval

"Goodbye, Hancock, Sandasonia and Marigold!~"

"Goodbye, Margaret, Aflandora and... let's meet again in the future!!~"

On the Spade, Luffy stood on the bow of the ship, waving his arms loudly to the Nine Snakes Pirates' ship and saying goodbye to them.

"Say my name instead, you bastard man!" Speedo yelled madly as Wang Lufei forgot his name again.

In a 'joyful' atmosphere, Ace and the others bid farewell to the Nine Snakes Pirates.

"Ace, is this the brother you always talk about?"

Reluctant to watch the Kuja Pirates' ship disappear from sight, Ace's companions all looked at Luffy and asked.

"Ah, that's right." Ace nodded, and then introduced all his friends to Wang Lufei, including several captains of the Spade Pirates.

"I remember you, the guy who made thunder, we met on Sky Island." Wang Lufei looked at Anilu and said excitedly.

"Hey!~" Enel curled his lips, he really didn't like this guy who was making noise like a monkey, even if he was Ace's younger brother.

"Wow, such a small person still has wings!" Suddenly, Wang Lufei saw brother and sister Kakus and Carlos, his eyes flashed and he screamed, reaching out to catch them.

Snapped! ~

Karkus slapped Wang Luffy's hand that was reaching out to Carols with a knight's spear, and scolded: "You rude guy, how can you reach out to the most beautiful lady?"

"It hurts!" Wang Lufei covered the back of his red hand and said in surprise: "You are so young, how can you be domineering?"

"What does being domineering have to do with body size?" Carols asked doubtfully.

"It doesn't matter, don't try to talk common sense to this guy, he won't understand." Ace shook his head, then looked at Marco and others aside, and said with a smile, "Why are you even here?"

Ace originally only notified the Spade Pirates to come, but he didn't expect Marco and the other captains to come with them, which surprised him.

"Dad heard that you had a conflict with Big Mom and the others. Luo happened to be checking dad's body at that time, so we followed him together." Marco looked at Ace and smiled: "I heard that you were at Cake Island You had a fight with Big Mom last night, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Ace shook his head and said, "Although I can't beat her now, she can't do anything to me."

"You can actually make that old lady from Big Mom helpless? That's amazing." Marco looked at Ace in surprise and praised: "No wonder dad chose you as his successor. You are growing up so fast. Ace."

To be honest, although Marco did not have any ambition to inherit the Whitebeard Pirates, he did not have any objections to his father's selection of Ace as his successor. However, after the war at the top, Marco saw Ace's growth with his own eyes, and gradually began to accept the fact that Ace was the heir to the Whitebeard Pirates.

In Marco's heart, the desire for power is not strong. His ambition is the same as that of Whitebeard. He only hopes to live freely on the sea with his familiar family.

Such a wish seems very simple, but in fact it is the most luxurious thing. The reason why they can roam the sea unscrupulously now is because they have Whitebeard, [the strongest man in the world] as their backing. Once Whitebeard falls, If it goes down, everything they have now may be destroyed in an instant.

Marco is a self-aware person. He knows that he does not have the strength to protect his family like his father, so when he sees Ace grow up, his sense of identification with Ace gradually deepens.

However, this incident of Ace making a big fuss in the Big Mom Pirates once changed his perception of Ace's strength.

In just a short time, this kid has grown to the point where the [Four Emperors] are helpless. If he is given some more time, his strength may surpass his father's.

"Hey!~" Ace smiled proudly, then clenched his fist and said, "Although my current strength is still far behind that of the [Four Emperors], I will soon surpass them."

"You guy..." Marco looked at Ace who looked proud, shook his head with a smile, and said: "Although you are very strong now, don't underestimate the [Yonko], especially Kaido and Big Mom, if they go crazy, even dad will have a headache."

"Don't worry, I never look down on anyone." Ace said with a smile, and then asked: "By the way, how is dad's health lately?"

"It's not bad. Boy Luo will check dad every once in a while." Marco pointed at Luo, and then said: "By the way, dad wants to see you. There are some things he needs to discuss with you. Come and see him after you go back." Let’s take a ride on the Moby Dick.”

"Discuss with me? What's going on?" Ace asked doubtfully.

"You will know about Wano Country when you meet Dad." Marco replied.

"Okay." Ace nodded, then pointed at Wang Luffy and said, "But I have to go to Shampoo first and send that guy away first."

"You just have to figure it out. We'll go back first." Marco waved his hand, and then boarded Luo's boat with the captains. Luo was responsible for sending them back to the Moby-Dick.

Back to Sun Island, the most important thing is of course to hold a grand banquet first.

After the banquet that lasted all day, Ace took Yamato, Xiaoyu and Carols, and set sail for the Shampoo Islands with Wang Luffy.

However, before going to the Chambord Islands, Ace planned to go to the Fish-Man Island first. He wanted to meet the living contemporary [Ancient Weapon Poseidon], that is, the mermaid princess 'White Star'. By the way, he also wanted to Go and see Charlie, the mermaid who can predict the future.

It's impossible to say that you don't care about things like [ancient weapons]. After all, every [ancient weapon] is said to have the power to destroy the world, and every [ancient weapon] seems to have different powers. form'.

Whether it is the [Giant Battleship Pluto] that is said to be able to sink an island with one shot, or the [Poseidon] that can command the sea king class, or it is suspected to exist in the [Holy Land Marie Joa], the specific ability is still unclear [King of Heaven Uranus].

There is no doubt that these [ancient weapons] all have power beyond common sense, but they exist in completely different forms.

Ace wanted to meet Shirahoshi just to see if he could find some clues about the "King of Heaven" from this living "Ancient Weapon".

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