One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 229 Goodbye Rayleigh

Chambord Islands.

After Ace and others landed, he asked Yamato to take Carol and Xiaoyu to play on the island, while he took Wang Luffy to find Rayleigh.

In Area 13, Acerang took Wang Lufei into [Xia Qi's Blackmail Bar].

"Hey, Brother Ace, this is a rare visitor." Xia Qi, who was wiping her wine glass out of boredom, saw Ace walking in. A smile appeared on her face immediately, she put down her wine glass and said hello.

"Senior Xia Qi, is Master Rayleigh here?" Ace asked politely, sitting in front of the bar.

"He hasn't been back for a week." Xia Qi shook her head helplessly, then took out a small phone bug from under the bar and said, "But Ace-kun, if you want to find his account number, he should know it." Be back soon." With that, Xia Qi dialed the phone number.

An hour later, the door of the bar was pushed open, and a silver-haired Rayleigh walked in with a smile on his face.

"Ace, I heard that you recently went to Big Mom's territory and made a big fuss..." After Rayleigh walked in, he wanted to ask Ace about his experience in the Big Mom Pirates, but when he saw When he saw Wang Lufei, who was sleeping soundly next to Ace, and the straw hat hanging on his back, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Of course, Rayleigh was no stranger to the straw hat Wang Lufei wore.

Even Rayleigh had heard about Wang Lufei for a long time, and had been paying attention to his news, and had been looking forward to meeting him.

But Lei Li didn't expect that his first meeting with Wang Lufei would be under such circumstances.

However, thinking about the relationship between Ace and Wang Lufei, Rayleigh felt relieved.

"Master Rayleigh!" Ace stood up, greeted Rayleigh politely, then turned around and punched Wang Lufei on the head.

"Luffy, wake up!"

"Ah, it hurts!~"

"Ace, you are becoming more and more like grandpa now. You always knock people."

After being woken up, Wang Lufei covered his head with an unhappy expression and complained to Ace. Then his eyes were attracted to Rayleigh standing at the door.

Although Wang Lufei is an idiot, his eyesight is much sharper than that of ordinary people. He could tell at a glance that the silver-haired man standing at the door was no ordinary person, so he asked Ace: "Ace, this man is the master you want to introduce to me. ?"

"That's right." Ace nodded and said, "This is Master Rayleigh. His full name is 'Silbaz Rayleigh' and his nickname is [Pluto]. Faced with this name and nickname, I I guess you should be familiar with it.”

"[Pluto] Silbaz Rayleigh, isn't that the [right wrist] of One Piece?!" After hearing Rayleigh's identity, Wang Luffy's eyes flashed with 'bulingbuling', and then he patted Ai Si's shoulders, he laughed and said: "Not bad, Ace, I am very satisfied with this master, ho ho ho!~"

"Be polite, you idiot!" Ace slapped Wang Lufei on the head again and yelled angrily.

"It's okay, Ace." Rayleigh looked at Wang Luffy with interest and said, "You are Monkey D. Luffy, I've heard of you a long time ago."

Seeing the straw hat on Wang Lufei's back, Rayleigh's mind flashed back to what Shanks said to him when he passed by the Chambord Islands a few years ago: "Mr. Rayleigh, I am really surprised. In the [East China Sea] ], a young man actually said the same thing as Captain Roger. ’

"I've been looking forward to meeting you." Rayleigh looked at Wang Lufei, pointed at the straw hat behind his back, and said with a smile: "It's just like Shanks said, the straw hat you're wearing is really It suits you very well.”

"Hey, uncle, do you know me?" Hearing Lei Li's words, Wang Lufei was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "Even people like you, uncle, know my name. Sure enough, my name has spread all over the sea. ."

"..." Rayleigh was speechless.

"By the way, uncle, do you know Shanks too?" Wang Lufei asked Rayleigh again.

"Yes, Shanks was still a trainee on our ship at that time." Rayleigh came to the bar, poured himself a glass of wine, and said with a nostalgic smile on his face: "That was several years ago, when he came back from the East China Sea. , he met me when he passed by here, and I was shocked when I saw him wearing a trademarked straw hat and his missing left hand."

"Hehe!" After hearing Lei Li's words, Wang Lufei put the straw hat on his back on his head and smiled silly, not knowing what he was happy about.

"More than twenty years have passed in a flash, and the kid who was still a trainee has become the [Four Emperors] who dominate the new world." Rayleigh took a sip of wine, with a nostalgic look on his face, and smiled: "Still There’s that red-nosed kid Bucky who stays with him all day long. I heard he went to the East China Sea, and I haven’t heard from him for a long time.”

"Bucky!~" Wang Lufei, who was drinking juice, almost choked when he heard this name. He almost died in Bucky's hands.

"That weird clown?" When Ace heard the name, a strange smile appeared on his face. If he remembered correctly, he seemed to have seen news about this clown somewhere after the war.

That guy seemed to have taken the opportunity to sneak out after Blackbeard made a big fuss into the city, and also brought out a large group of young men who were not weak in strength.

Although that guy didn't make a big fuss in the battle on the top like in the original plot, he also caused quite a stir after he came out. I wonder if that guy will be ordered by the government like in the original plot and sit on the [Oss. Shichibukai] ] seat.

However, Ace did not mention the news about Bucky, but brought the topic back, looked at Rayleigh, and said: "Master Rayleigh, I brought Lu Fei here this time to ask you to teach him the practice of domineering. I hope Don’t refuse.”

"Do you want me to teach him how to practice?" Upon hearing this, Lei Li glanced up and down Wang Lufei's body for a while, and then said with a smile: "No problem, I just happen to be a little too busy recently."

Although he knew that Rayleigh would most likely not refuse, Ace still politely thanked him, then pressed Wang Lufei's head and said, "Then I'll trouble you."

"You don't have to be so polite, Ace." Rayleigh waved his hand and said, "Now for us old people, the biggest interest is to teach you outstanding juniors. And my biggest interest now is to watch you. Grow up quickly.”

"By the way, I heard that you made a big fuss at Big Mom not long ago. That woman is very powerful. Isn't she angry at you?" Reilly asked suddenly.

"Ah, fight her," Ace replied.

"Oh?" Lei Li heard this, his eyes flashed, and asked: "What's the result?"

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