One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 233 Prophecy (third update, please subscribe)

"Edward Weeble!"

Ace was also startled when he heard the name.

When Ace heard the news from Shark Star, he thought about many possibilities. He speculated about the World Government, the Revolutionary Army, and even thought about whether it would be red hair.

But he didn't expect that he would be the one who stole the [Historical Text] from Fish-Man Island.

Edward Weeble, the retarded man who claimed to be the son of Edward 'Greybeard' Newgate.

"What? Brother Ace, have you ever heard of such a name?" Seeing Ace's expression, Jinbe couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"Ah, I've heard of it." Ace nodded and said with a somewhat tangled expression: "If the Edward Weibull you are talking about and the Edward Weibull I know are the same person, then you were injured by him. It’s less of a surprise, because you did encounter a…monster.”

"You should have heard about the attack on the naval training ship led by naval instructor and former general Zefa a few years ago, right?" Ace suddenly said.

"Of course I know that the trainee ship carrying many navy training soldiers was attacked and suffered heavy casualties. That incident shocked the world at the time, but the strange thing is that the world government did not announce who the murderer was. Could it be that... that navy ship was attacked in the first place? Is this Edward Weeble the trainee ship's man?" Jinbei said with a shocked look on his face.

"That's right, that's him!" Ace nodded and said, "That guy was once defeated by the 'black-armed' Zefa who was the navy's chief instructor. After the defeat, he shamelessly begged for mercy, and was then accused of pursuing 'no killing' mercy and justice." ' Let Zefa go.

However, Edward Weeble, who later made a comeback, attacked the apprentice ship led by Zefa again.

That time, he not only cut off an arm of Black-armed Zefa, who was the 'former navy admiral', but he also massacred the naval trainees on the ship. Only two of them survived. It was a very tragic incident. tragedy. "

"More importantly, that guy named Edward Weibull also claims to be Uncle Whitebeard's 'son', but I don't know if it's true or not." Ace suddenly touched his chin and said, "Look, I'll see you next time. When you get to Uncle Whitebeard, you need to ask him face to face whether that Edward Weeble is really his son."


Hearing Ace's words, Jinbe, Neptune and others were shocked.

"Whitebeard... actually has a son, why have I never heard of it!" Neptune said with a shocked look on his face.

Neptune and Whitebeard are very good friends, otherwise Whitebeard would not use his own name to protect the Fish-Man Island under the eyes of the World Government.

Even though they had not seen each other for many years, Neptune was still surprised when he suddenly heard that Whitebeard had a son.

"So that's it!" Jinbei struck his left palm with his right fist and said with sudden realization: "No wonder that guy has the same beard as dad and has such strong strength. It turns out that he is dad's bloodline!"

Facts have proved that even a man like Jinbei will gossip and speculate when he encounters something he is interested in.

"Hey, hey, I said this is just the guy's 'self-proclaimed'. I'm not sure whether it's true or not." Ace looked at Jinbei and said angrily: "You guy, if you talk nonsense here , if Uncle Whitebeard hears it, he will kill you."

To be honest, Ace doesn't really believe that Edward Weeble is the son of Uncle Whitebeard, although this is probably true...

After all, Whitebeard is not dead at this time. Neither Edward Weeble nor his funny mother dare to talk about "Whitebeard's son and beloved" wherever he goes. In the original plot, It was also after Whitebeard's death that the guy and his mother started causing trouble everywhere in the name of Whitebeard's son.

Of course, it is undeniable that Edward Weibull himself does have super strength. Otherwise, it would be impossible to cut off an arm of Zefa, a former navy admiral, and it would be impossible to fight on the fish-man island under the sea. The injury is very mild.

"Ahem, brother Ace, just pretend that I didn't say what I just said." Jinbe coughed awkwardly, and then said with a serious face: "Then, let's not mention the identity of this Edward Weibull for the time being, but he is here Went to Fish-Man Island and snatched away the [Historical Text] hidden deep in the Forest of the Sea, what was the purpose?"

Ace was not surprised that Jinbei said that the stolen treasure was [History Text], because he had already guessed it.

However, what confused Ace was this guy's purpose. What was the mentally retarded guy doing when he went to Fish-Man Island to rape [History text]?

Jinbei is not very fond of things like [Historical Text], otherwise he would not have given the piece of [Historical Text] he accidentally found to Big Mom in the original plot.

"Forget it if you can't figure it out. Anyway, that smart... guy's purpose will be exposed sooner or later." Ace waved his hand, then looked at Mrs. Charlie aside and said, "This is the famous one on Fish-Man Island." The prophet, Mrs. Charlie."

"It's an honor to meet you. I heard that your divination is very accurate. I wonder if you can do some divination for me?" Ace looked at Mrs. Charlie and smiled.


Of course, Mrs. Charlie would not refuse Ace's request. She put down the cigarette rod in her hand on the spot, then held up the crystal ball placed in front of her with both hands, and said to Ace: "Your Excellency Emperor Yan, please come to me. .”

"Okay." Upon hearing this, Ace immediately stood up and came to Mrs. Charlie.

Mrs. Charlie held the crystal ball in her hands and brought it to Ace. Then her cold blue eyes stared at the crystal ball in her hand.

Suddenly, the cold expression on Mrs. Charlie's face suddenly turned to fear, and her huge body could not stop trembling, as if she had seen something that frightened her.


Mrs. Charlie suddenly screamed and threw the crystal ball in her hand.

"What's the matter, Mrs. Charlie?"

"What did you see? You're so scared!"

When Jinbei and Neptune saw the suddenly mad Madam Charlie, they stepped forward to ask.

Mrs. Charlie looked at Ace with fear on her face, as if there was something about Ace that made her extremely afraid.

"What, is something going to happen to me that makes you very scared?" Ace asked with a smile on his face as he looked at Mrs. Charlie.

"Black flames...collapsed red earth..." Mrs. Charlie looked at Ace and said in a trembling voice: "I saw black flames coming out of your body. That kind of flame will devour everything, even Swallow the sun..."

"You...I see that in the future, you will take away the light of the entire world!"

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