One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 234 Nervous Neptune

"You...I see that black evil flames will ignite on your body. That kind of flame will take away the light of the entire world!"

"In the future, you will destroy the entire world!" Charlie looked at Ace with fearful eyes and said tremblingly.

"Black flame?" Ace didn't care about what Charlie said about 'taking away the light of the whole world', but thought about the black flame she said.

When Ace was developing his moves, he had indeed envisioned black flames. In Ace's imagination, that kind of flame was a perfect combination of armed domineering and flames.

However, Ace's current strength, whether it is the attainment of armed color domineering or the intensity of flames, cannot achieve the result of mutual integration.

Originally, Ace was about to give up on this idea, but today's prophecy from the mermaid woman rekindled his hope in this idea.

If this woman's prediction is accurate, then in the future he will definitely be able to successfully combine flames and armed domineering to create the kind of black flame that can burn everything.

As for whether his black flame will take away the light of the world and whether it can destroy the world, that depends on my mood.

"Brother Ace, Mrs. Charlie's prophecies often only see part of the story, and it doesn't mean that you will really destroy the world in the future." Seeing that Ace was silent, Jinbe thought he was angered by Charlie's prophecy, so he He stepped forward to persuade.

"Haha, I'm really looking forward to whether your prediction will come true." Ace laughed and said: "And if I can really have the power to destroy the world as you predicted, doesn't it mean that At that time, I was already the strongest in the world?"


Jinbe and the others were stunned for a moment by Ace's 'unique' thinking direction, but then they thought about it and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

Indeed, if Ace had the ability to destroy the world, wouldn't he be the strongest in the world?

The reason why Whitebeard is called "The Strongest in the World" is because his Shock Fruit has the power to destroy the world?

Charlie also looked at Ace in shock. She originally thought that Ace would at least explain, or say that he would definitely not do something like destroy the world.

And when normal people hear the prophecy that they will destroy the world, shouldn't they defend themselves very fiercely and say loudly that they will never do such a thing?

Why does this man associate ‘destroying the world’ with the question ‘the strongest in the world’?

Although Xia Li is not a magician, her status as a 'prophetist' has also allowed her to develop the bad habit of 'telling half and keeping half' like a magician since she was a child.

She didn't expect Ace to say something like this suddenly, and it was such a twist that she couldn't say anything else.

In fact, in addition to seeing the black flames that could destroy the world ignited on Ace's body, Charlie also saw golden radiance rising from Ace's body at the end of the prophecy. That radiance, As warm as the sun in the sky.

"Should I tell him the last scene in the prophecy?"

"I've said that before, and now I'm saying this. Will this man think I'm lying to him?"

Charlie was hesitating whether to tell Ace all the scenes in her prophecy.

"Okay, let's end this topic here." Just when Charlie was hesitating whether to tell Ace the last scene in her language, Ace suddenly waved his hand and said, "Besides, the so-called prophecy I originally I don’t really believe it, asking Mrs. Charlie to predict for me is not just out of curiosity, just treat it as an entertainment show.”

"And, compared to prophecies or anything like that, I believe that fate is in my own hands." Ace said confidently.

"You actually treat my prophecy as a sideshow, you damn man!"

After hearing Ace's words, Charlie immediately decided not to tell him the last scene in the prophecy.

"Hmph!" Charlie snorted arrogantly, twisted her huge fish tail, picked up her crystal ball from the corner, and then left the living room with an unhappy look on her face.

"Haha." Jinbe came to Ace, patted his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Although Mrs. Charlie's predictions have never been wrong, destroying the world is too exaggerated, so you don't need to care too much. , Brother Ace.”

"I didn't care at first." Ace spread his hands, then looked at Neptune and said: "By the way, King Neptune, I came to Fish-Man Island this time, in addition to wanting to see the prophecy of Mrs. Charlie. Besides, I also want to meet your daughter, Princess Bai Xing, is it convenient?"

"Shirahoshi?" Upon hearing Ace's request, Neptune was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Why would Sir Ace want to see Shirahoshi?"

"Well, how should I put it?" Ace thought for a moment, and then said: "I found a piece of [Historical Text] on Sky Island, which recorded some things related to Fish-Man Island. From what was recorded on it Combined with the information I got during this period, I came up with some speculations. These speculations may have something to do with Princess Bai Xing, so I want to meet her."

Ace's words were of course a lie, because he couldn't directly say that he knew that Princess Shirahoshi was an [ancient weapon], so he could only make up some lies that sounded deceptive to people.

"[History text]!" After hearing Ace's words, Neptune immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately said to Ace: "Sir Ace, can I talk to you alone?"

"Talk alone?" After hearing Neptune's words, Ace immediately understood what he meant, nodded and said, "Of course."

"Thank you very much!" Seeing Ace agree, Neptune's eyes flashed with gratitude.

"Sorry, Jinbe!" Neptune said sorry to Jinbe, and then said to Ace: "Sir Ace, please come with me."

Under the leadership of Neptune, the two came to a side hall of Dragon Palace City.

Entering the side hall, Neptune immediately asked Ace impatiently: "Sir Ace, please tell me what news you got about Fish-Man Island in the [History Text] of Sky Island, please. "After saying that, Neptune bowed solemnly to Ace.

Ace looked at the solemn Neptune, pretended to hesitate, organized his words in his mind, and then said to Neptune: "On the [Historical Text] of Sky Island, there are records about [Ancient Weapons] The news and location of Poseidon, and according to the clues there, the ancient weapon named 'Poseidon' should exist on the Fish-Man Island."

"Originally, I was not sure, but now seeing how nervous you are, King Neptune, I can basically confirm that the ancient weapon [Sea King Poseidon] is here!"

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