One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 235 Ancient Weapons

"A year ago, after I returned to the sea from the sky island, I began to pay attention to the news about Fish-Man Island. From the intelligence I collected, I discovered that your daughter, King Neptune, the White Star Princess, had something on her body. There seems to be some 'unique' power."

"I sorted out the information in the intelligence, combined it with the content read from Kongdao's [Historical Text], and then made a bold hypothesis."

"I suspect that your daughter, King Neptune, Princess White Star, is the ancient weapon recorded in Sky Island's [Historical Text], [Sea King Poseidon]!"

"Originally, I was not sure, but now seeing how nervous you are, King Neptune, I can basically confirm that the ancient weapon is on the Fish-Man Island!"

"Furthermore, the ancient weapon named 'Poseidon' is actually your daughter, Princess White Star, King Neptune!"

"Is my guess correct? His Majesty King Neptune!" Ace looked at Neptune and asked in a deep voice.

In order to deceive Neptune, Ace racked his brains and actually made up these words that sounded basically flawless in such a short period of time.

"Alas~" Neptune sighed softly and said, "Now that Mr. Ace has understood this matter to this extent, I have nothing to hide."

"Yes, my daughter Bai Xing is the legendary ancient weapon, [Sea King Poseidon]." Neptune looked at Ace with a nostalgic look on his face and said, "In fact, in the fish-men tribe, In the bloodline passed down from generation to generation in my family, every few hundred years, a 'mermaid princess' who can communicate with large-scale sea kings will be born. Shirahoshi happens to be the 'mermaid princess' of this generation, and the one with this talent Mermaid Princess' is another alias passed down from generation to generation, called [Sea King Poseidon]."

"Long before Bai Xing was born, 'Little Charlie' predicted that I would have a daughter. And before I got married, the Neptunes foresaw her birth. Later, during Bai Xing's growth, it was also revealed several times. With the 'talent' of being able to communicate with large-scale sea kings, I have already guessed Bai Xing's identity."

"Once this kind of thing is known to the outside world, the world government... and those big shots with ambitions for the world will definitely swarm here, and then one can imagine the fate of White Star."

"With Bai Xing's character, he will never use this kind of power to harm others easily, and I also think that I don't have the power to protect Bai Xing."

"So..." Neptune suddenly knelt down in front of Ace and begged: "Your Excellency Emperor Yan, please keep it a secret for me and don't let this news get out, please!~" After that, Neptune He knocked his head heavily to the ground.

"You don't have to be like this, His Majesty King Neptune." Ace came to Neptune, helped him up, and said, "Actually, I'm not too interested in ancient weapons or anything like that. I want to meet him." When I meet Princess Bai Xing, I just want to see what’s special about the legendary [ancient weapon], and I don’t have any plans for the weapon itself.”

"After all, ancient weapons are said to have the power to 'destroy the world.' Now that we know about its existence, of course we want to see it."

"As for revealing the news, you don't have to worry. Not to mention that you are a close friend of Uncle Whitebeard. Even my pirate group and your Fish-Man Island are inseparable allies, right?" Ace Looking at Neptune, he said with a smile.

"Thank you very much!" Neptune looked at Ace gratefully, then raised the trident in his hand and said solemnly: "I, Neptune, the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, solemnly swear here that as long as I am alive for one day, the Dragon Palace Kingdom will be your most loyal ally."

Neptune knew Whitebeard's physical condition, and he was also very aware of the condition of the Whitebeard Pirates, so Neptune knew very well that as soon as Whitebeard fell, the entire Whitebeard Pirates would immediately fall apart.

This is not to say that the Whitebeard Pirates are not united enough, but because there is no one else in the Whitebeard Pirates who can support this powerful pirate group except Whitebeard, so once the backbone of Whitebeard falls, Next, the Whitebeard Pirates will soon fall apart under the impact of other forces, and their territory will definitely fall apart.

Fish-Man Island has always been protected by the Whitebeard Pirates. Once Whitebeard falls and the Whitebeard Pirates disappear, Fish-Man Island will definitely return to the unbearable chaotic era of the past.

And in this world, besides Whitebeard, who else would protect the entire Fish-Man Island like him without asking for anything in return?

Now, Ace is Whitebeard's designated successor, and he himself has shown extraordinary strength and astonishing growth rate.

After the war, no one would doubt that as long as Ace could survive, his future strength would definitely reach or even surpass Whitebeard's.

Not to mention that in the future, Ace will not only inherit the huge power of the Whitebeard Pirates, but also gather powerful combat power under his own command that cannot be ignored.

Therefore, having such a person who is willing to continue to protect Fish-Man Island like Whitebeard is a matter of great significance to both the Dragon Palace Kingdom and the entire Fish-Man clan.

"There is no need for this, King Neptune." Ace waved his hand towards Neptune, and then said: "In fact, I want to see the power of Princess White Star. There is another reason. Regarding ancient weapons, you should Do you know something? According to rumors, there should be three of those weapons."

Neptune nodded and said: "Indeed, I have heard some rumors about ancient weapons. Legend has it that they are three weapons with the title of [God], namely [King of Heaven], [King of Sea] and [Pluto] ]"

"That's right." Ace nodded and said, "According to the information I have, among these three legendary ancient weapons, the whereabouts of [Pluto] has been guarded by the 'Neferutali' family in Alabasta for generations. , it is said that it is a 'huge battleship' that can sink an island with one shot."

"[Neptune] is your daughter, Princess White Star. After her abilities are fully awakened, she can communicate and control large-scale Neptunes."

"Only [King of Heaven] knows nothing about either its form or abilities, and I haven't found any clues about this 'strongest' ancient weapon."

"So I want to meet Princess Bai Xing. The biggest purpose is to see if I can find some clues about the [King of Heaven] from her." Ace said in a deep voice.

"I see, I understand." Hearing Ace's words, Neptune nodded and said, "Then, please follow me, Lord Ace."

"I will take you to see my daughter now, Shirahoshi."

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