One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 241 New Fishman Pirates


Suddenly, a burst of sinister laughter came from below. Ace looked down and saw several figures standing below Noah, looking at them.

The leader is a fierce-looking great white shark man. This guy is Hody Jones, the leader of the recently established 'New Fish-Man Pirate Group'.

Next to Hody Jones are the leaders of the New Fish-Man Pirates.

A hammer-wielding hammerhead shark named Doss.

Geo, a bearded shark man with horizontal black and white stripes all over his body.

Bodhidharma is a cigar-like fish-man named Bodhidharma who looks like a frog.

The king squid man with eight arms, Icarus Mushi.

Moray eel man, Hammond and hoop octopus mermaid, Leopard Zang.

"I didn't expect that the mermaid princess of the Dragon Palace Kingdom would come back to my fishman street. This is really surprising." Hody Jones looked at the White Star Princess on the back of the shark Mekaro, with a ferocious look on his ferocious face. With a smile, he said: "I'm still thinking about how to make that idiot Neptune obey. If I catch you, he will probably obey my orders, right?"

"Jiahahaha, Princess White Star, it's God's help that you are here!" Hody Jones laughed, then kicked his feet and rushed towards White Star quickly.

As for Ace, a human being, he was completely gorgeous and ignored by this guy.

"This man... is so scary!" In Hody Jones, Bai Xing only felt the gloomy fear, and immediately burst into tears. Ace shouted: "Brother Ace, help me!"

"Tsk, tsk, I was ignored again." Ace pinched his wrist and was about to take action when he suddenly sensed several figures rushing towards him.

"It's Neptune, and are there his three sons?" After sensing the identity of the visitor, Ace rolled his eyes and thought to himself: "If I remember correctly, Neptune's wife, Princess Otohime, was raped Human assassinations were carried out by Hody Jones and his gang, and he blamed humans afterwards."

"Although Bai Xing also knows about this matter, she probably won't tell it based on her character. In other words, if I take action to kill Hody Jones now, then the true intention of this matter may be buried. ."

Ace didn't want things to turn out like that, so he decided immediately not to resist and wait for the guy to tell the truth about that year before dealing with him.

Then, he and Shirahoshi's White Hody Jones and his new fish-man pirates were 'captured', and even Shirahoshi's pet Mekaro was tied up.

"Brother Ace!" Bai Xing, who was tied up, looked at Ace with tears in his eyes, his eyes full of expectation.

Bai Xing is not stupid. After Ace defeated Vander Deken, Bai Xing knew that Ace was very strong. Although he didn't know why Ace didn't resist and let Hody Jones capture him, Bai Xing knew very well that Ace would capture him. The villains who inhabit them are much stronger.

"Don't be nervous, and don't try to summon those Neptunes to help. Just stay quietly, Shirahoshi."

"Believe me, I won't let you get hurt." Ace's small voice reached Bai Xing's ears, and He Xi's voice immediately made her inner fear disappear a lot.

Although Ace didn't tell Shirahoshi why he did this, after hearing Ace's assurance, Shirahoshi calmed down obediently.

"Jiahahaha." Looking at the bound White Star, Hody Jones couldn't help laughing heartily and said: "With Princess White Star as a hostage, I believe Neptune and his king's army should not dare to resist me. Alright."

"That's right, this way we can easily take over the entire Ryugu Kingdom without spending a single soldier!" Doss, the leader of the Merlin Pirate Group, said coldly, holding his hands.

As long as Neptune and the Dragon Palace Kingdom's army can surrender directly, then they can quietly control the entire Fish-Man Island.

Because of the relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates, Hody Jones did not dare to blatantly cause trouble on Fish-Man Island even though he had already stolen the poison E·S from the Ryugu Kingdom's treasure house that could greatly enhance his strength. At this time, Fishman Island was still under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates, and King Neptune of the Ryugu Kingdom and Whitebeard were very good friends.

If he dares to cause trouble in Fish-Man Island at this time, he will definitely attract the suppression of the Whitebeard Pirates. No matter how arrogant Hody Jones is, he will never think that he can compete with the Whitebeard Pirates. .

This is also the reason why in the original plot, this guy would wait until Whitebeard died in battle before he dared to come out and act like a monster.

Even if another Yonko BIG MOM flag was hung on Fish-Man Island at that time, Hody Jones would still dare to cause trouble unscrupulously, because he knew very well that he would never be like the Whitebeard Pirates again. In return for protecting the entire Fish-Man Island pirates.

Unlike the Whitebeard Pirates, even if Fish-Man Island changes its owner, Big Mom will not care what happens on Fish-Man Island as long as the desserts are delivered on time.

"Hody Jones, you bastard, how dare you attack Shirahoshi, let her go!"

At this time, the three princes of Ryugu City had already arrived at Fishman Street. When they saw the captured Shirahoshi, they immediately roared and rushed towards Hody Jones and the others.

"Is it finally here? The king and princes of the Dragon Palace Kingdom!" Hody Jones sat on the edge of Noah, looking at the three princes of the Dragon Palace Kingdom rushing towards him without any fluctuation on his face.

Swish, swish, swish! ~

The leaders of the New Fishman Pirates, Doss, Leozo and Ikaros Mushi, quickly flew out from Hody Jones' side and blocked the three princes of Ryugu Kingdom.

"Hody Jones, what do you want to do!" Neptune, holding a trident, stared at Hody Jones and asked in a deep voice.

"What do I want to do?" Hody Jones stood up, looked at Neptune coldly, and said, "You are too weak, Neptune. If Fishman Island continues to be under your leadership, our compatriots will only They are treated like goods and played with by humans, so leave Fish-Man Island to me."

"Only under my leadership can Fish-Man Island transform from a slave to a master, above the lower races like humans!" Hody Jones said loudly.

"Above humans?" Neptune looked at Hody Jones and said coldly: "Don't be kidding, Hody. In the sea, whether humans or mermaids, no one is above anyone else, because The sea is equal to all races!”

"Equality?" When Hody Jones heard this, an angry look appeared on his ferocious face, and he said loudly: "Don't say stupid things. It is because of your thoughts that our compatriots will become able to be treated by those lowly people." Goods that humans buy and sell at will!”

"Any talk of equality is all lies. The fishmen should be the masters of the sea!"

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