One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 242 The truth back then

"Since you won't surrender, then go to hell!" Hody Jones shouted, then raised his hand, and some sticky-looking water droplets flowed in his palm.

"Same Yabu!"

Hody Jones waved his hand, and countless water droplets spurted out from his hand, turning into sharp arrow-like attacks and attacking Neptune.

Neptune turned the trident in his hands with both hands to block all the water droplets thrown by Hody Jones, but at this time, Hody Jones himself had already rushed in front of him and punched Neptune.

"Umi Taiko!"

Hody Jones' punch compressed the surrounding moisture into the waving fist, and then violently exploded on Neptune's body.


The terrifying power of Hody Jones's punch directly knocked Neptune's huge body hundreds of meters away.

"Father! X3"

When the three princes saw Neptune being beaten away, they all screamed loudly, but their opponents seized on the flaws and were defeated one after another.

"Nipton, admit defeat!" Hody Jones came to Nipton, stepped on him, and said coldly: "Hand over the Dragon Palace Kingdom. Only under my leadership will the fishmen Go strong!"

"You're dreaming!" Neptune looked at Hody Jones and said loudly: "My wife has spent a lifetime of hard work and even sacrificed her life to achieve the current situation where the fish people and humans live in peace. I absolutely do not agree. You will destroy this peace!"

"Your wife? Princess Otohime?"

"Speaking of which, if you hadn't mentioned this name, I would have almost forgotten it." Hearing Neptune mention Princess Otohime's name, Hody Jones suddenly laughed. He squatted down and faced Neptune who fell on the ground. Puton said: "It's okay to tell you now. In fact, the person who killed Princess Otohime was not a human being, but me!"

"What! X4"

Neptune and his three sons were stunned when they heard Hody Jones suddenly tell the truth about that year.

"Hody Jones, you bastard!"

After learning the truth of that year, an angry Neptune wanted to attack Hody Jones, but was easily knocked down by him.

"It's really ugly, Neptune!" Hody Jones stepped on Neptune and said with a ferocious face: "Since you refuse to surrender, then I will personally send you to see your wife. That disgusting Princess Otohime is ready!" As he said that, Hody Jones picked up the trident on the ground and was about to stab Neptune in the throat.


Just when Hody Jones was about to pierce Neptune's throat, Bai Xing, who was tied to Noah, suddenly screamed, then looked at Ace aside, and begged loudly: "Brother Ace, please , please save my father and brother Wang!"

call! ~

As soon as Bai Xing finished speaking, a scorching flame rose from Ace's body. The ultra-high-temperature flame directly evaporated the iron chains trapped on his body.

Ace came to Bai Xing and tore off the chains on her body. Then he looked up at her and asked, "Tell me, Bai Xing, how do you want these guys to die!"

"Ah!" After hearing Ace's words, Bai Xing was stunned for a moment, and then asked timidly: "Well, can...can you not kill people?"

"Sure enough, even such hatred can't change your kindness." Ace smiled slightly and said with a headache: "You heard it just now, that guy killed your mother. Even so, Do you also want me to keep his life?"

"...Yeah!" Bai Xing nodded firmly and said, "Actually, I already knew that he killed his mother."

"What! X5"

Hearing Bai Xing's words, not only Neptune and his three sons, but also Hody Jones himself was shocked, and even forgot to ask Ace's identity.

"You said... you already knew that I was the murderer of your mother. What happened? How did you know the truth? Tell me, Bai Xing!" Hody Jones asked Bai Xing.

Bai Xing glanced at Hody Jones in fear, instinctively moved closer to Ace, and then said: "That... a few years after the incident happened, Mekaro secretly told me the truth of the matter. .”

"So that's it." After hearing Bai Xing's words, Hody Jones glanced at the shark next to her and said suddenly: "Did that shark witness the truth of the whole thing and then tell you secretly?"

"Bai Xing, why didn't you tell us about this!" the great prince Shark Xing asked Bai Xing.

Neptune and the other two princes also looked at Shirahoshi in confusion.

"If we say it, someone will definitely resent Mr. Hody because of this matter. In that case, the queen mother will be sad..." Bai Xing glanced at Hody Jones bit his lip and said, "This is The last promise I made to my mother is that no matter who the prisoner is, don’t hate him..."

"So, for your mother's last wish before she died, did you carry the truth alone in the hard-shell tower?" Shark Star asked distressedly.

"White Star..." Neptune looked at his daughter, feeling extremely distressed. This silly girl had endured it alone for so many years just for a last wish.

"Jiahahaha!~" Hody Jones suddenly laughed, then pointed at Bai Xing and said: "Just because of such a ridiculous reason, you are really stupid to choose to give up your hatred of me, Princess Bai Xing! "

"Shut up, Hody, you despicable murderer!" The three princes scolded Hody Jones at the same time.

"Yeah, how stupid!" After hearing the whole thing, Ace shook his head and sighed.

"Please...please don't say that to me, Brother Ace!" Bai Xing said to Ace with tears in his eyes.

"Don't act like a spoiled brat. This is stupid. Even if you can cry, I still have to say this!" Ace chuckled, then looked at Bai Xing and asked seriously: "If it weren't for your mother's last wish, would you still be like this? Do you easily forgive your mother’s murderer?”

"Shirahoshi, tell me the true answer in your heart!" Ace asked loudly to Shirayoshi.

Seeing Ace's serious look, Bai Xing suddenly plucked up the courage, then closed his eyes and said in his loudest voice: "No... I will never forgive the murderer of my mother, absolutely not!"

"Shirahoshi..." After hearing Shirahoshi's answer, for some reason, Neptune and her three sons all had relieved smiles on their faces.

"Hey, good!" Hearing Bai Xing's answer, Ace chuckled, then raised his hand, grabbed Bai Xing's tail, threw her onto Mekaro's back, and said: "Shark, take Bai Xing and leave first. Here, the next scene, if she sees it, she may feel uncomfortable."

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