One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 243 Total Destruction


When Mekaro heard Ace's words, he screamed twice, and then quickly swam towards the distance with Bai Xing.

"Mlocculent Jutsu!"

How could Hody Jones watch Bai Xing escape, only to catch a large amount of seawater in his hands, and then throw it in the direction where Bai Xing and Mekaro left.

"Water Heart Shark Group!"

The seawater thrown out by Hody Jones turned into a swarm of sharks, fiercely attacking Mekaro and Shirahoshi!

"Just be swallowed up together with your pet, stupid mermaid princess!" Hody Jones laughed ferociously, as if he had seen the scene where Shirahoshi was torn to pieces by the sharks.

"You think I don't exist!" Ace chuckled, then dodged and stood between the sharks and Mekaro, who was running away with White Star.

Ace raised his hand, and there was a purple light flickering in his palm, but the flame was condensed but not emitted. With a wave of his hand, just the temperature from the purple flame condensed in his palm evaporated all the sharks thrown by Hody Jones, leaving no trace. .

"How is that possible!" Seeing that his tricks were wiped out so lightly, Hody Jones was shocked. Then he looked at Ace with a solemn expression and asked in a deep voice: "Human, who are you! "

"You don't even know who I am, yet you dare to be so arrogant in front of me. It seems that you are only worthy of running wild in the deep sea." Ace said disdainfully.

"Bastard, you're looking for death!" Hody Jones was completely angered by Ace's words. He raised his hand, released a water ball from his hand, and threw it hard at Ace.

"Hit the water!"

The water ball thrown by Hody Jones was like a bullet, shooting towards Ace quickly, but after getting within a few meters of Ace's body, the water ball suddenly disappeared out of thin air, as if It has never been the same.

"What!" Seeing that the 'water attack' he made disappeared out of thin air again like the previous shark swarm, Hody Jones finally realized that something was wrong, suddenly looked at Ace, and shouted loudly: "Human, what on earth have you done! "

"Yeah, what's going on?" Ace chuckled softly, then raised his fingers at Hody Jones and said, "Maybe you can try it yourself and you'll know what's going on. What do you think? Give it a try. Try it?"

"..." Hody Jones looked at Ace with a gloomy face. He wanted to attack directly, but the vague sense of oppression on the opponent's body made him feel faintly threatened.

"Human, go to hell!" At this time, Icarus Mushi, the new fish-man pirate cadre who came behind Ace at some point, suddenly rushed towards Ace, holding a hand in each of his eight arms. A spear, after roaring, stabbed towards Ace at the same time!

Uh-huh! ~

Icarus Mushi's eight arms danced at the same time, and the eight spears in his hands stabbed Ace from different directions. However, when the spears in his hands were about to touch Ace's body, those spears suddenly disappeared, only to The remaining small piece is still in the hands of Icarus Mushi.

"How is that possible?" Looking at the short length of the gun body left in his hand, Icarus Mushi's face was full of disbelief. His 'Scottish Fish Spear' can kill How could the ability to suck all the water out of the object being stung disappear out of thin air like this!

"Get out of the way, Icarus, let me do it!"

At this time, another leader of the new fish-man pirate group, Doss, waved the war hammer in his hand and hit Ace hard on the head!

Silently, the war hammer in Doss's hand passed by Ace, and then only one-third of the hammer body remained. The other parts disappeared into thin air just like Icarus's spear.

"how come!"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Is it the power of the Devil Fruit?"

The leaders of the New Fishman Pirates all looked at Ace with solemn expressions, completely confused as to why their weapons disappeared out of thin air just when they were about to touch Ace's body.

"Get out of the way!" Hody Jones, who had rushed into the water above at some point, shouted at the leaders of the New Fish-Man Pirates below, then grabbed hold of the water with one hand, and said Ace made a throw over his shoulder, and said with a ferocious smile: "No matter what kind of abilities you have, as long as you are an ability user, you will completely lose your strength in front of the sea water. If you are our enemy on the bottom of the sea, you will only be able to fight against us." You're too stupid to say you are, human!"

"Yes, we fishmen are the masters of the sea. No human being can defeat us in the sea!"

"Go to hell! Fishman Judo·Hai Liu throws you over your shoulder!"

Hody Jones suddenly leaned over and swung the seawater in his hand towards Ace. The turbulent sea current passed through the foam wall and roared toward Ace.

"People with abilities will indeed lose their abilities in front of the sea water, but the premise is that the sea water needs to be able to touch my body!" Ace raised his head and looked at Hody Jones and the so-called new fish-man pirates. The cadres said: "Don't you want to know why your attack disappears when it is about to touch my body?"

"Let me show you what I am capable of!"

After Ace finished speaking, a scorching temperature was suddenly released from his body. The deep purple flame exuded heat that made people unable to breathe. It was like a flaming feather coat draped over Ace's body, like an abyss or a prison. It seemed like nothing could come close.

The genuine 200,000-degree purple flame is condensed, like purgatory, this is the Residual Fire Hell Clothes!

"That's...purple flames, are you..." Seeing the purple flame-condensed remnant fire prison clothes worn on Ace's body, Hody Jones and the cadres of the new fish-man pirates, He finally recognized Ace's identity.

"[Fire Emperor]! X7"

Wow! ~

At this time, the sea current thrown out by Hody Jones fell from Ace's head, but before the sea water got close to within three meters of Ace's body, it was completely evaporated by the terrifying temperature of the residual fire prison suit, and disappeared in an instant. Without a trace.


After recognizing Ace's identity, Hody Jones immediately knew that this was an opponent they could not defeat no matter what. Then he immediately made a decision, yelled at his cadres, and turned towards Swim quickly into the deep sea.

Upon seeing this, the officers of the New Fishman Pirates quickly ran away in different directions.

"Wise decision, but..." Ace looked at Hody Jones and others who had decisively escaped, and praised with a smile, then raised his palm, and the hot flames condensed into several arrows in his hand, aiming at the escape Hody Jones and others were thrown out.

"It's not easy to escape in front of me."

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