One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 252 Sabo, run away!

Marie Joa, the main entrance of Pangu City.

After Ace and Sabo came out of the [Pacifist] manufacturing factory, they arrived outside the main entrance of Pangu City.

After finding the opportunity, they blended directly into a pair of escorts who were about to enter Pangu City, and easily entered the first portal of Pangu City, the Tianlong Gate.

However, if you want to enter Pangu City, you need to pass through three gates. Each gate is heavily guarded. However, in the eyes of Ace and Sabo, these so-called "heavy troops" are no different from decorations.

Ace and Sabo relied on their superb skills to constantly change the ranks of the escort team, and easily passed through the three portals and entered Pangu City.

"Ace, this place is too big. Let's search separately." After entering Pangu City, Sabo suggested to Ace.

After hearing this, Ace thought for a while and said, "Okay, but you have to promise me that no matter who of us finds Mr. Xiong first, we must not be impulsive. We must wait for the other party to come before we can save people."

"Of course." Sabo smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, Ace, I'm not so anxious that I can't think. And judging from the news I heard from the fat guy before, Admiral Kizaru must be in Bega. Punk's laboratory protects him, but I don't think I can save people from Kizaru on my own."

Seeing that Sabo was still calm, Ace nodded and agreed to his proposal, and then the two of them split up and headed to the remaining two crosses on the map.

The remaining two Chacha locations on the map are one in the mansion of a certain Tianlong man, and the other is in a place deep in Pangu City.

Sabo went to the nearby Celestial Dragon Mansion, while Ace sneaked towards the location deep in Pangu City.

Somewhere in Pangu City, Sabo quickly found the location of the Chacha he was looking for. It was a very secret underground space with several naval soldiers guarding the entrance.

Sabo used some tricks to attract the attention of the navy soldiers guarding the door, and then took advantage of the gap to quickly sneak into the underground space.

After successfully sneaking in, Saab found that although this place was not too tightly defended, after entering, there were all kinds of rare high-tech products everywhere, including many things that Saab was very familiar with.

Seeing those things, Sabo knew that he might have found the right place. This place must be Vegapunk's laboratory.

Sabo was so excited that he carefully sneaked into the inside of the laboratory, and finally came to a huge mechanical door that was ajar.

Sabo restrained his breath, slowly approached the ajar door, and then saw the situation inside through the gap.

After seeing the scene inside the mechanical door, Sabo's body shook, and he was so excited that he almost exposed himself.

Inside the mechanical door, there was a huge mechanical operating table. The guards on the operating table placed various precision mechanical instruments. Bartholomew Bear's huge body lay quietly on the operating table with his eyes closed. , as if he had lost consciousness.

At this time, although the bear's body is still in human form, there is almost no trace of human beings at all. Ninety percent of the body has been replaced by various machines.

Next to the mechanical operating table, a man dressed as a researcher wore a mask and gloves, holding a notebook in his hand. While observing the bear's body, he quickly recorded something on the notebook in his hand with a pen.

This man is Dr. Vegapunk, a genius scientist who claims to have wisdom that is 500 years beyond that of today's humans.

"I said, Vegapunk, after this operation, Bartholomew Bear will be completely reduced to a weapon without human consciousness, right?" On the other side of the operating table, Kizaru looked at the patient lying in the operating room. The bear on the stage asked calmly.

"Yes, this operation will completely deprive him of his human consciousness. If successful, he will be a humanoid weapon that will only obey the orders of the world government." Vegapunk spoke, his voice without any emotion. replied.

"That's such a pity. As a human, Bartholomew Bear is very powerful in combat." Kizaru said with a look of regret.

Hearing Kizaru's words, Vegapunk stopped what he was doing, looked up at Kizaru, and said: "Even without human consciousness, he will be a very powerful fighter. After the transformation, PX-0 has been eliminated After human emotions, there will be no fear and pity, and such weapons will be more powerful than he as a human being!"

"That's not necessarily the case." Kizaru looked at Vegapunk and said in a lazy tone: "Sometimes, rich emotions are the source of human strength."

"Really?" Vegapunk lowered his head, continued to record in his hand, and said at the same time: "If you think so, then after I complete the transformation of PX-0, you can try it yourself. The combat capabilities of PX-0 Has the power become weaker or stronger?”

"I don't want it." Kizaru refused Vegapunk's proposal without even thinking, and said lazily: "I won't do such troublesome things. If you want to test it, go to Kuzan and Sakaski and the others."

"Your ability is more suitable than theirs, but if you don't want to, forget it." Vegapunk said lightly, and then stopped talking, silently recording his experimental data.

Outside the laboratory, Sabo, who was hiding in the dark, was holding a small phone bug with an anxious face, constantly contacting Ace, but no matter how he operated it, the phone bug showed no response at all.

"Damn it, why can't we get in touch?" Sabo looked at the unresponsive phone bug in his hand, his face became very ugly.

"The recording is completed, and the operation to erase human consciousness will begin!" No more than ten minutes later, Vegapunk's voice that seemed to be devoid of human emotions came from the laboratory.

"Oh, do you need me to do anything?" Kizaru's voice came.

"No need, just do your job as a guard and don't let anyone disturb me."


In the laboratory, after the brief conversation between the two ended, there was a sound of mechanical operation.

Hearing the sound coming from inside, Sabo, who was hiding outside, looked anxious. He looked at the unresponsive phone bug in his hand, his face uncertain.

Finally, Sabo gritted his teeth and put away the phone bug, then stood up and prepared to rush into the laboratory to rescue people.


Just when Sabo was about to make a desperate move and prepare to rush into the laboratory to save people alone, the phone bug in his pocket to contact Ace suddenly rang.

Sabo took out the phone bug, and Ace's urgent voice immediately came from the phone bug's mouth: Sabo, run away!

PS: Third update, please subscribe, please vote monthly

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