About half an hour ago, somewhere deep in Pangu City.

Ace followed the route drawn on the map given to him by Sabo and sneaked all the way to the deepest part of Pangu City.

When Ace arrived at the location marked with Chacha on the map, what appeared in front of him was a long staircase.

Ace walked up the stairs. When he reached the end of the stairs, what appeared in front of him was a very thick-looking metal door.

There is a rotating disk on the door, which looks like it requires the correct password to be opened.

Ace came to the door, looked at the code roulette on the heavy steel door, smiled contemptuously, then raised his hand and placed his palm on the rotating code roulette.

Ace's eyes narrowed, and scorching heat radiated from his palms. No metal in the world should be able to withstand the flame burning temperature of more than 200,000 degrees.

Almost the moment Ace released the flames, the code wheel on the metal door was burned and melted by the extremely high flame temperature, and finally turned into gas and evaporated.

The disappearance of the password wheel means that the door has been opened.

Although this place didn't look like Vegapunk's laboratory at all, now that he was here, Ace wanted to see what was behind the door.

Kaka! ~

Ace pushed hard, and he pushed the heavy steel door open, and the scene behind the door was unreservedly displayed in front of him.

Behind the steel door was a very old-looking room. The room was not big, but the things inside made Ace's expression change greatly.

There was only one thing placed in this room, which was a huge straw hat. The style of the straw hat was exactly the same as the one on Wang Lufei's head, but it was dozens of times larger.

"It's actually this thing!" Ace looked at the huge straw hat in the room. He was stunned for a moment, and then fell into deep thought.

To be placed in a place like Pangu City and protected by such a thick steel gate, the importance of this huge straw hat is self-evident.

But Ace checked and found that the straw hat was just an ordinary straw hat, but the size looked more like the size of a giant.

Ace thought about it and felt that the reason why this straw hat was treasured in such a place may not be because of the straw hat itself, but more probably because this straw hat used to be a symbol of a certain person. It represented a certain person or The will of a certain tribe.

However, these had nothing to do with Ace, and he didn't want to explore those things, so Ace just looked around the straw hat for a few times, then turned and left.

Ace has not forgotten his purpose of coming to Mariejoia this time, and if the place he is looking for is not the place they are looking for, then the place where Sabo is going now is probably the Vegapunk laboratory they are looking for. .


Ace left the room where the giant straw hat was placed, and as soon as he walked out of the long staircase, he was discovered by several people wearing white suits and strange masks.

"This look is CP0." When Ace saw the three people standing in front of him, his expression immediately became solemn, and he whispered: "They found out, now we are in trouble."

Although Ace was still wearing the armor of the guards, this was not a place where the guards could come in, so the CP0s immediately noticed something unusual when they saw Ace.

Ace is not afraid of CP0, but if he fights them here, it will definitely attract more people's attention, which will be troublesome.

You must know that the place Ace is sneaking into is the highest holy place of the world government, and it is also the Pangu City known as the "Land of the Gods". It is also the residence of the world's nobles, the Celestial Dragons.

Who knows how many strong men are hidden in this place. Once a fight breaks out, it's hard to say whether he and Sabo can escape from here, let alone rescuing people.

However, fortunately, Ace is still wearing the same armor as Marie Joa's guards. These CP0s can't see his appearance, so they don't know his identity yet.

"We can't fight them here!" Ace thought, then turned around and fled outside quickly.

"Don't try to escape!"

"It's an intruder, catch him!"

Seeing Ace's movements, the CP0s confirmed the identity of Ace's intruder and immediately chased him.

"If you escape like this, you will be discovered. Why not try first to see if you can kill the others before alerting them!" Ace thought, suddenly stopped, then turned around suddenly and punched a pursuer. The tightest CP0 blasted past.

The CP0's reaction was not slow either. When Ace attacked him, he also punched out and collided with Ace's fist.


Ace and CP0's fists clashed, and the powerful force formed a powerful hurricane that swept away, and then the two of them retreated tens of meters at the same time.

"This guy!" Ace looked solemnly at the CP0 who punched him, and his expression under the mask became even more solemn.

Although Ace's punch just now was hasty, he used all his strength. Not only did the opponent catch his attack in an instant, but he was still not inferior in strength, which was evident from his strength.

Swish! ~

At this time, the other two CP0s also caught up, one on the left and one on the right blocking Ace's retreat. The three of them formed a triangle and surrounded Ace.

"There is no other way." Ace sighed. He had misjudged the opponent's strength. Now, it is impossible to solve this situation silently, so it is better to just make a big fuss.

Thinking this, Ace's eyes narrowed slightly. The next moment, hot flames surged out of his body. The terrifying temperature released by the burning flames directly burned the guard armor on his body silently.

At the same time, Ace's appearance was unreservedly exposed in front of the three CP0s.

"It's you, [Fire Emperor] Portcas D. Ace!"

After the three CP0s recognized Ace, their expressions under the masks became serious, and they asked in a deep voice: "Portcas D. Ace, why are you here!"

"Hey, guess!" Ace grinned, then swayed, and twelve flames suddenly spurted out from behind. The deep sound pushed Ace's body forward, and it suddenly moved at a terrifying speed as if it were teleporting. A CP0 appeared in front of him and punched him.


The CP0 who was hit by Ace almost flew backwards at a speed no less than Ace's attack, and hit the wall behind him heavily. The heavy force caused his body to penetrate the thick wall directly. Then it disappeared out of sight.

However, although Ace's blow killed a CP0, it also attracted the attention of the Pangu City guards.

For a time, the news that Pangu City was invaded quickly spread throughout Mariejoia.

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