One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 254 The Frightened and Furious Five Old Stars

Boom boom boom! ~

In Pangu City, Ace was fighting fiercely with the remaining two CP0 members.

As the top secret intelligence agency directly under the World Government, it is also known as the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons. While CP0 has great power, every member of them also has strong strength.

Not to mention the CP0 member who can punch Ace, even the CP0 who was knocked out of sight by Ace's punch just now is probably stronger than most of the CP9 members.

Faced with the cooperation of these two CP0s, Ace could not defeat them for a while without turning on the [Fire Emperor] form.

And Ace also had another lucky idea in his mind. Although he didn't know what other unknown and powerful combat power was hidden in Pangu City besides CP0, at least it was confirmed that Kizaru was definitely here.

Anyway, he has been exposed now, but Sabo should not have been discovered yet, so when Ace was fighting the two CP0s, he controlled the battlefield away from Sabo's position, and at the same time kept making more noise, trying to Can he lure Kizaru over and create a chance for Sabo to rescue Bartholomew Bear?

Pangu City, between rights.

The Five Old Stars had just confirmed the new list of [King's Seven Martial Arts] and were preparing to discuss the next matter when a soldier suddenly ran in in a hurry.

"Lord Wulaoxing, we just received news that someone has sneaked into the Holy Land and is currently fighting CP0 in Pangu City!" The soldier eagerly reported to Wulaoxinghui.


"That's unreasonable!"

"Where is the intruder now!"

"Has the identity of the intruder been confirmed?!"

"It was discovered after someone sneaked in here. It's really ugly!"

When the five old stars heard the news, they were furious at first, and then asked questions one by one.

"The intruder has been confirmed to be [Fire Emperor] Potcas D. Ace. He is currently fighting the two adults of CP0, and, and...their battlefield is moving towards the depths of Pangu City, it seems We are approaching in the direction of Huajian." The guard said tremblingly.


After hearing the guard's words, Wu Laoxing's expression suddenly changed. The flower room was the residence of the adult. If someone broke in and disturbed the adult, it would be a serious matter.

"It's that kid again!"

"We must stop him quickly, we must not let him break in there!"

"Let Davis go, he's the only one who can stop that brat now."

"I remember that Porusali seems to be at the Holy Land, so let him go there too."

"No, if Polusali leaves, what will happen to Vegapunk? He seems to be conducting some important experiments."

"Experiments can be done at any time. Now the priority is to deal with that brat in Portkas. And if Polusali is just a guard, leaving for a while may not necessarily affect his experiments."

"Then let Polusariru go over and take down that brat first."

In a few words, Wu Laoxing issued several orders, and after issuing the orders, they hurriedly left the power room and rushed towards the flower room.

On the other side, because Ace intentionally moved the battlefield king Sabo in the opposite direction, the battlefield between him and CP0 has moved to the deepest place close to Pangu City.

Although the two CP0s saw Ace's intentions, they were not as strong as Ace and could only be led by him while praying for reinforcements to arrive soon.


The strongest CP0 pointed at Ace, and the attack formed by hitting the air with his finger was like an invisible bullet, shooting towards Ace's head.

clang! ~

Ace raised his hand, wrapped his armed and domineering arm to block the invisible bullet, punched another CP0 back, and then continued to move towards the depths of Pangu City.

"Don't even think about escaping in again!"

The strongest CP0 rushed in front of Ace, stopped him, and simultaneously formed finger guns with both hands and pointed them at Ace.

"Flying finger gun, continuous fire!"

The fingers of his hands kept hitting the air, and invisible bullets rained down on Ace. The density and coverage were like heavy machine gun fire.

Ace's eyes narrowed, and he released his domineering energy without reservation. He instantly captured the trajectory of the flying finger gun, and then he controlled his body to elementalize all the locations on his body that were about to be shot.

Puff puff puff puff puff! ! ~~~

The invisible bullets were like raindrops, passing through Ace's body quickly, but they did not leave a single scratch on his body.

"Hey!" The corner of Ace's mouth raised. His domineering power had finally reached the level where he could accurately predict all such intensive attacks without missing a beat, which was a big improvement.

"Lan Jiao·Flying Scythe Weasel!"

Suddenly, a deep shout came from behind Ace, and then there was a sharp sound that ripped through the air.

Ace's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't even turn around. He directly released his Haki, accurately predicting all the attacks behind him, and then elementalized his body.

Swish, swish, swish! ~~

Dozens of wind blades passed through Ace's body, like sharp blades, instantly cutting his body into dozens of pieces, but the chopped body immediately returned to its original state in a burst of flames.

"Reinforcement?" Ace turned around and found that at some point, more than a dozen figures wearing CP0 clothing had appeared around him, and they had already surrounded him.

"Don't let him go any further. Hold him here. Mr. Davis will arrive soon." A new CP0 said loudly, paused for a while, and then added: "And Admiral Kizaru is also on his way."

"Kizaru?" Ace was delighted when he heard that Kizaru was coming, and then said in his heart: "Now that Kizaru has been led out, I don't have to waste time with you anymore."

Although Ace didn't know who the 'Davis' the CP0 was talking about was, to be called 'sir' by these CP0s, that person must have a high status among the CP0s.

In other words, the strength of this Davis is not weak. Even if it is not as good as the navy admiral, I am afraid it will not be much different. If he is entangled by the opponent, plus the admiral Kizaru who comes from behind, he will think again when the time comes. It would be difficult to leave.

Ace turned his head slightly and looked at the building not far behind him. From the battle just now, he could feel that these people were preventing him from getting closer there.

Since he is not allowed to pass, it means that there is some important person or thing there. The more he is not allowed to pass, the more he wants to see what is inside.

With this thought in mind, Ace turned around, and dozens of flames appeared behind him, pushing his body forward as he rushed toward the building.

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