One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 255 Lord Im (third update, please subscribe)


"Stop him quickly!"

Seeing Ace suddenly rushing towards Hanajian, the faces of those in CP0 changed drastically, but Ace's speed was so fast that it was too late for them to stop him.

Bang! ~

Ace's body smashed the door, and he rushed directly into the building.

"Damn, he broke in!"

"Hurry up and inform the Five Old Stars that the intruder Portcas D. Ace has broken into the flowers."

The people in CP0 did not dare to enter the building called [Between Flowers], so when Ace broke in, they all surrounded the building and notified the Five Old Stars at the same time, waiting for their next instructions.

the other side.

After Ace broke into [Between Flowers], he discovered that this place was completely different from what he imagined. It didn't look like an indoor room, but more like a garden with birds singing and the fragrance of flowers.

Suddenly, Ace felt a cold feeling on his back, and a sense of danger that he felt when he was being targeted by a beast when he was young suddenly surged into his heart.

Ace turned around suddenly and found a figure whose face or even body shape could not be seen clearly among the flowers not far away, looking at him quietly.

"Who is it!" Ace looked at that figure and shouted, his body involuntarily tensing up.

Ace looked at the figure intently, but the other person's body seemed to be blocked by a layer of fog, making it impossible for him to see the other person's figure clearly, except for those extremely indifferent eyes.

But Ace was very sure that the indescribable sense of crisis in his heart was caused by the figure coming from not far away. More importantly, the indifferent look that the other party looked at him was as if... he was looking at a person. Like a dead man!

"Who the hell are you!" Ace shouted, and at the same time his body ignited with purple flames, and then he directly turned on the [Fire Emperor] form, as if only this state could make him feel at ease.

However, the fact is that even after turning on the [Fire Emperor] form, the sense of crisis in Ace's heart has not disappeared, but has become stronger and stronger.

"Portcas D. Ace." The man spoke slowly, with a hoarse voice that had a slight echo, making it difficult to tell whether he (she) was a man or a woman. He (she) looked at Ai quietly. Si, said slowly: "You came just in time, and I also want to see you."

After saying that, the figure walked towards Ace, and as his figure got closer to Ace, the layer of fog on him or her began to slowly fade away, although the person's appearance was still unclear. But Ace could already see the opponent's figure clearly.

"It's him!" After seeing the man's figure clearly, Ace immediately recognized the other person's identity, and secretly said in his heart: "No wonder it makes me feel such a terrifying sense of crisis. It turns out to be him, then... Nothing surprising anymore. ’

The man in front of me is the leader of all the Celestial Dragons. Even the Five Old Stars, who hold the highest power of the World Government, have to kneel down to pay homage to him when they see him. He is also the real master behind the scenes of the World Government— —Lord Im.

‘No wonder those CP0 people didn’t let me get close to this place. After I rushed in, they didn’t dare to come in and pursue me. Is this place his residence? ’ Ace looked at Im, who was slowly walking towards him. Although he still couldn’t see the other person’s appearance clearly, after knowing his identity, the fear in Ace’s heart diminished a lot.

Im stopped about ten meters away from Ace, looked at him, and asked: "Looking at your expression, you seem to know my existence."

"I wasn't sure before, but now I can confirm it!" Ace looked at the person in front of him who couldn't see his appearance clearly, and pretended to say: "However, I thought it was just a legend at first, but I didn't expect you actually exist. This is really true. incredible."

"Interesting, it seems that after this long period of time, the so-called [Holy Land] has also been corrupted by power." Im said what he was referring to, then looked at Ace and said: "However, compared to these Things that are close to decay, your existence interests me even more." After saying this, Im suddenly raised his hand to Ace. The next moment, Ace felt as if his body was being pulled by some invisible force, trying to pull him away. In front of Im.

"This is..." Ace was startled, and then several pillars of fire were ejected from his chest. The force generated pushed his body back, breaking away from the invisible pulling force in Im's palm.

Ace looked at Im solemnly and said in a deep voice: "That one just the ability of the Dark Fruit?"

"No, although the Dark Fruit can also release powerful gravity, before activating this ability, darkness must be released first. He didn't release anything like 'darkness' just now, and the 'pull' just now didn't seem to be aimed at My body is more like pulling on something in my body..."

"Could it be that what he just pulled was not my body, but the... Devil Fruit ability in my body?"

"So, Im has some kind of ability similar to the Dark Fruit?" Ace looked at Im solemnly, secretly guessing about the other person's ability.

"Your power is very different." Im suddenly spoke. He looked at Ace and said slowly: "The demonic power in your body has become impure and must be eradicated as soon as possible." After saying that, Im faced Ace pointed, and a dazzling flash of light suddenly shot out from his fingertips and shot towards Ace.

"That's...Kizaru's flash, how is this possible!"

Ace was startled by Im's move, then his eyes focused, and he released his knowledge and Haki to predict the trajectory of the flash released by Im, and then activated his ability to elementalize the area on his body that was about to be hit.

puff! ~

The flash penetrated Ace's body, leaving a penetrating wound on his shoulder, and directly destroyed Ace's [Fire Emperor] form.

"How is that possible!" Ace covered the wound on his shoulder and looked at Im in disbelief.

Just now, he clearly predicted the trajectory of that flash of light in advance, and even made his body elemental in advance, but he was unable to dodge the attack of that flash of light.

If he hadn't sensed the crisis the moment before the flash of light hit him, and then turned sideways, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been his shoulder that was pierced now, but his heart.

But what Ace couldn't figure out was why Im's flash could still hurt his body even though he had elementalized his body in advance.

More importantly, why can Im release Kizaru's flash!

Coupled with the previous ability similar to the Dark Fruit, Ace suddenly had a terrible idea in his mind.

Seemingly sensing Ace's doubts, Im suddenly spoke and said to him: "It doesn't matter if I tell you, the devil's power has no effect in front of me."

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