One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 271 Ace and Kuzan

"Ao Pheasant!"

"Ha, the general suddenly appeared!"

"Damn it, why did he appear suddenly!"

"Could it be...could it be that the navy knew about our reunion and sent a general to attack us?"

Everyone in the Straw Hats looked at this man who suddenly appeared on their ship in shock.

That's right, the person who suddenly appeared on the Sonny was the 'former' Navy Admiral Aokiji.

Aokiji, no, he has resigned as admiral of the navy and has also given up the title of 'Aojia'. Now he should be called Kuzan.

Kuzan looked at the Straw Hats who were all on alert, waved his hands and said, "Well, don't be nervous, I'm not here to cause trouble, and I'm no longer a navy."

"Yes, he quit the navy two years ago because he lost the battle with Akainu for marshal." Nico Robin spoke, confirmed Aokiji's words, then looked at him and said : "But why did you, who had disappeared from the eyes of the world for two years, suddenly appear in front of us!"

Just like Aokiji has been paying attention to the news about Nico Robin, Nico Robin is also paying attention to all kinds of news about Aokiji.

"Well, how should I put it!" Kuzan scratched his head, then came to the front of the Straw Hats, sat down directly, picked up an empty wine glass, looked at Zoro who was holding the wine bottle in his hand, and said: " Please pour me a glass, too, thank you."

"..." Zoro was speechless, but he still filled the wine glass in Kuzan's hand with a full glass of wine.

Kuzan raised his glass and drank a ton of wine. Then he put down his glass, looked at the members of the Straw Hats, and said, "Actually, I came to see you because I was entrusted by others."

"Entrusted by someone?" When Wang Lufei and others heard this, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Who?"

"I can't tell you who it is yet." Kuzan shook his head, then took out a record pointer, handed it to Nami, and said, "You are the navigator on this ship, right? This is the person who asked me to give it to you. Yes, then, your voyage starts from here!"

"Eh?!" Nami stared blankly at the record pointer handed over by Kuzan. She was about to reach out to take it, but was snatched away by an outstretched arm.

"Stop joking!" After Wang Lufei snatched the record pointer from Kuzan's hand, he crushed it directly, and then said angrily: "I don't care who asked you to send this thing, I am I will not take risks by following the path arranged by others. I am the captain of this ship. In short, no one can control my route!"

"Ah la la, it really turned out like this." Kuzan stood up, looked at the crushed record pointer in Wang Lufei's hand, and said with a headache on his face: "This is a bit difficult to handle."

A few hours later, on the coast of the Seven Waters City.

Kuzan stood on the frosty coast, watching the Sonny slowly disappearing. He took out a phone bug from his body and dialed the number.

"Moxi Moxi, this is Ace, who is it?" Ace's voice came from the mouth of the phone in Kuzan's hand.

"It's me, I saw your brother, but the record pointer I gave him was crushed by him." Kuzan said to the phone bug.

"Hahahaha, I knew that kid would definitely do this." Ace on the other side of the phone laughed loudly when he heard Kuzan's words, and then said: "I told you a long time ago, don't do this kind of thing." It’s a meaningless thing... You guys, shouldn’t you start fighting with them?”

"Ah, I tested their strength a little bit." Kuzan glanced at the surrounding coast full of battle traces and said: "As you said, after two years of precipitation, each of them has grown. However, Without a record pointer, what if they don’t follow the path you predicted?”

"Don't worry, Kuzan, even if there is no record pointer, that kid will definitely meet Moriah next. This is destined." Ace said with certainty.

"..." Kuzan was speechless, and then said: "Okay, but to make sure nothing goes wrong, I will follow them and confirm their route."

"No, they will definitely encounter Moriah, you don't have to worry, and there are more important things for you to do next."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"It's about the battle situation with the Big Mom Pirates. Crocodile and Elbaf have recently had a real fight with the Big Mom Pirates. Big Mom seems to have decided to take action personally, but Crocodile and the others have There is no high-end combat power that can resist BIG·MOM, and they cannot be defeated yet, so I need you to go over and help them contain BIG·MOM."

"Okay." Kuzan nodded. Ever since he got on the line with Ace, he has done this kind of thing. Although Ace didn't say it, he could guess that Crocodile should be like him and like Ace. This is a cooperative relationship.

The cooperation between Kuzan and Ace started when he left the navy.

After Kuzan lost to Akainu in the battle of marshals, although he left the navy, he did not give up the 'justice' in his heart. He left the navy because he could not agree with Akainu's 'extreme justice' That’s all.

Originally, Kuzan planned to use another way to implement justice in his heart after leaving the navy, but what Kuzan didn't expect was that Ace would find him just after he left the navy.

When the two met, they didn't say anything, they just started fighting and had a good fight.

After the battle, the two sat down and chatted calmly for a long time. The reason why Kuzan agreed to cooperate with Ace was just because Ace said something to him.

Ace said to him: He wants to end this era and end the era of great pirates started by his father [Gol D. Roger]!

As a former navy admiral, no one understands the harm that this so-called "Great Pirate Age" has brought to the world better than Kuzan, and Kuzan can see that Ace is not lying, so he decides to take a gamble.

For Kuzan, no matter what purpose Ace had in wanting to overthrow this era, if he could really end this era, then he wouldn't mind helping him.

Kuzan knew very well that Ace did not tell him all of his plans, and Ace's purpose was definitely not just to end the "Great Pirate Age". However, Kuzan did not feel from Ace that he had any interest in the world. Any 'malice', so he decided to cooperate with Ace.

As a former high-level member of the world government, Kuzan knew very well that those who held the highest power in the world were hopeless. He also wanted to see what would happen if the world took on a new look. .

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