One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 272 The Straw Hats Attack

The second half of the Grand Line, the new world.

The Whitebeard Pirates, aboard the Moby Dick.

Ace sat in front of Whitebeard, holding the phone bug he had just finished talking to Kuzan in his hand.

"You kid, you've been running around for the past two years and attracted so many so-called 'allies'. Are you finally ready to take action?" Whitebeard looked at Ace and asked lightly.

"Yes!" Ace nodded, then put down the phone bug in his hand and said, "The power of the new generation that can promote the progress of the times has been accumulated. Next, it is the era for them to show their talents!"

"Ku la la la la, those brats do have potential, but they are still too young." Whitebeard laughed, then shook his head and said.

Of course, Whitebeard knew that the 'new generation power' that Ace was referring to was those people. A year ago, when those brats came to challenge him as their target, Whitebeard even went out of his way to meet them in person, although he was still very young. They are immature, but even Whitebeard has to admit that they are a group of young people with great ambition and potential.

But compared to Ye Xian, the strength of those brats is still far behind.

"Hehe, those guys have been working hard to practice in order to wash away the shame they have suffered in the past two years. Don't underestimate them. Maybe even you will be shocked when we meet next time. Maybe!" Ace said with a smile.

"Hey, they're just a bunch of young brats." Whitebeard curled his lips in disdain, and then asked: "It's you, you haven't taken the initiative in two years, what are you waiting for?"

"Of course I'm waiting for the opportunity to push the tide of the times!" Ace grinned and said with a confident smile: "Besides, I am very strong now. Although it is a bit arrogant to say this, maybe even you, uncle, are no longer mine. It’s your opponent!”

"Ku la la la la!" Whitebeard laughed loudly when he heard this, and said: "You brat, you are a million years too early to be my opponent." Although he said this, Bai Beard said so. The bearded face was full of a happy smile.

As for whether Ace is already stronger than himself, Whitebeard already has the answer in his heart, and in his opinion, Ace's future opponents are no longer old guys like them.

Ace's real opponent is the World Government, and the mysterious 'Im' hidden behind the World Government.

Whitebeard is already old. Even with Luo's care, he can clearly feel that his body is weakening day by day.

At a time like this, is there anything more joyful than being able to see the heir you choose surpass yourself and live in this world?

Of course Whitebeard knew Ace's purpose, and he was very supportive of it.

To be honest, like Ace, he doesn't really like this so-called 'big pirate era', but he himself has no ability to change, so he can only try to make the people around him live as stable a life as possible.

From the perspective of Whitebeard, who had a miserable childhood, if Ace could really end this era of pirates, it would be a good thing for the world.

However, Whitebeard knew very well that although this era was called the 'Great Pirate Age', the problem was not with the pirates, but with the group of Celestial Dragons who lived at the top of the world.

If you really want to end this era, just becoming the so-called 'Pirate King' is not enough. If you want to end this era, you must overturn the eight-hundred-year-old structure of this world and remove those so-called Celestial Dragons from the power of this world. Pull down from the peak.

Ace has been working hard for this goal for the past two years, and these white beards have seen it.

However, Whitebeard also has his own plans in his heart. A man like him, even at the end of his life, will not lie in bed and wait for death.

"It's great that I can wait for you to start planning at this time." Whitebeard looked at Ace and thought to himself: "At least, at the end of my life, let me use my last remaining energy for you."

The first half of the Grand Line, the Devil's Triangle.

This sea area is the territory of Moonlight Moria, one of the Seven Seas of War under the King.

On this day, Moria's terrifying three-masted sailing ship received a group of uninvited guests.

Although it was two years late, when the Straw Hats entered the "Devil's Triangle", they still met their destined eighth partner, the skeleton who had been dead for decades, Brooke.

After meeting Brooke, the Straw Hats learned some things about the 'terrible three-masted sailing ship' from his mouth, and then with a sense of adventure, they set foot on this huge and terrifying sailing ship full of weirdness.

Horrifying zombies, wandering ghosts, and pirates who have taken away their shadows and hide in the dark forest.

Everything on this huge and terrifying sailboat stimulates the hearts of every member of the Straw Hats. Some are excited, some are scared, and some are ready to take action.

Although after two years of training, everyone in the Straw Hats is much stronger than when they boarded the terrifying three-masted sailing ship in the original plot.

But faced with the strange things on this ship that they had never seen before, they were still attacked one after another. First, they were penetrated by those incorporeal ghosts, which made the main forces with powerful strength show their ugly appearance.

Then there is the weird and terrifying mansion, the genius doctor that Chopper longs for, the invisible low beast roar and the mummy swordsman with a famous sword.

It's full of weird things, and the members of the Straw Hats are spinning around in the darkness.

In the end, Wang Lufei was also negligent without understanding Moria's abilities, and then took away the shadow.

However, when the Straw Hats reacted after suffering a lot and finally faced Moriah and his men with a serious attitude, the situation began to become one-sided.

Facing the Straw Hats who had been training for two years, the cadres under Moriah seemed so vulnerable.

As a member of the Shichibukai, Moonlight Moria was only abused unilaterally in front of Wang Lufei, who had been practicing for two years.

Even if Moria finally gathered the power of all the shadows of the terrifying barque, he could not escape the fate of being KOed by Wang Luffy who turned on the fourth gear.

In this way, Moonlight Moria, one of the Seven Warlords under the King, became the first stepping stone on the road to attack after the Straw Hats came back.

After the Battle of the Terrifying Barque, not only did the bounties of all members of the Straw Hats increase slightly, but after learning the story of Brooke and Rab at the final celebration banquet, this perverted skeleton also recognized the situation and became the eighth member of the Straw Hats.

After ending the adventure of the terrifying three-masted sailboat, the Straw Hats set off again and arrived at the last stop of the first half of the Grand Route, the Shampoo Islands.

In the Shampoo Islands, the Straw Hats once again welcomed an unexpected guest.

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