One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 277 Whatever your name is

"Luo, I'm in Dressrosa now, and I just saw a few acquaintances I haven't seen for a long time. If you see them, you will definitely be shocked."

Dressrosa, the highest point of the bullfighting arena, Ace squatted on the roof, holding the phone bug that was talking to Luo in one hand, looking at the familiar figures below, talking to the phone with a smile on his face Chong said.

"Oh? Are you familiar?" On the other side of the phone, Luo heard Ace's words and showed an interested expression on his face, and then said, "Okay, I'll rush over right away."

"Then you have to hurry up. The show here has already begun. If you come late, you won't be able to catch up with anything!" Ace said with a smile.

"Understood, I'm hanging up." Luo replied, and then hung up the call directly.

"This kid!" Ace looked at the hung up phone bug in his hand, shook his head with a smile, then put away the phone bug and looked down at the commotion below.

At this time, Edward Weibull's forces and the Straw Hats had completely gone to war, and the battlefield was spread throughout Dressrosa.

In the bullfighting arena where Ace was, Sanji, Robin, Nami and Usopp of the Straw Hats were surrounded by Dressrosa's army. Just when Sanji and others were entangled with the army , Torebol quietly came to the arena with sugar, and seemed to be preparing to do something quietly.

In the arena, Robin, Nami and Usopp showed off the results of their two years of training, while Sanji followed the two ladies to protect them.

"Sticky Chains!"

Torrebol suddenly made a move, throwing out a snot-like chain from his body and rolling it towards Nami.

"Cut meat·SHOT!"

Just when Torrebol's sticky chain was about to wrap around Nami, Sanji suddenly kicked out and smashed Torrebol's sticky chain with a beautiful kick.

"Don't attack ladies casually, you wretched man!" Sanji stared at Torebol like a falcon and said coldly.

"..." Hearing Sanji's words, Torebol was stunned for a moment, then slowly backed away with Sugar, and finally disappeared from Sanji's eyes.

"That guy!" Sanji watched Torrebol retreat from under his eyes, but did not pursue him. Not only was Torrebol carrying a child-like sugar, but more importantly, he had to protect the two of them. Miss.

On the Avenue of Lovers, Zoro, Franky, Chopper and Brooke were being chased by Diamanti and Monet with their troops.

"It's so annoying, it's not over yet!" Zoro, who was being chased, turned around and struck a knife, but Diamanti blocked it, and then the two began to fight.

"Yo ho ho ho~ Beautiful lady, can you let me see your pussy?"

Brooke made a request to Monet, but after being ruthlessly rejected, the two began to fight.

Franky and Chopper began to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers.

"Get away, get out of the way, don't block the way, I'm going to beat up that 'Waguli' (the collective name for wafer + chocolate)." Wang Lufei kicked a soldier away and shouted loudly.

"Samewa Shoken!" Jinbei punched a soldier away, and then reminded Wang Luffy in a low voice: "Luffy brother, that man's name is Edward Weibull, not Weigui."

"Whether it's wafers or chocolates, I'll knock them all away!" Wang Lufei continued to roar.

"Alas~" Jinbei sighed softly and stopped explaining. He just followed Wang Lufei and rushed forward.

In this way, Wang Luffy and Jinbei rushed straight towards the palace of Dressrosa.

In the palace of Dressrosa, Edward Weibull, Abaro Pizarro and Basque Choate were watching the commotion in Dressrosa through surveillance phone bugs.

"Mom, Mom, can I really not go out?" Edward Weibull held the naginata in his hand and asked Miss Bajin, who was sitting on the throne, expectantly.

"Idiot." Miss Bajin came to Edward Weibull, jumped up and knocked him on the head, scolding: "You are the king now, you are just a few little thieves, your action is needed there. "

"But, but those people look quite strong, I really want to go over and kill them." Edward Weibull said with a look of aggrievedness.

"There will be a chance, but now you just wait here obediently for me." Miss Bajin said seriously.

"Hahaha, don't worry, Edward, after a cat catches a mouse, it always has to play with it before killing its prey." Aballo Pizarro also said to Edward Weibull with a smile.

"Then...okay!" Edward Weibull nodded reluctantly.

Half an hour later.

In the bullfighting arena, after Sanji, Robin, Nami and Usopp dealt with the army that besieged them, they headed straight towards the palace of Dressrosa, preparing to meet with Wang Luffy.

On Lovers' Avenue, Zoro, Franky, Chopper and Brooke also defeated all the troops chasing them, and then headed towards the palace, preparing to meet Wang Luffy.

After Torebol, Diamanti, Monet and Sugar tested the strength of the Straw Hats, they quietly withdrew from the battlefield and hid in the dark.

But they didn't notice that there was a gaze staring at them closely.

Outside the palace of Dressrosa, Wang Luffy and Jinbe also rushed directly outside the palace.

"That guy named 'Wei Guli', come out quickly, I'm going to beat you away!" Wang Lufei kicked open the palace door and yelled inside.


When Edward Weibull and others in the palace heard Wang Lufei's roar, they all had question marks on their faces.

"Who was this kid calling just now?" Aballo Pizarro tilted his head, looked at Basque Choate, and asked.

"He seems to be looking for some kind of 'Vaguli'?" Basque Choate answered uncertainly.

"Mom, mom, who is Weiguli?" Edward Weibull looked at his mother and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Just as Miss Ba Jin was about to speak, Wang Lufei suddenly pointed at Edward Weibull and said loudly: "Your boy is the Shichibukai named Edward Weigui."

"I am Monkey D. Luffy, and I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King. I am here to beat you away!" Wang Luffy pointed at the confused Edward Weibull and said loudly.

"..." Edward Weibull, who was pointed at, was stunned for a moment, then an angry expression appeared on his demented face, and he shouted at Wang Lufei: "You brat, my name is Edward Weibull, not some Weigui." !”

"It doesn't matter what your name is, I'm going to blow you away soon!" Wang Lufei opened his stance, turned on the second gear, and then dodged his body and attacked Edward Weibull directly.

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