One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 278 Strong Enemy

"No matter what your name is, you will be beaten up by me soon!" Wang Lufei grinned, then squatted half-crouched, holding his left hand on his knees, making a fist with his right hand and hanging on the ground, inflating his ankles, and then his skin began to turn red, and his body Steam begins to come out.

"Second gear!"

Wang Lufei, who turned on the second gear, dodged, rushed in front of Edward Weibull at high speed, and punched him in the face.

"Rubber Jet Pistol!"

Wang Lufei's rapidly extending arm was like an air bomb, hitting Edward Weibull's face hard.

Facing Wang Lufei's attack, Edward Weibull's eyes narrowed, and the expression of dementia on his face disappeared instantly. He sided his head to avoid Wang Lufei's fist, and then punched Wang Lufei hard in the face.

Bang! ~

Wang Luffy, who was caught off guard, was directly punched by Edward Weibull. Fortunately, Jinbei took action in time and caught him with his huge body, thus avoiding the fate of flying directly out of the palace.

"Be careful, brother Luffy, don't be reckless." Jinbe put Wang Luffy down and said in a solemn voice: "Although this person doesn't look very smart, he is very powerful. Don't be careless!"

"I understand!" Wang Lufei nodded solemnly.

Although Wang Lufei is also not very smart, the moment just now gave him a certain understanding of the strength of this Shichibukai, who seemed even stupider than him.

"Mom, Mom, this kid is so annoying. Even if he calls people by the wrong name, he suddenly attacks others. Can I kill him?" Edward Weibull turned his head and asked Miss Bajin who was standing aside. road.

"This kid is indeed a bit annoying." Miss Bajin nodded, and then said to Edward Weibull: "I allow you to take action and kill him, my dear son!"

"Really? Then I'll do it!" With Miss Bajin's permission, Edward Weible immediately picked up the naginata in his hand and slashed it directly at Wang Lufei.

Zheng! ~

As the naginata in Edward Weibull's hand was swung down, the roar of the blade seemed to make the whole world stop. The expressions of Wang Luffy and Jinbe were instantly replaced by shock.

Uh-huh! ~

A huge slash was released from the naginata blade in Edward Weibull's hand. The unrivaled sharpness caused Wang Lufei and Jinbei to dodge in fear. When the blade fell, only a bottomless ravine was left on the ground. The palace behind the man was also split into two silently!

" awesome!" Wang Lufei looked at the endless ravine behind him, his mouth wide open, and he shouted in surprise.

"What an exaggerated slash!" Jinbei looked at the endless ravine behind him and said in surprise: "Even if I have fought before, I still can't help but be amazed when I see this kind of power again. No wonder this guy is being evaluated. Because he has power comparable to that of 'Dad in his youth'."

"What, Jinbei, have you ever fought against this guy?" Wang Lufei also asked with interest after hearing Jinbei's words.

"Ah, that was two years ago. Even if the battlefield was at the bottom of the sea, I still lost that battle." Jinbei replied with a solemn expression.

"What, Jinbei, you lost!" Wang Lufei looked surprised, then looked at Edward Weibull with a serious face, and said: "Since even you were defeated by him, then I will take action!" , Wang Lufei raised his arm, put it in front of his mouth, opened his mouth and prepared to bite.

Swish! ~

Just when Wang Lufei was about to activate the fourth gear, two figures suddenly came from the side and attacked him and Jinbe respectively. They were Abalo Pizarro and Basque Choate.

Bang bang! ~

Wang Lufei and Jinbei avoided their attacks at the same time, and then looked at them with solemn expressions.

"These two people..." Wang Lufei looked solemnly at the sudden attack on them, Abaro Pizarro and Basque Choate, and keenly felt the power of these two people.

"They are [Evil King] Abaro Pizarro and [Big Barrel] Basque Choate. They are the 'extremely evil' criminals that 'Blackbeard' brought out from the sixth floor of Impel Down City. They are very powerful. They are powerful, brother Luffy, don't underestimate them." Jinbei said to Wang Luffy while on guard.

"Ah, I can feel that these two people are very strong." Wang Lufei replied with the same serious eyes.

"Hey, Edward, it's better not to take action." [Evil Government King] Abaro Pizarro turned his head, looked at Edward Weibull, and said: "You guys have no sense of measure when it comes to your actions. If you let me If you take action, even if you finally defeat the enemy, this country will probably be destroyed by your power."

"So, let us do it for you, meow~." Aballo Pizarro twisted his neck and said with a relaxed expression.

"That's right. We finally got this country that suits my heart. I haven't enjoyed it enough yet. I can't just let you destroy this place." Miss Bajin thought for a while, then nodded and said to Edward Weeble Said: "Wei BuLe, leave it to them this time."

"But, but, I also want to take action!" Edward Weibull said with an aggrieved look.

"But what, do you want to disobey me? You unfilial idiot son!" Miss Bajin shouted at Edward Weibull.

"No, no, I don't want to."

Facing Miss Barkin who lost his temper, Edward Weibull immediately waved his hands.

"Then just sit here and watch." Miss Bajin nodded with satisfaction and said, "Put on the crown, you are the king, you must be majestic!"

"Okay." Edward Weibull held up the crown on his head, and then sat back on his throne with a look of reluctance.

"Then, let's get started!" Abaro Pizarro pointed at Wang Luffy, then turned to Basque Choate and asked: "Hey, Choate, let me deal with this kid, do you have any objections? ?”

"Hiccup~" [Big Wine Barrel] Basque Choate burped and said with an indifferent expression: "I don't care."

"Haha, that's great!" Abaro Pizarro laughed, then looked at Wang Lufei and asked: "Kid, I heard that you are the brother of that guy [Fire Emperor], right?"

"Ah, Ace is my brother, that's right." Wang Lufei replied expressionlessly.

"Ha, that's just right." Abaro Pizarro laughed ferociously and said, "That guy ruined my important plan. Since you are his younger brother, use your life to repay it first! "After saying that, he kicked off his feet and rushed in front of Wang Lufei in an instant, and hit Wang Lufei's head hard with his fist wearing special gloves.

On the other side, Basque Choate also attacked Jinbe.

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