One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 281 Do you like toys?

Dressrosa, below King's Heights.

The battle between Wang Lufei and Edward Weibull was extremely fierce. The battlefield between the two covered almost half of the Kingdom of Dressrosa, and wherever the two fought, both the terrain and the buildings would be severely damaged, so Wherever it passes, almost no inch of intact space is left.

On the high ground of the King, on the right side of the palace, the battle between Roronoa Zoro and [Evil King] Abaro Pizarro was also very fierce.

During the war, Sauron was knocked away by a bear and sent directly to Hawkeye's home. Under the guidance of Hawkeye in the past two years, this guy's strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Although one of the three great sabers, Yukizag, was accidentally destroyed by the rust fruit user on Judiciary Island two years ago, he recently obtained the sword of the swordsman Ryoma, the Great Knife, on the ship of terror. The [Black Knife·Qiu Shui] among the twenty-one skills is even more powerful.

On the ship of terror, although they were also facing opponents of the same level as the Shichibukai, Moria's opponent was Wang Luffy, so he did not steal the limelight from his own captain, and none of Moria's men could make him Opponents showing their strength.

Even Demon Oz, who had obtained Wang Luffy's shadow, was not enough for him to cut him with three or two swords.

In Zoro's words at the time, this kind of garbage is not even qualified to be used for warming up.

Now, after encountering a veteran strongman like Abalo Pizarro as an opponent, Sauron began to show his true strength, and he became stronger with each battle. After gradually revealing his prowess, he began to slowly suppress his opponent.

As Sauron, the tiger, began to gradually show his fangs, it was only a matter of time before Abalo Pizarro was defeated.

On the left side of the palace, the battle between Sanji and [Big Wine Barrel] Basque Choate was a little anxious.

It also took two years of training, but during the two years of training, Sanji's most important training was to learn new dishes and recipes, followed by training his strength.

Therefore, although Sanji's strength has also made several major leaps in the past two years, it is still far behind Zoro who focuses on improving his own strength.

Therefore, with Sanji's current strength, although he can barely resist an opponent of Basque Choate's level, it seems a bit difficult.

Although everyone in the Straw Hats has a different division of labor, after two years of training, the strength of the three main forces has widened significantly.

Inside the palace, on the middle floor.

Robin, Franky and Brooke had already fought fiercely with Torebol, Diamanti and Monet who were ambushing here.

Franky's opponent is Torebol, the user with sticky fruit abilities.

During the two years of practice, Franky used the technology left by Vegapunk to completely transform and upgrade his body. Not only did his whole person look completely new, he was also able to play all kinds of newer (bian) magic than before ( tai) stuff, the strength is certainly not the same as it was two years ago.

Today, Franky is already able to deal with opponents like Torrebol, who was the top cadre of the Don Quixote family at the time.

Moreover, after Franky figured out Torrebol's ability, the battle between them was basically Franky's all-round suppression of Torrebol.

Brooke's opponent is Diamanti.

Because he joined the Straw Hats two years later, Brook's strength is still at the stage of two years ago, but even so, facing an opponent like Diamanti, Brook is not at a disadvantage.

Robin's opponent is Monet.

Even after two years of training, Robin was no match for Monet, who had natural abilities.

With both fruits and physical strength being crushed, if Franky hadn't taken the time to help, Robin would have been defeated by Monet.

But there's nothing that can be done about it. After all, Robin's profession is just an archaeologist, and fighting is not her specialty, not to mention that her opponent is a natural devil fruit user.

Speaking of which, even after two years of training, only Wang Luffy, Zoro and Sanji are the only ones in the Straw Hats who have mastered 'Haki'.

Therefore, facing a natural ability user like Monet, except for the three main players, everyone else would be in vain.

Franky only took advantage of the weapon to temporarily suppress Monet without causing any harm to her.

On the other side, deep inside the palace of Dressrosa.

The timid trio chased Miss Bajin to an empty palace, but the old woman's figure had long since disappeared.

Tap! ~Tap! ~

At this time, there was a sound of brisk footsteps, and then the timid trio saw a little girl wearing a crown and a bear shawl, humming a song and walking past them.

This little girl, of course, looks harmless, but actually has the terrifying ability to turn anyone she touches into a toy.

Sugar hummed a song, walked past the timid trio as if nothing had happened, and then entered another palace. In the process, he completely ignored the existence of the timid trio, as if he had not seen them at all.

"Hey, was that a little girl just now?" Usopp pointed to the direction Sugar left and turned to Nami and Chopper and asked.

"Yeah! X2" Nami and Chopper nodded sharply, indicating that Usopp had read it correctly.

"But why are there children here?" Usopp asked again.

"This is the palace, it's normal to have children." Nami said not so sure.

"But...she doesn't seem to have seen us." Chopper said doubtfully.

"Although this is a palace, when a cute little girl appears, I always feel like something is wrong." Usopp touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Could it be that the little girl is the old woman before?" Right?"

"That's it! X2" Nami and Chopper suddenly realized, and said at the same time: "It turns out that the little girl was transformed into an old woman!"

"Hey, I'm just guessing, please don't take it as fact!" Usopp shouted frantically at the two of them.

Tap! ~Tap! ~

At this time, the sound of brisk footsteps came again, and then Sugar's figure appeared in front of them again.

This time, the timid trio saw Sanduang again, and they all put on alert postures, but Sanduang still acted as if they hadn't seen them, humming a light tune in his mouth, and walked slowly past them.

However, this time, when Sanduang passed in front of the timid trio, he suddenly stopped, raised his little head, and asked the three of them: "Do you like toys?"

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