One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 282 Thread Fruit

"Do you like toys?" Sugar raised her little head, looked at the timid trio with an innocent-looking expression, and asked.

"What?" Nami was stunned for a moment.

"Toy?" Usopp looked confused.

"Are there any reindeer?!" Chopper's eyes lit up.

"Reindeer? There are some!" Sugar smiled sweetly at Chopper, then raised his little hand.

"Wait, Chopper!"

"Don't let her near you!"

Nami and Usopp instinctively felt that something was wrong with Sugar, but by the time they realized it, it was already too late.

"Deer toy!"

Sugar's little figure swished through the middle of the three of them, and her small palms quickly patted each of them. Then the timid trio were beaten by Sugar with childlike fruits. ability, turned into three reindeer-looking toys.

"Reindeer toys, this is the first time!" Sugar looked at the timid trio who were turned into deer toys, with a smile befitting their age on their little faces, and then said to the three toys: "Follow my orders. , fight for me until you die, little deer toys!”

"Fight, fight!" The timid trio who had been turned into deer toys stood neatly in front of Sugar and said in unison.


Sugar hummed a light tune and walked towards the place where Robin and the others were fighting. The toys turned into by the timid trio also followed behind her.

"The childlike fruit is indeed a terrifying ability." After Sugar left, Ace's figure suddenly appeared in the palace. He looked at the direction in which Sugar left and said thoughtfully: "Catch these guys. What do Luffy’s companions want to do?”

"Forget it, the big fish hasn't appeared yet, so I'll turn you into toys for now." Ace shook his head and followed quietly.

Dressrosa Palace, where the three Robins fought.

At this time, the palace where the three were located was completely covered by thick ice and snow, and Robin and Brooke were also bound to the ground by the sticky chains released by Torrebol.

Only Franky was still struggling to resist, but with one against three, he was completely at a disadvantage. His whole body was covered with thick ice and snow, and his movements began to become stiff, and he was about to step into the trap. Following in the footsteps of Robin and Brooke.

"Army flag!"

Diamanti activated the fruit ability, turning the ground into a soft form like silk, and then moved irregularly, causing Franky's body to lose balance.

"Sticky Chains!"

Torebol took the opportunity to release a stream of mucus, which directly fell on Franky who lost his balance, binding his body to the ground.

"Franky Free Laser Beam!"

Before Frankie was completely restrained, he released a laser beam at Torebol, but it was blocked by Monet.


Monet opened his mouth to spit out Franky, and a burst of icy cold air turned into a small snow tornado, freezing Franky's body and completely losing his ability to move.

"Huh~ I finally caught him!" Monet looked at Frankie who was frozen into an ice sculpture, heaved a sigh of relief and said, "This guy is really a monster, he really doesn't look like a human being."

"Cyborg Franky, he is no longer a pure human being." Diamanti put away the long sword in his hand and said: "I caught three of them. I don't know what's going on with Sugar. Not turning the other three Straw Hat members into toys."

"Hmph, Diamanti, are you doubting my ability?" At this time, Sugar, who happened to arrive here just in time to hear Diamanti's words, came over with three toys and snorted: "I turned those three guys into my toys very easily."

"Great, if we catch six people, it will be enough for us to regain the young master's ability from CP0!" Monet said happily when he saw the three toys behind Sugar.

That's right, Torebol, Diamanti, Monet, and Sugar, in addition to wanting to use the Straw Hats to deal with Ace, they also reached an agreement with someone from CP0, as long as they can catch him If there are more than three Straw Hat members, they can be exchanged for Doflamingo's original abilities.

The devil fruit obtained by CP0, the superhuman-type thread fruit.

"Let's go, take them with you, let's go to the underground trading ground. By this time, the people from CP0 should have arrived." Torebol came to Sugar's side and said.

"Sugar, turn these people into toys." Diamanti pointed at Robin and Brooke who were tied to the ground, and Franky who was frozen into an ice sculpture, and said, "These people are very difficult to deal with. , if he accidentally breaks free from his restraints, it won’t be that easy to catch him again.”

"Hmph!" Sugar raised her chin at Diamanti arrogantly, then came to the three Robins and activated the ability of the Childlike Fruit, turning them into toys that were obedient to her.

After turning Robin, Brooke and Franky into toys, the four of them quietly left the palace with six toys and headed towards the underground trading ground.

"So that's it. They captured Luffy's partner in order to get Doflamingo's ability back from CP0!"

After Monet and Sugar left, Ace's figure appeared, looked at the direction they left, and said with a smile: "The Thread Fruit? I didn't expect it to fall into the hands of CP0, but it is a good ability. "

"People are dead, and they still want to get his abilities back. I didn't expect these guys to be quite loyal to Doflamingo." Ace smiled, and then followed quietly.

Dressrosa, underground trading ground.

In the huge underground port, there are all kinds of boxes filled with guns and ammunition and other dangerous items stacked up.

On top of the mountains of boxes, three figures wearing white suits and masks sat or stood on top of the boxes.

The leader had a pigeon standing on his shoulder. What was funny was that the pigeon was also wearing a mini suit and tie.

At this time, Monet and four others came here. After they saw these people dressed in standard CP0 clothes, Monet looked at them and said, "We have captured six members of the Straw Hats. Bring the things we want." come yet?"

"Oh? You actually caught six?" After hearing Monet's words, CP0, who had a pigeon on his shoulder, said something in surprise, and then said to a burly CP0 behind him: "Give them something. .”

The CP0 nodded, then took out an exquisite box from his body and threw it directly to Monet.

Monet caught the box thrown by CP0, opened it and took a look, with a happy smile on his face.

What was contained in the box was the thread fruit they had been waiting for.

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