One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 297 The Survival of [Shichibukai]

One day later, the battle between the Straw Hats and [Shichibukai] Edward Weeble in Dressrosa spread throughout the world.

In a short period of time, two [Shichibukai] were defeated twice in succession, which brought the reputation of the Straw Hats to its peak in one day, and the bounties for all members of the Straw Hats were also increased a lot.

On the contrary, two people were defeated in a short period of time, which also reduced the deterrent effect of the title [Shichibukai] on the sea to the minimum in the shortest time.

Because Moonlight Moria and Edward Weibull were defeated by a pirate group in a short period of time, the reputation of all the remaining members of the Shichibukai was greatly reduced. For a time, those pirates who wanted to be famous began to Embark on a journey to challenge the Shichibukai.

For a time, those Shichibukai who had fixed territories immediately became lively, and there was an endless stream of pirates who came to challenge them.

Even the daughter country located in the windless zone was constantly harassed by pirates who came to challenge during this period. However, none of the pirate ships that came here to challenge [Empress] Boya Hancock left. , all were sunk to the bottom of the sea to feed the sea kings.

Because Hawkeye was not at home, all the pirates who came to challenge him were hacked to death by the orangutan guarding the gate, and their bodies were piled dozens of meters high.

Bucky's side was even more lively. The pirates who came to challenge him almost completely surrounded his territory. Fortunately, Bucky also had many powerful thugs under his command, and there were no pirates who wanted to cause trouble for him. He was a truly powerful man, so all the pirates who challenged him were beaten up and then 'forced' to become his subordinates.

On Ulki's side, because he is fighting the Big Mom Pirates, there are not many people who come to trouble him.

As for the bear, this guy is elusive and no one can find him.

The pinnacle of the Red Continent, the Holy Land Marie Joa.

Among the powers that be, a discussion about the life and death of the [Shichibukai] organization is underway.

The five old stars looked at the information that Edward Weibull was defeated by the Straw Hats. Some of the five were angry, some were surprised, and some were indifferent.

"This has only taken so long to grow to the point where it is such a headache!" said Wulaoxing, who had long straight white hair and a long beard.

"Is this brat Garp's grandson? Let him handle it." The blond Wulaoxing suggested.

"Forget it, Garp has offered to resign to Sora many times. Sora finally calmed down and got him to agree to stay as a recruit coach. Now if he is asked to catch his grandson, I'm afraid he will really make up his mind to leave the navy."

"Garp's reputation is still very important to the Navy, so let's leave this matter to others." said Wulaoxing with a fluffy white beard.

"That kid has grown to the point where it is causing us a headache. If left alone, he may become the next [Fire Emperor]. I propose that CP0 take action and directly remove his head." Bald Five holding a sword Lao Xing said in a deep voice.

"Although that kid is troublesome, he is not serious enough for us to go to war for him. Just let Sakaski send any general to capture him. The most important thing now is the issue of the [Shichibukai]."

"The defeat of Moria and Edward Weibull has greatly weakened the deterrent power of the [Shichibukai] on the sea. Should they continue to hold the position of the Shichibukai, or should they be replaced?" said the man with a two-stroke mustache. Wulaoxing said.

"Forget it about Moria, what Edward Weibull did in Dressrosa was too bad, and it is impossible for him to continue to hold the position of Shichibukai." The fifth elder with a fluffy white beard Star said.

"Even if we just add a position, we won't be able to find a suitable candidate for a while." Wu Laoxing, who has long straight white hair and a long beard, shook his head.

"Hasn't Vegapunk's research made huge progress? If his research can be completed successfully, then we can consider canceling the [Shichibukai] system." The bald five old stars suddenly said.

"The abolition of the [Shichibukai] is too involved. Let's wait until Vegapunk's research has obtained confirmable results." said the five old stars with two splayed beards.

"Yes, Vegapunk's research has not reached the final stage. It is too early to talk about abolishing the [Shichibukai]." The long-bearded Wu Laoxing nodded.

"The person most responsible for this matter is Bartholomew Bear. If he was willing to cooperate well with Vegapunk's research, maybe that research would have yielded results long ago." The bald Five Old Star pulled out his hand He said something bitterly, then put the sword back into its sheath and continued: "Pirates are pirates, even people like Bartholomew Bear will go against our wishes, so I said, [ Shichibukai] is really too unreliable.”

Two years ago, after Ace and Sabo broke into Mariejoia to save the bear, the bear promised Ace that he would not continue to cooperate with Vegapunk's research for two years.

Because most of the energy in the early stages of Vegapunk's research had been devoted to bears, once the bears did not cooperate, the speed of Vegapunk's research would be greatly delayed.

It’s not that the World Government has not thought about asking Vegapunk to change the experimental subjects, but if the experimental subjects are changed, the research invested in the bears in the early stage may become completely useless. Not only will it cost more, but it will also require more experience. Moreover, the new experimental subjects may not be as useful as the bears, so Vegapunk refused the World Government's request to replace the experimental subjects, and also told them that the bears' uncooperation would only last for two years. After two years, The bear will obediently continue to cooperate with the experiment.

When Wu Laoxing heard that it was only two years, the world government could afford to wait, so it did not continue to ask Vegapunk to replace the experimental subject.

Of course, this is just Vegapunk's external statement. I'm afraid only Xiong and Vegapunk know what is going on.

Now two years have passed, Xiong has begun to continue to cooperate with Vegapunk's experiment, and Wu Laoxing feels that Vegapunk's experiment will bear fruit soon.

"Then, Moonlight Moria will continue to serve as the Shichibukai, and Edward Weibull will be removed. However, there is no need to rush to find a replacement for his vacancy. As for whether the title [Shichibukai] needs to continue to exist, we will wait for Vegapunk's research results. Come out and make a decision." Wulaoxing, who had long straight white hair and a long beard, said directly.

"Agree! X4" The remaining four five old stars looked at each other, and then they all raised their hands in agreement.

"Then, let's discuss the most important thing about this meeting, which is about the convening of the quadrennial World Conference in a week's time!"

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