One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 298 World Conference

Holy Land Marie Joa.

Every four years, the World Government will elect 50 kings representing the countries from more than 170 participating countries to come to the world's highest holy place and hold a major conference surrounding the entire world - that is [ World Conference].

Because the [World Conference] was about to open, 50 kings elected from the many participating countries of the World Government came to Mariejoia one after another to prepare for this major seven-day conference.

Because there are as many as 50 kings participating in the [World Conference], plus their families and guards, when all the kings are present, the number of people will probably exceed a thousand.

Moreover, in order to protect these kings who came from all over the world, the World Government also sent a large number of troops as guards to protect them.

As the face of the World Government, the Navy Headquarters is of course the main force that protects the safety of these kings. Because there are so many kings participating in the [World Conference], even if the Navy Headquarters has dispatched all its troops, it is still somewhat stretched. As the marshal, Chi The dog is even more busy.

Similarly, due to the convening of the [World Conference], the World Government and the Navy Headquarters' military forces around the world have been empty, and various crimes have emerged in endlessly around the world.

Not only the pirates in the New World are ready to move, but it seems that some kind of huge turmoil is brewing, even the revolutionary army is taking this opportunity to become active.

The World Conference has not yet begun, but there are already endless topics surrounding this quadrennial [World's Largest Conference]. The most eye-catching one is that the Dragon Palace Kingdom, which is located 10,000 meters deep in the sea, will also participate in this World Conference.

As a royal family that rarely appears on land, the Ryugu Kingdom suddenly came to participate in the World Conference this time. Not only were the kings from all over the world very surprised, but even the World Government received the news that the Ryugu Kingdom agreed to attend the World Conference. , also very unexpected.

The Ryugu Kingdom has joined the World Government for 200 years. This is the second time it has participated in the World Conference. The World Government has attached great importance to it. In order to show its importance to the fish people represented by the Ryugu Kingdom, the World Government directly sent [Naval Hero] Several lieutenant generals headed by Monkey D. Garp served as guards for the Dragon Palace Kingdom group.

As the team from the Dragon Palace Kingdom arrived at Mariejoia, all the fifty kings who came to attend the World Conference finally arrived.

Just when the team of Ryugu Kingdom was escorted by Garp and his team to the holy land of Mariejoia, deep in the Pangu City of Mariejoia, in the new "Between Flowers", Im, the biggest BOSS behind the world government, seemed to Sensing something, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Im's eyes seemed to have traveled through layers of space and fell on Bai Xing, who was in the Dragon Palace Kingdom team that had just entered the gate of Pangu City. Then he slowly opened his mouth and said: "This wave is [Poseidon]." After that, Im looked at the table on the right. There were several photos on the table, and in one of the photos, it was exactly what Shirahoshi looked like.

Im picked up Shirahoshi's photo from the table, turned around and walked towards the depths of [Between Flowers].

"[Poseidon] has woken up and came here. It's time for you to wake up too, [Ularos]." With a hoarse voice, Im's figure disappeared into the depths of [Between Flowers].

Marie Joa, the main entrance of Pangu City.

"Yeah!~" Bai Xing, who had just entered Pangu City, suddenly felt a sudden sensation in his heart, as if he was suddenly being targeted by something dangerous. He couldn't help but exclaimed, and then looked around in panic.

"What's wrong, Bai Xing?" The eldest prince Shark Star saw Bai Xing seemed to be frightened and immediately came to her side and asked with concern.

"Brother Wang, just seemed like something was in someone else's house. It was so scary." Bai Xing said with tears in his eyes.

"How is it possible? This is the highest holy place of the World Government. It is said that there is no safer place in the entire world than here." Shark Star shook his head, then glanced at Garp not far away and said, "And, there is that Please protect me, no one in this world can harm us, you must have some illusion, Shirahoshi."

"Yeah." Bai Xing also looked at Garp who was eating meat, then wiped away his tears and said with a smile: "Well, that adult is Brother Ace's grandfather!"

"What are you talking about?" At this time, Garp suddenly turned around, looked at Shirahoshi and the others, and asked.

"Nothing." Bai Xing and Shark Xing shook their heads at the same time, and then followed the team. Bai Xing came directly to Garp and said to him: "This place is really beautiful. Can I look around here? Ace Big brother’s grandpa!”

"Hahahaha, of course!" Garp raised his head, looked at Bai Xing dotingly, and said to her with a smile: "Except for the places where the Draco trash lives, before the World Conference begins, you are free to visit other places."

"Really?" Bai Xing heard this and immediately said excitedly: "That's great!"

"Lieutenant General Garp!" After hearing Garp's words, one of the accompanying lieutenant generals immediately came to Garp and whispered to him: "This is Marie Joa, where the Celestial Dragons live. At least don't do it blatantly. They say they are 'trash'!"

"Ah, can't you say it here?" Upon hearing this, Garp was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Then what I said just now doesn't count, just pretend I didn't say it."

"..." The accompanying naval generals were speechless, but they didn't say anything else. After all, it wasn't the first time that Garp said such things in front of everyone.

After entering Pangu City, just like the original plot, after Garp left, Bai Xing, who was a fishman, was targeted by a certain idiot-like Draco, causing Nipton to almost attack the Draco. Fortunately, Bai Xing had been attacked by Bai Xing at this time. The Celestial Dragon Don Quijote Musgarudos, helped by his mother Otohime, appeared in time and beat away the brainless Celestial Dragon who wanted to capture Shirahoshi, successfully avoiding the conflict between the Ryugu Kingdom and the Celestial Dragons.

As a Celestial Dragon, Saint Donquixote Musgarud has been following the team of the Dragon Palace Kingdom to protect them from harassment by other Celestial Dragons. During this period, Shirahoshi passed through the bond between the two brothers Ace and Wang Luffy. , met Princess Weiwei of Alabasta and Princess Rebecca of Dressrosa, and became good friends with them.

Neptune also became close friends with several kings through Ace's relationship with Wang Luffy.

Next, they only need to wait for the opening of the World Conference, and then fifty kings will start a seven-day meeting on topics surrounding the entire world.

Any proposal they put forward at the [World Conference] may change the structure of the entire world.

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