One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 301 Return to Wano Country

The new world is an unknown sea.

A ship flying the flag of the Spade Pirates sailed smoothly on the sea. The navigator Cornelia stood on the bow of the ship, holding a slowly moving life card in one hand while looking at his wrist. record pointer on.

This ship is the Spade of the Spade Pirates.

However, on the Spade at this time, there were only four navigators, Cornelia, Yanliu of the Long-hand tribe, Fenamore of the dwarf tribe, and Vores the helmsman. They were looking for the legendary Zodiac. Unoshima.

Oh, by the way, there is also the mascot of the [Red Heart Pirates] who leads the way, and he is also a fur tribe from Zou Island, White Bear Bebo.

"Hey, little Bear Bear, where is your Furry Principality? It's been three days, and why haven't you seen a single shadow?" Yanliu, who was sitting on the deck, picked his ears and looked at the person standing not far from him. A white bear sitting nearby asked, "I heard that your country was built on a huge elephant. Is that true?"

"Yes, our country has been built on the back of the elephant owner since 1,000 years ago. Because the elephant owner has been moving, the position will keep moving. Maybe the elephant owner has gone farther this time." White Bear replied, Then he whispered: "Also, Brother Yanliu, although I am indeed a bear, I have a name. My name is Beibo."

"Well, I know, but I feel that calling you Little Bear Bear would be more affectionate." Yanliu waved his hand, and then said: "I was wondering how big an elephant that could carry a country would be, and whether it would be bigger than Are the legendary ancient giants even bigger?"

"Of course, the elephant master has lived for more than a thousand years, and his huge body cannot be compared to even the Neptunes in the deep sea." Bebo replied proudly, and then whispered: "Brother Ganliu, I still feel It would be better if you just call me by my name."

"Hahaha, is that so? But I still feel that Little Bear is a better name." Yanliu ignored Beibo's request, and then asked: "By the way, Little Bear, do you know why that guy Luo had to let us go?" Let’s go to your country. It would be more convenient if we go directly to Wano Country.”

"Because Boss Ace told the captain that there is a piece of [Historical Text] hidden in our country. The captain has been collecting those stones. This time we come, in addition to going to the country of Wano with the two kings of the fur tribe, we also have to The piece of [historical text] hidden in our country should be rubbed back." Bebo replied.

"[Historical text]?" Hearing Bebo's words, Yanliu was stunned and asked, "Can that guy Luo understand what's written on those stones?"

"I can't understand." Bebo shook his head and said, "But the captain said that it doesn't matter if he can't understand. Collect them first. When you meet someone who can understand, just ask them to translate. The captain said he has found them. I found someone who can read those words, but I haven’t had time to find someone to help translate them.”

"Oh, there really is someone who can read those words!" Yanliu nodded and said, "Then tell Luo that when he finds someone to translate the content carved on the stones, if there is anything interesting, remember Share it with us, otherwise we won’t help him find rocks.”

Ace and the Spade Pirates have never cared much about things like [historical text].

In their opinion, there is no necessary connection between wanting to become the Pirate King and whether or not Rafdru can be found.

For a weak person, even if he finds Rafdru, the world will not recognize him as the Pirate King. On the contrary, if you have the strength to conquer the entire new world, then even if you have never been to Rafdru, the world will still recognize you as the king of the sea. .

Not to mention that they all know Ace's goal, which has never been to become the Pirate King. What Ace wants to do more is to end the so-called "Great Pirate Era" created by Roger, and what they have to do is to let Ace has reached the pinnacle of this era and aspires to the throne of the world.

However, they are still somewhat interested in the "Blank Hundred Years" recorded in the "Historical Text".

"Well, I will tell the captain." Bebo nodded.

"Look, it's Zou's giant elephant, we're here!"

At this time, Cornelia, who was standing on the bow of the ship, suddenly called everyone loudly. When the people on the deck heard his call, they all came to the bow of the ship. Then, they saw an astonishing scene.

“How spectacular!”

"What a big elephant!"

"Bebo, is this your [Elephant Master]? It's really huge!"

Bebo was also surprised when he saw the huge [Elephant Master], then nodded and replied: "Well, our country is like the elephant master's back."

After finding the [Elephant Master], several people tied the Spade to the Elephant Master, and then landed on the back of the giant elephant.

Because Jack had been killed by Ace a long time ago, Zou was naturally not ravaged like in the original plot. After several people landed on Zou Island, they successfully met the two [Kings] of this country, Inuarashi and Cat viper.

Because Ace and Hiwa Kouzuki, who was in Wano Country, had already reached an agreement, after Cornelia and the others saw Inuarashi and Neko Viper, these two [Kings] of the fur tribe immediately summoned Dozens of fur tribe warriors under their respective command are preparing to follow Cornelia and the others on the Spade to Wano Country.

Of course, when Bebo told the two [Kings] of the Fur Tribe about his captain's request, Inuarashi and Cat Viper readily agreed to his request, and then personally took them to the [History] of the Fur Tribe. Text] Hidden place, the forest of whales.

After Bepo rubbed the red [History Text] hidden in the Forest of Whales, they boarded the Spade with the fur tribe warriors led by Inuarashi and Cat Viper and headed towards Wano Country.

Cornelia and the others came to Zou this time. The purpose of rubbing the [Historical Text] hidden on this island was only secondary. The main purpose was to bring the warriors of the fur tribe to Wano Country, because in the next crusade against Kaido In the war, the warriors of the fur tribe will be an important fighting force.

When Cornelia and Wores drove the Spade, taking Inuarashi, Cat Viper, and dozens of fur tribe warriors, they sailed towards Wano Country.

Ace and other members of the Sea Wave Pirates have arrived in Wano Country on a giant dragon.

It must be mentioned here that the dragon Ace and others are riding on is the unlucky dragon that was beheaded by Zoro in the original plot. After the war between the Spade Pirates and the Don Quixote family, this dragon was killed by Ace. He was kept as a pet on Sun Island.

This big stupid dragon hasn't appeared since the Battle of Dressrosa. It finally appears again this time. It's not easy!

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