One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 302 Gathering of Troops

The country of Wan, Jiuli.

The huge body of the 'Big Stupid Dragon' fell from the sky and landed on a hilltop near Weili Village.

On the back of the big stupid dragon, except for Ace, everyone from the Spade Pirates arrived here except for the four people who went to Zou.

"Master, Kochiyo, I'm back!"

As soon as the big stupid dragon landed, Ayu couldn't wait to jump off the big stupid dragon's body, and then flew towards the place where he once lived.

Two years have passed since Ayu left Wano Country with Ace. Although she lived a good life outside, this is Ayu's hometown after all. Now that she is back here again, one can imagine Ayu's mood.

"Ayu looks very happy!" Ace and his friends all showed happy smiles when they saw Ayu trotting all the way.

As the youngest member of the Spade Pirates, coupled with a well-behaved and director-like character, Ayu is definitely a well-deserved group favorite in the Spade Pirates. Even the pirates under the Spade Pirates have no idea about this. The director's little girl deserves to be loved very much.

Even Enelu, who always claimed to be a god and never showed any pretense to weak mortals, loved this little girl very much. He even took her back to the empty island in person and even kept the girl alive for several times. The century-old giant snake 'Lord of the Sky' became Ayu's pet and was brought down from the Sky Island.

"Woof woof!~"

Before Ayu had run far, a big dog that looked like a lion ran out of the forest, then lay down in front of Ayu and kept wagging its tail.

This big dog is a ferocious beast that Ayu has long tamed with his own abilities. It is also a species unique to Wano Country, the Koma Dog.

"Komachiyo, it's great that you are still here!" Ayu was very happy to see Komchiyo. The dog's head rubbed against it while holding it, and then asked: "Komachiyo, does Master still live here?"

"Woof woof!~" Komachiyo could understand Ayu's words, nodded excitedly, and then turned sideways towards Ayu, indicating that Ayu could sit on its back.

Ayu didn't hesitate and climbed directly onto Komachiyo's back, and then the big dog led Ayu into the forest quickly and ran towards Master Ayu's residence.

"Let's go, let's follow." Ace greeted his friends, and then said to the 'Big Stupid Dragon': "Go and play by yourself, but be careful not to go near the Ghost Island, otherwise you will be killed by the sea of ​​beasts. The thieves have captured you, but we don't care about you."

"Ouch!~" The big stupid dragon howled to express his understanding, then waved his wings, flew directly into the sky, and flew away into the distance.

Bili Village, a simple wooden house in the forest.

Ace and his friends followed the traces of Komachiyo and came to Ayu's master, Tengu Mountain flew through his residence.

To Ace's surprise, here they not only met Ayu's master, but also two unexpected guests, Hiyori Kozuki and Kyoshiro (Denjiro).

Seeing the arrival of Ace and others, Hiyori Kozuki immediately stood up, came to Ace, bowed slightly, gave a gift, and said: "This is the first time we meet, little girl Hiyori Kozuki, I have met Mr. Entei and Spade. Everyone in the pirate group."

Although they have never met, Hiyori Kozuki has been collecting information about Ace and the Spade Pirates since two years ago. It is no exaggeration to say that Ace and every Spade Pirate The appearance and information of the members are known to both Kozuki and Hiyori.

Ace smiled and looked at Hiyori Kozuki, who looked expectant, and said, "I didn't expect His Highness Hiyori to be here. Is it to wait for us?"

"Yes." Kozuki Hiyori nodded and said, "We have been patiently waiting for your arrival for two years, and today we finally saw the light of day. This little girl is really, really..." Kozuki Hiyori As he said that, he actually started crying excitedly.

Two years ago, Hiyori Kozuki watched her brother being executed in public by Kaido and Orochi. As the last bloodline of the Kozuki family, she endured it for two years under the eyes of her enemies, just to wait for revenge. day.

Now that she saw Ace and others arriving, Guangyue's blood feud finally had the possibility of revenge, how could she not be excited.

"Your Excellency Emperor Yan!"

When Hiyori Kozuki could not speak because of her excitement, Denjiro suddenly stepped forward, knelt down on one knee in front of Ace, and said in a deep voice: "In the past two years, we have secretly separated The 'samurai' from all over the country of Wano have all gathered together."

"Including the prisoners in the prison quarry in Tuwan, the prisoners in the Rakshasa Town prison, as well as the gangsters and bandits, the total number is more than 6,800. They are all lurking in various places in Wano. As long as His Highness Hiyori gives an order, they can all assemble to fight Kaido, Orochi and others to the death!"

"Six thousand eight hundred people?" After hearing what Denjiro said, Ace smiled and said, "To be able to gather such a force under the eyes of Kaido and Orochi, it seems that you have done a lot in the past two years. .”

In the past two years, the power of the Spade Pirates has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Although the members of the group have basically remained the same, the number of pirate groups under their command has reached 27, with a total number of more than 10,000 people.

"However, your troops are not needed to deal with Kaido and the Beast Pirates, so your task is to take down Orochi and his samurai." Ace looked at Denjiro and Hiyori Kozuki and said, "Kay It's enough to leave more of the Beasts Pirates to us. Your mission is to not let Orochi and his samurai hinder our battle with the Beasts Pirates, can you do that?"

"Of course, we have a duty to do so!" Denjiro stood up, looked at Ace seriously, and said, "We promise with our lives that even if we are shattered to pieces, we will never let a Wano warrior enter your battlefield. "

At this time, the country of Wano was still under the control of Heitan Orochi, and he also had many samurai under his command. However, with the strength of light, moon and sun and the forces they secretly gathered, even if they could not defeat Orochi, at least they could not hold them back. questionable.

"Very good!" Ace nodded with satisfaction and said: "My friends are now heading towards the country of Wano. They will arrive in the country of Wano in about two days. After they arrive, it will be our battle against Kai. When I launch an attack with the Beast Pirates."

In this war against the Beasts Pirates, Ace did not rely on the power of the Whitebeard Pirates, and sent out the Spade Pirates and their forces, but the rear was still left to the Whitebeard Pirates. The group helps take care of it.

At this time, the total number of the pirate fleet composed of the Spade Pirates exceeds 10,000. Together with the fur tribe warriors on the Spade, all the troops have been assembled. They are coming towards Wano Country with great momentum, preparing to fight against The Beast Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, compete for victory.

PS: The second update will be in the evening

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