One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 311 Sudden Changes

"Everyone, we were already dead souls when Oden-sama died, and what we have to do is to avenge Kuotan Orochi." Denjiro looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "After we take Kuotan After killing the Orochi, head to Onigashima as quickly as possible to help Ace-dono defeat Kaido."

"Lord Ace is our only hope to defeat Kaido. There is no way out for us. For Lord Oden, no matter we win or lose, we can only fight to the death!"

"For Oden-sama! X4"

After hearing Denjiro's words, Raizo, Kogiku, Kawamatsu, and Asura Doji looked solemn, and then answered in unison.

Twenty years ago, Kozuki Oden was executed, and Momonosuke was sent twenty years later by Mrs. Toki using the power of 'time'. It was Denjiro's humiliation that allowed Kozuki Hiyori to survive.

Twenty years later, Kinemon died in battle. The Red Sheath samurai were already in despair after witnessing Momonosuke's execution. It was Denjiro who found hope for them, so now among the remaining Red Sheath samurai, the Already headed by him.

Baogoro looked at them and sighed slightly in his heart. In the end, he didn't say anything. He just prayed secretly in his heart and said: 'I hope the person on whom you have placed all your 'future' can successfully defeat Kaido. ’

A few hours later, with the realization that they would die, Denjiro and others stormed into the Flower Capital aggressively, vowing to take off the head of the black charcoal snake.

After entering the Capital of Flowers, Denjiro and others directly divided their forces into two groups. He and Haogoro took 200 samurai to the Rakshasa Town Prison to liberate the samurai imprisoned there.

There are thousands of samurai who opposed Orochi in prison in Rakshasa Town. Nearly half of them survived because of Denjiro's secret operation as Kuangshiro. They are one of the important forces that Denjiro secretly gathered.

The warriors imprisoned in the Rakshasa Town Prison are all powerful masters. If these people are released, they will be a huge fighting force.

On the other side, Raizo and Asura Doji, along with the masked Kokiku (Kiku no Cheng) and Kawamatsu, took all their troops and rushed directly to the General's Mansion in Orochi City, and had a fierce battle with the samurai under Orochi's command.

There are five thousand people each in the "ninja army" and the "samurai army" under the command of Heitan Orochi, but these people are usually distributed throughout the Flower City. There are only a few thousand people permanently stationed in Orochi City, and the red sheath warriors brought The number of troops is not much different.

However, what is puzzling is that for some reason, all the pirates of the Beast Pirates who were originally stationed in the Flower Capital have disappeared at this time.

Not only that, this was also the case at the prisoner quarry in Rabbit Bowl. The pirates originally stationed there were also reduced by half their strength, and this seemed to be happening everywhere in Wano Country. Hundreds of Beasts The pirate group seems to have reduced most of its troops in Wano Country. Is it to meet the challenge of Ace and others?

Although this is a good thing for the red sheath warriors who came for revenge, the concentration of troops of the Beast Pirates means that Ace will face greater pressure.

"We must resolve the battle here as soon as possible, and then go to Ghost Island to reinforce Lord Ace and the others!"

Sensing something was wrong, the red sheath warriors worked harder and harder, and soon broke into the Black Carbon Orochi's mansion.

However, after the Red Sheath warriors broke into the Black Carbon Orochi's general's house, what they saw shocked them.

Jiuli, Bianli Village.

"Ace, Urqui has just received news that your brother has been in conflict with the Big Mom Pirates, and they are ready to send troops to support." Pai Bonsi, who was responsible for the transmission of information, came to Ace. Next to him, he said.

"Has that kid... already had a conflict with Big Mom?" Ace looked at Pai Bonsi and asked, "Where are our people now?"

"Our fleet has arrived outside Wano Country and is now landing in the inland sea." Pai Bonsi replied.

"In this case, let's start taking action here too!" Ace thought for a moment, and then said to Pai Bonsi: "Tell Wores and the others that after they enter the country of Wano, they will go directly towards the Beast Pirates Attack the regiment’s base camp [Onigashima].”

Ace stood up, with a smile on his lips, and said: "Call the big stupid dragon, let us go first and say hello to Kaido!"

"Lord Ace, are you finally going to Onigashima to defeat Kaido?" Hiyori Kozuki came to Ace and asked him.

Although Hiyori Kozuki is the current head of the Kozuki family, she is not very strong. Therefore, when Denjiro and others attacked the Flower City, they did not take her with them, but left her in Orikasa Village. And asked Ayu's master, Tenguyama Hitotsu, to take care of her.

"That's right!" Ace nodded, and then it was time for them to officially start a war with the Beast Pirates.

Hiyori Kozuki looked at Ace, bit his lip, and then asked: "Sir Ace, can we... win?"

"Ha!~" Ace looked at her, chuckled, then raised his right hand, held it slightly, and said confidently: "Now, no matter what opponent I face, I will never lose!"

Ouch! ~

At this time, with a roar, the big stupid dragon fell from the sky, and Ace's friends also gathered over.

Under the watch of Kozuki Hiwa and Tenguyama Tote, Ace and his team boarded the back of the giant dragon and flew towards Onigashima, the headquarters of the Beast Pirates.

"Lord Ace, you must win!" Hiyori Kozuki looked at the giant dragon flying away in the sky, stood there for a long time, and then murmured in a low voice.

"They won't win!"

At this time, a voice sounded behind Kozuki Hiyori.

Hearing this voice, Hiwa Kozuki turned around suddenly and found three people wearing white suits and strange masks standing there looking at her.

"Who are you!" Hiyori Kozuki looked at the three weirdos who suddenly appeared and asked in a deep voice, "Why do you say Ace and the others won't win!"

Although these people were wearing CP0's iconic attire, Hiyori Kozuki, who had never left Wano Country, did not know their identities.

"We are CP0, the top intelligence organization from the World Government. We are here to make a deal on behalf of the World Government with you, who inherited the last bloodline of the Kozuki family." The leader CP0 reported to Hiyori Kozuki and others. He explained his identity, explained his purpose, then glanced at the direction Ace and others left, and said: "As for why they won't defeat Kaido, you will know the reason soon."

"However, these are insignificant matters." The leader CP0 looked at Hiyori Kozuki and said, "Then, let's first explain the content of the transaction we are going to have with you."

"On behalf of the World Government, we will invite His Excellency Hiwa Kozuki to join the World Government as the Queen of Wano Country!"

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