One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 312 The Death of the Orochi

The Capital of Flowers, Orochi City, the General's Mansion.

"Who are you!"

Denjiro and the others stared at the CP0 people in front of them and asked in a deep voice.

As soon as they rushed into Orochi's general's palace, they saw these three people in strange clothes and strange masks standing here.

What surprised them even more was that there were several corpses lying in front of these three people, and they recognized the identities of these corpses at a glance.

It was Heitan Orochi and his two most capable men, Fu Lushou who led the 'Ninja Army' and Budai who led the 'Samurai Army'. But now, they have all turned into corpses. As for the person who turned them into corpses, Needless to say, it must be the person standing in front of them.

"Don't be nervous, we are not enemies, at least not yet." Rob Lucci, standing at the front with a dove on his shoulder, took off his mask, looked at Denjiro and the others, and said, "Let me introduce myself. It’s Rob Lucci, from the World Government’s top espionage agency, CP0.”


"Intelligence agency?"

"World Government!"

"Why are you here?"

"Did you kill the Black Carbon Orochi and these people?"

Denjiro and the others opened their mouths and couldn't wait to ask Rob Lucci.

"The purpose of our coming here is to invite the monarch of Wano to join the World Government." Rob Luqi said, glanced at the body of the big snake lying on the ground, and said: "It's a pity that this person rejected us invitation, so he died."

Two years ago, Don Quixote Doflamingo, who was the 'underworld intermediary', was killed by Ace. Many resources that the world government could secretly purchase through him lost their supply. One of the most important things, It is the [Hailou Stone] from Wano Country.

As an effective means to combat those with devil fruit abilities, things made from seastones are in short supply all over the world, and the craftsmanship that can create 'items' from seastones are all mastered by the craftsmen of Wano. in hand.

Today's Wano Country is ruled by Kaido and Orochi, and the production of Hailou Stone 'items' is monopolized by them. When Doflamingo is still alive, the World Government can also use him to obtain a certain amount of Hailou Stone. Since Doflamingo's death, the channels through which the World Government can obtain Sea Floor Stone items are less than one-tenth of what they were when Doflamingo was there.

As the true overlord of this world, the World Government certainly cannot tolerate such things, but the special geographical location of Wano Country is destined to be unable to conquer it by force, not to mention that Wano Country itself is not weak in national strength, and It is still the territory of the Beast Pirates, one of the Four Emperors.

If you can't force it, you can only get it through purchase.

Although the loss of Doflamingo's channel makes it very troublesome for the World Government to purchase the Sea Tower Stone, as long as it can be solved with money, it is not a problem for the World Government.

People from the World Government first purchased the Sea Tower Stone from Wano Country through channels. After several rounds of transactions, they finally connected directly with the Black Carbon Orochi.

But after direct contact with the Black Carbon Orochi, the people from the World Government discovered that this guy was not ordinary greedy.

First of all, this guy didn't accept the world government's money to buy the Sea Tower Stone, he only accepted some special resources.

Weapons, weapons, warships, the guy behind actually wanted the latest humanoid weapon developed by the world government, the pacifist. These world governments tolerated it. Except for the pacifist, the world government agreed to all his requests. After all, Resources like sea floor stone are really important to the world government.

But this kind of concession from the World Government made Black Carbon Orochi even more greedy. In the end, this guy even offered to let the World Government use "Vegapunk" in exchange for him.

At this moment, the World Government finally couldn't bear it anymore, but there was nothing it could do about this guy.

If the World Government wants to kill the Black Carbon Orochi, it will not be difficult, but behind this guy is Kaido, one of the Four Emperors.

Without sufficient reasons, it is impossible for the World Government to directly go to war with the [Four Emperors]. Otherwise, once their army enters the new world, their opponent will not be the Beast Pirates, but the [Four Emperors] who control the entire New World sea area. ] Join forces to attack.

Although the [Four Emperors] of the New World are not in harmony, there is a tacit understanding between them. For them, the sea area of ​​​​the New World is their own back garden. They can fight among themselves, but if the World Government wants to come in , they will definitely communicate to the outside world unanimously.

This time, the [New Era Plan] planned by Ace has allowed different new forces to challenge the three [Four Emperors] of the old era at the same time. Although it has not yet been launched, it has already caused huge turbulence to the entire new world.

This kind of turmoil also allows the world government to see the opportunity to extend its hand into the waters of the New World.

This time CP0 comes to Wano Country, which is the first step for the World Government to encroach on the New World Sea. They want to develop Wano Country into a franchise country of the World Government.

Because Black Carbon Orochi had Kaido's support, he did not hesitate to reject the World Government's proposal. However, what he did not expect was that the World Government, which had always been hostile to Kaido, suddenly changed this time for some unknown reason. He became tougher, and after he rejected the World Government's request, he actually killed him directly.

The strength of the Black Carbon Orochi is not weak, but this time the World Government dispatched the highest combat power of CP0. The top officer of CP0, whose strength is comparable to the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters, personally took action and directly took the life of the Black Carbon Orochi, so it is With what Denjiro and others are seeing now.

"Just because he rejected your request, you killed him!" After hearing Rob Lucci's words, Denjiro and others suddenly became furious and questioned him.

Let’s not talk about the relationship between them and Kuotan Orochi. Kuotan Orochi is now the general of Wano Country, and his status is equivalent to the king of Wano Country. He was killed just because he refused the proposal to join the World Government. As a The former 'royal' retainers of Wano Country, how could they not be angry.

"What are you angry about?" Rob Lucci looked at Denjiro and others, then came to the body of the black charcoal snake, kicked his body, and said: "This person should be your enemy, let's kill him Shouldn’t it be a good thing for you to get rid of him?”

"Just because he rejected your proposal, he casually kills the leader of a country. Is this the so-called world government?"

Denjiro looked at Rob Lucci and the others and said in a deep voice: "Such an organization, let alone Orochi, even we will never agree to join!"

"That's such a shame."

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