One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 201 Jinbe's Actions

"So, does anyone want to avenge him?"

Rhodes looked forward, his sight seemed to pass through the darkness, and he saw the murlocs hiding in the shadows.


Jinbei looked at Rhodes with complicated eyes.

There is obviously a better way to handle this matter.

After talking to Rhodes, Jinbei thought a lot in his mind.

The other party was completely different from the people he had met before, especially in his attitude towards the fishmen.

If it were the other party, maybe they could really do something like let humans and fish people live in harmony!

But why take this approach when it comes to Hody Jones.

It is true that the other party is the murderer of Princess Otohime, and it is not an exaggeration to be killed many times, but such a thing should not be done by him as a human being.

Fishman Street is a place that has the most opinions against humans, and such a move will only further increase the conflict between fishmen and humans.

If a softer approach is adopted, even the people of Fishman Street will feel grateful to them for finding out the truth about the princess's assassination.

In this case, using this as a bond, the Rhodes Pirates will become friends and benefactors of Fish-Man Island.

Just like the white-bearded dad back then!

Luo and the others stood directly behind Rhodes without saying a word.

"Is this going to be a fight?"

With slightly excited voices, Nia and the four of them also rushed to the scene. Nia clenched her fists and looked eager to try.

"Woof woof~~"

Along with the barking of dogs, Genos and his group walked through the crowd and walked over.

They originally planned to see the legendary giant ship "Noah", but on the way here they learned that Noah had been docked near Fishman Street, which is where Luo and the others went just now.

When they were about to arrive at Fishman Street, the familiar sound of explosions brought them here.

"There is no such thing as war!"

Shark Star looked at Rhodes seriously.

"Thank you very much for your help, helping me find the real murderer of my mother. This is my thanks to you as a son!"

Shark Star bowed to Rhodes and thanked him.

At this moment, he was not the eldest prince of Ryugong City or the future king of Ryugong City, but just a child who had lost his mother.


The next moment, Shark Star straightened up and looked into the depths of Fishman Street. In the dark depths, there were numerous fishmen paying attention to this place.

They are all kinds of lawless elements who are not tolerated by the Dragon Palace Kingdom, and they all gather in the dark fish-men street. Although they are also fish-men or mermaids, they live completely different lives from the residents of the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

"It's all our failure to let you live a happy life!"

"In the past few years after my mother passed away, as the eldest prince of the Ryugu Kingdom, I failed to implement my mother's will and care about every citizen of the Ryugu Kingdom.

Before today, I never knew that there was such a deep darkness buried in the hearts of everyone in Fishman Street. This is the dereliction of duty of our royal family, and it is also the dereliction of duty of my eldest prince! "

"However, as the great prince of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, I hereby assure you that everything will be fine!"

"Please believe me, and please give us time!"

Shark Star bowed deeply to the Fishman Street in front of him.

This was originally a place where orphans were taken in on Fish-Man Island, and it was supposed to be a place where the next generation of Fish-Man Island was protected from growing up.

However, due to the negligence of the royal family of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, this place gradually became a lawless zone, and darkness grew here. The next generation of the Dragon Palace Kingdom grew up in darkness, filled with hatred and violence.

But, that's all about to change!

Shark Star clenched his fists.

"Prince Shark..."

Jinbei looked at the next king of Ryugu Kingdom in front of him.

From the other party, he seemed to see the shadow of Princess Otohime.

He will definitely be an excellent king who can lead the compatriots of Fish-Man Island towards a better future.


Jinbe turned to look at Rhodes.

Just like when King Neptune got acquainted with Father Whitebeard, the other party's flag protected Fish-Man Island for more than ten years.

Now, Prince Shark has also become acquainted with Rhodes. Is this God's will?

In the darkness, the fish people seemed to have listened to Shark Star's words and slowly retreated.

"Mr. Rhodes!"

Shark Star turned around and looked at Rhodes gratefully.

"Thank you very much for your kindness. We have prepared a banquet for you in Dragon Palace City. Please be sure to attend with honor!"

"Wait a moment."

Rhodes stretched out his hand and pointed into the distance.


Shark Star looked in the direction of Rhodes's finger. Soon, several figures appeared in his sight, and one of them...

"Emperor Star!?"

"Brother, you are here too!"

The Phoenix Car quickly approached, and as soon as it stopped, Huangxing grabbed a person and jumped out, showing him to Sharkxing.

"This is?"

Shark Star looked at the person caught in Huang Xing's hand, and the other person's face gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Vandy Decken!"

Huang Xing looked at his eldest brother excitedly.

"He is the one who has been harassing Shirahoshi. With the help of Mr. Neru of the Rhodes Pirates, we finally caught him!"

"Very good!"

Shark Star looked excited.

"Brother, what is this?"

Only then did Emperor Xing notice the corpse of the fishman lying on the ground, and looked at him strangely.

"This is the body of the person who really killed my mother."

Shark Xing explained to Huang Xing what happened before.


Emperor Xing's happy mood because he found Vandy Deken and could finally let his sister out of the hard-shell tower was instantly suppressed, and his heart was filled with a strange emotion.

His mother's face flashed before his eyes again, making him feel excited.

All kinds of emotions were mixed together, so that he didn't know what kind of expression to show for a moment.

"Anyway, thank you so much!"

Huang Xing looked at Rhodes and his group and bowed seriously.

A moment later, in Dragon Palace City.

Neptune once again solemnly thanked Rhodes and his team, and then Emperor Star and Rolling Star went to personally pick up White Star from the hard-shell tower.

From now on, their sister can finally no longer hide in the hard-shell tower, but can freely play on Fish-Man Island.

"I really don't know how to thank you all!"

King Neptune looked at Rhodes and his group.

"It is up to you to discover the truth behind the assassination of the princess and give the assassin the punishment he deserves."

Even though several years had passed, King Neptune still looked sad when he mentioned this incident.

"And it's because of you that Bai Xing was able to leave the Hard Shell Tower and see the outside world again."

While talking, two princes entered the banquet hall with a lovely mermaid.

Unlike her two older brothers, although she still looks like a child, this mermaid princess is extremely large.

"So cute!!"

The moment Bai Xing appeared, everyone's eyes lit up.

This mermaid princess really satisfied all their beautiful yearnings for mermaids.

"Thank you."

Bai Xing timidly looked at the group of people in front of him.

Staying in the hard-shell tower all year round without communicating with outsiders made her already somewhat introverted character even more shy. Although she has a huge body, she speaks in a soft voice.

"If you're being polite, there's no need to say more."

Rhodes raised the wine glass in his hand.

"At times like this, just have a good drink!"

The next moment, everyone raised their glasses, and cheers continued in the banquet hall. The lively atmosphere of the banquet lasted all night.

The next day.

Jinbei came to find Rhodes early in the morning.

"Sorry, I have to leave first and can't accompany you into the new world."

"Is it about Aaron?"

"That's right."

Jinbei nodded.

He had heard information about Aaron from Rhodes before, but he was still a little unsure in his heart, and even felt that Rhodes was exaggerating.

Although he knew that Aaron had always been prejudiced against humans, he had already warned him when Aaron was released from the underwater prison and left.

Moreover, he has never heard any unfavorable information about Aaron in all these years.

However, after meeting Hody Jones yesterday and learning what he had done, Jinbei felt increasingly uneasy.

Even brats like Hody Jones and the others were infected by the darkness of Fishman Street and became like that, but what about Aaron?

What kind of things will this guy who originally hates humans do to humans after leaving Boss Tiger and his own restraint?

Whenever he thinks about someone suffering oppression and torture because he let Aaron go, Jinbei's heart is filled with guilt and self-blame.

"I want to find Aaron and confirm with my own eyes what he has done. If he really falls, I will catch him with my own hands!"

"That's your business, Jinbe."

Rhodes waved his hand.

"However, before I leave, I still want to remind you."

Jinbei looked at Rhodes and reminded him solemnly.

"I heard that the Beast Pirates launched an expedition, and that Beast Kaido was leading it himself!"

"Besides, it seems that the Big Mom Pirates are also taking action."

"They should all be coming for you, Rhodes!"

"I don't know how many people are waiting for you in the new world!"

Rhodes' eyes shone slightly.

"That's really great!"

"It saves me the trouble of finding them!"

"It seems I'm worrying too much."

Jinbei shook his head slightly and looked at the domineering red-haired man in front of him.

How could a man with such courage be afraid of the challenges of the new world?

"Then, after I finish solving Aaron's matter, let's meet in the new world."

Jinbei finally nodded to Rhodes, then turned and left.

He is going to the East China Sea to find Aaron and completely end the conflict they had many years ago.


The third day after the execution of Hody Jones.

"Are you leaving, Mr. Rhodes?"

Shark Star looked at Rhodes with a hint of reluctance in his voice.

He heard Rhodes's discussion about the relationship between humans and fishmen from Jinbei's mouth, and had some conversations with Rhodes in the past few days. In his mind, Rhodes' image became a bit taller again.

"Of course, our journey is the sea."

Rhodes reached out and patted Shark Star's body.

"Everyone has their own destiny. I heard what you said in Fishman Street before. I look forward to seeing a different country next time I come to Fishman Island."

"Don't worry!"

Shark Star's eyes were firm.

He has found a career worth his life.

"I will never let a situation like Fishman Street appear in this country again!"

"I'm looking forward to it."

Rhodes nodded encouragingly at the other party, and then called on his friends to board the Polar Ship.

"Lord Rhodes, you must come back to me again!"

Bai Xing looked at Rhodes and his group reluctantly.

They were the first wave of people she saw after leaving the Hard Shell Tower, and they were also the first wave of friends.

He was also the benefactor who rescued her from the hard-shell tower.

Under Gray's operation, the bottom of the Polar was flipped over, and numerous wind shells appeared. The strong winds caused the Polar to float slightly.

The ship's coating can be completed instantly with Gray's technology. Under Ryugujo's reluctant eyes, the Polar Ship passed through the bubble film of Fish-Man Island and re-entered the deep sea, heading towards the new world along the direction of the record pointer. go ahead.

At the same time as Rhodes and his party entered the New World Sea.

East China Sea, Cocosia Village.

Jinbe set foot on this land.

After entering the East China Sea, Jinbei knew Aaron's location through just a little inquiry.

After all, the Dragon Pirates have been entrenched near Cocosia Village for several years.


An aunt suddenly saw Jinbei walking slowly on the road, a trace of horror flashed in her eyes, and she hurriedly turned around and left.

"That human..."

Jinbei noticed the look flashing in the aunt's eyes, and couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart.

That look was all too familiar to him.

It was a look of fear and disgust.

It is self-evident why the humans here look at the fish-men like this.


Jinbei whispered Aaron's name.

Soon, a huge park appeared in front of Jinbei.

It was a huge and simple park.

The whole park looks like a strong Shampoo Islands amusement park style, but it is a little different, like a poor imitation. Although it refers to the amusement park in every aspect, it completely misses the point of the amusement park. The essence of paradise.

Looking at the building in front of him, Jinbei felt a complicated emotion in his heart.

It was a complex emotion of anger, sadness, sadness and many other emotions mixed together.

"Murloc Karate·Karate Sowa Shoken!"

Jinbe lowered his waist and punched, and the terrifying power of the punch instantly shattered the gate of the park in front of him. The impact from his fist continued to hit the buildings in the park.


"Asshole, I don't want to live anymore!"

"How dare you come here and act wild!"

A series of slightly familiar voices sounded from the park, and then several figures came out and looked at the people who dared to attack them, but the next moment, the expressions on their faces were all dull.

"Very, very, very... very flat!!?"

"Xiaohachi, Croobie, Jiu..."

Jinbe read out the names of the fishmen in front of him one by one, and his face darkened every time he read out a name.

"You guys, do you know what you did!"


Aaron walked out from behind them, looked at Jinbei, and gritted his teeth.

"What did you do? I just returned to humans what they did to us fish-men!"

"Jinbei, a guy like you who works as a lackey for humans has no right to speak to us as a companion!"

"It seems that you have completely forgotten what Brother Tiger said!"

Jinbei looked gloomy and looked at Aaron opposite.

"But it doesn't matter, I will remind you of everything!"

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