One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 202 Arrival in the New World

The New World, the sea near the Red Earth Continent.

The sea surface rolled gurglingly, accompanied by bursts of bubbles, and a huge shadow gradually rose from the sea surface.

Accompanied by huge waves, the Polar Ship emerged from the sea and finally entered this sea area.


The bubble film on the Polar Ship shattered, and the warm sea breeze blew onto the pirate ship again, making everyone's hair fly.

"It was so dangerous, I almost couldn't make it."

Thinking of the cave under the sea, Gray patted his chest happily.

If the Polar Ship were bigger, it might not be able to pass smoothly.

"This is the new world."

Nia stood on the bow of the boat, feeling the sea breeze blowing over her.

After such a long voyage, they finally entered the final sea area.

"gourmet food!"

Minina raised her hands and shouted.

There must be more delicious ingredients in this legendary sea area!

"It's really lucky~~"

Baccarat brushed her long hair.

"The climate is very good."

"According to the information previously obtained, after entering the new world, the island's magnetic field has undergone new changes compared to the first half of the Grand Route, and new pointers must be used for navigation."

Neilu took out a new record pointer. Different from the previous single pointer, the new pointer had three pointers pointing to different places.

"According to the information provided by Ryugu City, the shaking degree of the pointer represents the stability of the island's magnetic field."

Neru looked at the pointer in front of him.

"The three islands pointed by the pointer from Murloc Island are [Red Adventure Island], [Thunder God Island], and [Mysterious Island]. Among them, the pointer that shakes the most is probably the pointer pointing to [Thunder God Island]."

Nailu turned to look at Rhodes.

"Which island are we going to?"

Although the pointer pointing to [Thunder God Island] is shaking the most, according to what was said before, it means that the magnetic field of [Thunder God Island] is the most chaotic, that is, the most dangerous, but with Nailu, who is a user of the [Thunder Fruit] ability, there, That island probably poses no threat to them.

"Don't even go!"

Rhodes glanced at the three pointers, took out another permanent pointer and placed it in front of Nailu.

"Let's go here!"


Neru read the name engraved on the permanent pointer.

"Now that we have entered the new world, it's time to come to an end!"

"The end with Doflamingo!"

In an instant, everyone gathered around except Genos, who was sleeping soundly because he had to look out at night.

"We're finally going to take action!"

Xia Qi is gearing up.

As a leader of the Don Quixote family, Gladius's [Explosive Fruit] has long been his strength, and now it's finally time to completely defeat their family.

"Let me give them the biggest explosion."

Peijin and Xia Qi looked at each other.

"Doflamingo is the king of Dressrosa now, right?"

Nia's eyes shone slightly.

"That guy must be very rich."

"Oh my, Nia, do you only care about the other person's wealth? That's the king."

Robin looked at Rhodes.

"We are still carrying the name of the Shichibukai. It is enough to start a war with Tenyasha, who is also a Shichibukai. But the other party is also the king of the country that joins the World Government. Doesn't it matter if we fight against him?"

"Don't worry, in addition to being a king, that guy is also a broker in the underground world, specializing in the arms business."


Gray factor detection.

"Not only that, that guy has more darkness. As long as we reveal the secrets he hides, the World Government will be grateful to us even if it feels unhappy."

"Just like Crocodile, right?"

Kosha nodded thoughtfully.

"Besides, Shichibukai? Now, do we still care about such a name?"

"Then let's attack Dressrosa directly!"

Neilu quickly gave the order, and the Polar Ship quickly turned and moved forward quickly toward the point of the needle.

"Dressrosa is a tropical island with a very resort-like feel. It is called the "Land of Love, Passion and Toys".

Robin thought about the information he had seen about Dressrosa.

"Love and passion!?"

Brooke looked up suddenly, and his bones seemed to be reflecting light.

"That is to say, there are many beauties!"

"The Land of Toys?"

Riluka's eyes sparkled.

"It doesn't compare to my dolls."

Ignoring the reactions of the two men, Robin sorted out the information he had.

There are several countries surrounding Dressrosa, and they are not too far away.

The new world is a vast sea with countless islands. In the new world, if you want to survive, you have only two choices: surrender to the four emperors and accept their protection, or challenge the four emperors to take their place.

Their goal is undoubtedly the latter.

And if you want to become the Four Emperors, in addition to absolute power, power is also an important part.

Once the Don Quixote family is eliminated in Dressrosa this time, the Rhodes Pirates can occupy the territory of Dressrosa and use it as the center to expand their sphere of influence.

Thinking about it, I’m really looking forward to it!

Bonis stood silently behind Rhode, expressionless, with only his fists clenched slightly.

‘This time, we must achieve a good result! ’

Recalling his experience of being defeated instantly by Katakuri, Bonis’s face became more and more stern.

‘Not strong enough! ’

On the other side, Weber clenched his fists.

On Sky Island, he was a powerful Shandia warrior, but after entering Qinghai, he failed in several consecutive battles and was even defeated by a single blow.

This time, it will not be like this anyway!


Law, holding the [Ghost Cry] in his arms, looked in the direction of the Polaris, his face slightly stern.

Finally, everything is going to be put to an end!

Mr. Corazon, wait for me to avenge you!

Bepo looked at Law, then at Rhode.

With Rhode the boss here, Doflamingo is definitely not a problem, but Law’s condition makes him a little worried.

"Don't worry."

A flash of lightning flashed from Neru's fingertips and landed on Bepo's body, causing his body to tremble slightly.

"You should think about how to master the power of thunder and lightning. The fur tribe has mastered such power."


Bepo stood up and apologized.

While the crew members were thinking about various things, the Polaris sped towards Dressrosa.


On the other side, the Navy G-5 branch.

"I know."

Virgo put down the Den Den Mushi in his hand, stood up, walked to the large floor-to-ceiling window of the office, and looked at the scenery outside.

His undercover life is finally coming to an end!

He is the highest cadre of the Don Quixote family and the first Corazon before Rossilandi. However, more than a decade ago, he joined the Navy and fought for the Navy. He climbed up step by step over the years and eventually became a vice admiral of the Navy and served as the base chief of the G5 branch.

In Doflamingo's plan, he should be an undercover agent of the Don Quixote family in the navy, helping the Don Quixote family to continue to grow and develop, and finally return to the family at a critical time to help Doflamingo become the new king!

However, such a plan can no longer continue.

Luo knows his identity.

And the other party has now become a companion of Tyrant Rod, and has obviously betrayed the family completely.

It is very dangerous for him to continue to stay in the navy. He doesn't know when his identity may be exposed.

According to intelligence, the other party may have entered the new world now. The war between them and the family may break out at any time, and his identity may also be exposed at any time.

So, it's time to return to the family!

However, before returning to the family, he can do one last thing.

Thinking of this, Vergo called the marines outside the door.

"Vice Admiral Vergo!"

The soldier saluted, looking at Vergo with obvious admiration in his eyes.

Although the G5 branch is a well-known outlier in the navy, and the soldiers are just like pirates, all soldiers respect their base commander, Vice Admiral Vergo.

Vice Admiral Vergo is powerful, but approachable. Even when facing the most ordinary marines in the base, he is not arrogant at all, and is deeply trusted and respected by everyone.

"Call all soldiers, follow me to sea to perform the mission!"

Vergo simply gave orders to the soldiers.

"All soldiers?"

"Only the most basic soldiers left behind, all the rest, all dispatched!"

After getting confirmation again, excitement flashed across the marines' faces.

Such a big operation, which famous pirate group is the target?

These are all achievements for them!


The marines responded loudly, and then quickly conveyed the order from the base commander.

An hour later, the port of the G5 branch.

In the sight of many navy officers, Vergo boarded the warship and issued a new order.

"Hand in all the Den Den Mushi. This is an absolutely confidential operation. You cannot communicate with anyone before the mission is completed!"

After all the Den Den Mushi were handed in, Vergo gave orders and pointed out the target for the navy.

"March to Dressrosa!"



In the secret meeting room of the CP organization.

"What should we do?"

A CP member looked at his superior.

"Baquan Rod called and said that Vergo, the base commander of the G5 Navy Branch, was an undercover agent planted by Doflamingo in the Navy, but refused to provide any evidence. Should we report it?"

"It's him again!"

Guernica scratched his head.

Since Rod became a Shichibukai, he took over the work of collecting and analyzing intelligence about the Shichibukai. Every time he received new intelligence or any major situation, it was basically related to Rod.

He missed the past missions a little. Although he was always on the field and some missions were more dangerous, at least they were not so annoying.

As a member of CP0, he knew a little about Doflamingo's situation. He knew that the other party was not an ordinary pirate. He had noble blood flowing in his body, and he might have some hidden intelligence in his hands.

The intelligence about the other party must not be taken lightly.

And the most important point.

As an old acquaintance of Rhode, Guernica knew him too well. He would never call for no reason.

Thinking of the other party's first battle after his debut, which was to destroy the Don Quixote family's base in the North Sea, and the previous action of directly destroying the Don Quixote family auction house in the Sabaody Archipelago, Guernica had the answer in his heart.

"Damn it, this guy Baquan wouldn't want to fight all the Seven Warlords of the Sea, is he a Seven Warlords of the Sea or a Seven Warlords' nemesis?"

After complaining, Guernica quickly returned to his office, closed the door tightly, and then took out a small Den Den Mushi and dialed it respectfully.

Blu~ Blu~ Blu~~


The Den Den Mushi was connected.

"This is the Five Elders, what's the matter, cp0!"


In the new world, a nameless island.


The terrifying sound of fighting echoed on the island, accompanied by the sound of fighting. Half a day later, the sound of fighting gradually subsided, and then two pirate ships with different flags left from two directions of the island.

"Hahaha, I didn't win, Marco!"

On a ship, several pirates laughed loudly.

"Really, there's nothing I can do. I thought that after losing a hand, the guy's strength would decline, but I didn't expect that he seemed to be stronger than before."

The pineapple-headed Marco scratched his head, not embarrassed at all.

"Is it true? He became stronger after losing his hand? It's not an excuse you made up because you were lazy."

"It's true. Haven't we seen people who became stronger after losing their arms?"

Marco rubbed his eyes, looking like he was about to fall asleep.

"Don't talk about me. You didn't win either, Thatch."

Marco looked at his partner.

"However, after this battle, the Big Mom Pirates will not continue to provoke battles around us."

Since Charlotte Katakuri lost in Paradise and lost an arm, he was deprived of the title of "Three Generals of Dessert" by the furious Charlotte Linlin.

After that, as if to atone for his sins, he began to lead the fleet to provoke battles everywhere in the New World, and even clashed with the Whitebeard Pirates.

However, after experiencing this battle with Marco, there should be no more conflicts with the Whitebeard Pirates in the short term.

"By the way, the guy who can defeat Katakuri is really strong!"

Sachi suddenly mentioned Rhodes.

"Which of the Four Emperors do you think he will challenge?"

At such a young age, he has such a strong strength, and he defeated the second-in-command of the Four Emperors before. It is obvious that such a person will not directly surrender to the Four Emperors.

"No matter who he challenges."

Marco rolled his eyes.

"Dad is the strongest!"

"Of course!"

Sachi's face was full of pride when he mentioned Whitebeard.

"Dad is the strongest man in the world!"

On another ship.


Daifuku looked at his brother and handed him a piece of intelligence information.

"That man has also entered the New World!"

Katakuri took the information and looked at the information recorded on it.

That was the news that the Rod Pirates had a big fight in Shabaodi.

Since they entered Shabaodi, it means that the other party is going to enter the New World!

Katakuri touched his right arm.

That was the arm he formed with the power of the fruit, which was exactly the same as the real arm, and there was no sluggishness in daily use.

"Don't lose before I meet you again!"

Katakuri looked at the photo of Rod in front of him, and a hint of fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

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