One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 218: In the Way of Pirates

"Are you here to do business or to cause trouble?"

The man in the blue suit looked at Rhodes and the others with increasingly evil eyes.

"Originally, I wanted to have a good business discussion."

Rhodes let go of his sense of perception, feeling the aura coming from the island, and his expression turned cold.

All he felt was numbness, pain, and oppression.

Originally, he thought that the pirates entrenched here were just collecting protection fees according to the original model.

But reality is not like that.

The pirates here have made progress. Although they are still pirates in name and still fly the pirate flag, they are actually like a separate force.

In this world, because the ocean is too large and transportation is not convenient, if they can live a stable life, most people will not choose to go to sea, let alone become pirates.

The reason why most pirates go to sea is not because they have lofty ideals or want to do something big, but more because they can't survive.

Under the layers of exploitation by the World Government, the Celestial Dragons, and the nobles of the kingdom, ordinary people are under heavy pressure. When they can no longer survive, they can only choose to go to sea and become pirates.

This seems very tragic, but this is the normal state of this sea.

However, due to oppression, these people had to go to sea and become pirates. After gaining strength, their ambitions would expand, and they would become a big mountain weighing on the heads of ordinary people.

Some people go to sea to overturn the oppression that hangs on their heads, while some go to sea to become the oppression that weighs on others.

Rhodes is also the latter.

However, it is also oppression, and we must also pay attention to methods.

The group of pirates on Mordik Island adopted the lowest level of tactics.

In this case, the plan originally prepared will be invalidated.

"Now, let's talk the pirate way!"

Rhodes took a step forward, and powerful aura suddenly spread from his body. The powerful overlord-colored domineering energy was released like a wave of air, with Rhodes as the center, pressing towards everyone on the entire island indiscriminately.


Under the impact of the overlord's domineering aura, the eyes of everyone on the island turned white and they fell to the ground helplessly.

"Overlord color!!"

The man in the blue suit exclaimed, and then looked at Rhodes and his group with a shocked and angry face.

"It's just Overlord Color. In the sea of ​​the New World, people with such qualifications are like crucian carp crossing the river. Do you really think that mastering Overlord Color and Haki has the qualifications to become the Pirate King? I've seen too many brats like you!"

Under Rhode's precise control, the domineering impact deliberately avoided the opponent. He only felt a slight domineering impact. After being surprised, he looked at Rhodes with a mocking expression on his face.

"Wait, you dare to cause trouble on our Mordik Island, you are dead!"

‘Don’t these people ever read newspapers? ’

Robin glanced at the man in the blue suit opposite him strangely.

No matter how you look at it, Captain Rhodes is not a nobody.

Not only had the Don Quixote family been destroyed a few days earlier and Kaido had been defeated, but even if it was news more than half a year ago, Captain Rhodes must be one of the Seven Martial Arts under the King.

Are all pirate forces in the New World so flamboyant?

"That's right, I also want to meet them."

Rhodes looked towards the central highland of the island, where there was a huge anchor. Around it, you could also see some buildings, which were obviously much more magnificent than other places on the island.


Mordik Island, Central Highlands.

In a huge room.

"This is last month's share."

Two boxes filled with Baileys were pushed out by a pair of rough hands and pushed in front of two people.

"Why does it feel so much missing?"

A slender man spoke.

His neck is much longer than that of ordinary people. Not only that, his arms are also much longer than ordinary people.

Beside him, there was a long sword, which was as long and thin as his own.

"Stop looking for trouble, you bastard!"

The owner of the rough hands spoke, and his voice sounded like gears grinding together, rough and with a strong smell of engine oil.

"Everything on the island is being watched by your subordinates. I am only responsible for the shipbuilding progress of the shipyard. Don't you know how much money you should have?"

"Okay, Barillas! I know you're not greedy."

The other person finally spoke, comforted the slightly irritable Barillas, put away his share of Bailey, and then took out a few cigars and distributed them to the two allies in front of him.

"We have worked together for so many years, and we rely on trust. If we can't even do this, how can our pirate alliance continue to maintain it?"

Jeffrey lit cigars for the two allies, and savored the rich tobacco aroma himself, with satisfaction flashing in his eyes.

The 'Duff' cigars from the South China Sea are much stronger than ordinary cigars in terms of appearance and texture, not to mention the smooth taste, which is simply the ultimate enjoyment.

He was originally just a small gangster from the South China Sea, barely making a living through blackmail, extortion, and theft.

However, when Roger, the Pirate King, said those words 20 years ago, the fire in his heart was ignited.

He wants to find One Piece's treasure!

So when a pirate group stopped by, he took the initiative to join the other pirate group.

After that, it was a tumultuous life as a pirate.

He has joined 16 pirate groups, stabbed 34 leaders in the back, and relied on dirty methods such as surrender, betrayal, betrayal, etc. to enter the new world from the South China Sea, from a pirate to the current pirate captain. .

However, after so many years of living as a pirate, he no longer desires the treasure of the Pirate King.

The so-called ONE PIECE has nothing to do with pirates like him.


Jeffrey poured himself a glass of "Obiang" red wine produced in the West Sea. This red wine has a strong floral and fruity aroma. Not only that, the mellow and smooth taste allowed him to clearly feel the heritage of time. .

He has found his own ONE PIECE!

In the new world, he does not need to continue to fight to the death with other pirates, and he does not care who can obtain the treasure left by the Pirate King or become the next Pirate King.

As long as he does a good job in the shipbuilding business, pirates who dream of becoming the 'Pirate King' will continue to pour into the new world and hand over to him the wealth they plundered from various places.

And all he has to pay is the labor of some boatmen.

Jeffrey picked up the red wine glass and raised it to signal to the two allies in front of him.

[Long-Hand Swordsman] Wesley, a hybrid of the Long-Hand Clan and the Snake-Neck Clan. Both himself and his sword are all slender in shape. They have a longer attack range and more varied attacks than ordinary people. Angle, the bounty is 487 million beli.

Like himself, he was all eyeing Mordik Island, and wars broke out more than once between the two sides during the fight.

[Big Hammer] Barillas was originally a shipbuilder on Mordic Island. When he first wanted to occupy this place, he led his shipwrights to fight against him several times.

These two people could be considered their enemies originally, but now, guided by their interests, the three of them are an inseparable pirate alliance, and it has been a pirate alliance that has lasted for more than ten years!

So, things like ONE PIECE and ONE PIECE don’t matter at all!

Only profit is what pirates should really pursue!

"Cheers to our alliance!"

Jeffrey was smiling, and Barillas and Wesley also raised the wine glasses in front of them, with a smile on their faces.

boom! ! !

A strong impact suddenly came from a distance, like a heavy hammer hitting Jeffrey's head, causing his body to shake slightly. The red wine in the wine glass accidentally spilled and splashed on the ground, leaving a trail of Red marks.

"Such a domineering look!"

Jeffrey's face was stern, and his heart sank slightly.

"It seems like a bad visitor is coming to our door."

Wesley put down the wine glass in his hand and grabbed the long sword he placed beside the table.

As a shipbuilding island, Mordik Island attracted the covetousness of countless pirates in this era of great pirates, and the original Wesley and Jeffrey were also among them.

But after the three of them formed a pirate alliance and fought off waves of pirates, no one invaded for a long time.

"I don't know if it will be a familiar old guy or a strange new friend."

Jeffrey also stood up. Although he was talking about friends, there was no smile in his eyes.

In terms of strength, he is inferior to Wesley, and he does not possess the shipbuilding technology like Barillas. The reason why he is able to occupy a dominant position in the alliance of the three relies on his ferocity and cruelty.

[Betrayer] Jeffrey’s name is not something you call casually.

Mordik is his ONE PIECE, the cornerstone of his ability to ensure his enjoyment.

No matter who it is, if he wants to get his hands on this place, he will never let him go!


"Domineering Rhodes!!"

Jeffrey was half kneeling on the ground, raising his head to look at the red-haired man in front of him, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Beside him, Wesley's slender body was folded in half, and his long sword was being played with by Lord Fist.

"Why would a man like you target this place?"

This is the big pirate who defeated the Four Emperors head-on. Aren't pirates like them all thinking about ONE PIECE or the confrontation with the World Government? Why would they pay attention to Mordik?

Rhodes did not speak, but still played with the sword in his hand.

The guy from the Changshou Clan was good at swordsmanship. He especially used his physical characteristics to the extreme and used many incredible moves, which made Rhodes feel some fun in swordsmanship for the first time in a long time.

It's just that it's too fragile.

Can't even hold back a punch.

"Are you interested in Mordik Island? I can give it to you. Not only that, I can also join your army!"

Wesley's painful wails were heard in his ears, and his nose was filled with the smell of blood. The panic in Jeffrey's eyes was even worse, and he spoke quickly, desperately trying to show his worth.

"[The Betrayer] Jeffrey, born in the South China Sea, with a bounty of 455 million Baileys, has joined 16 pirate groups."

Robin stood aside, telling the information about Jeffrey.

"16 pirate groups?"

Franky on the side repeated the number in surprise.

Even if it is common for pirates to leave and rejoin, it is too exaggerated for him to have joined 16 pirate groups.

"Not only that, he has also backstabbed 34 leaders, including 18 squad leaders and 16 captains."

"In other words, all the pirate groups he has joined were backstabbed by him in the end."

"This guy is a pirate who made it to the New World by betraying his companions and backstabbing the captain."

"How scary, no one dares to accept a guy like you."

Rod said something fake, but he couldn't imitate the essence of Kizaru, so he simply waved the long sword in his hand, and Jeffrey's head, which was still smiling a bit flatteringly, flew into the air.

"I'm not interested in their love, hatred, or anything else. I just want the shipbuilding industry on this island."

Rod glanced at Gray and Franky who came with him.

"There's another person in their pirate alliance who seems to have been a shipwright."

"That person is left to you two, and the integration of the personnel on this island is all left to you two."

"This will be our territory in the future. We must plant the flag of the Baquan Security Company in the port and the center of the island."

"You really are a hands-off shopkeeper to the end."

Gray complained lightly, and then he and Franky checked the situation of the island with a little excitement.

Under Rhode's domineering impact, there were almost no sober people left on the entire island.

Throwing all these things to Gray and Franky, Rhode walked towards the central highland of the island.

"You really know how to enjoy yourself."

Coming to the place where Jeffrey and the other two met not long ago, Rhode looked at the things placed in the room and raised his eyebrows.

Everything here, from red wine to cigars, from carpets to paintings, is very expensive. Even Rhode has never seen many things.

Recalling the shipwrights he saw at the port and their living environment, Rhode couldn't help shaking his head.

The three leaders of this pirate alliance are just like Celestial Dragons, riding on the shoulders of ordinary people and enjoying all kinds of extreme luxury.

Perhaps they had all kinds of ambitions when they went to sea, wanting to eliminate the nobles who exploited them, but after being exposed to these pleasures, they soon became what they originally hated.

Picking up a bottle of red wine and opening it, Rhode raised his head and drank it directly, then looked at Robin who was following him.

"Help Gray and the others to get things done here as soon as possible."

Sitting on the sofa, Rhode lay on his back.

"Next time, let Bonis come over for this kind of thing. It's really boring."

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