One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 219 Development and Current Situation

More than a month later, Greenbit.

There is strength in numbers, and more money makes things easier.

After the members of the Don Quixote family who came to join them, and those who were once turned into toys and slaves by the Don Quixote family, joined, the construction work of Greenbit progressed rapidly.

In addition, with the supplies purchased from various places by the Rhodes Pirates with strong financial resources, Greenbit almost changed every day. In just over a month, the entire island changed drastically. The original lush forests were replaced by buildings, which were neatly distributed and clearly divided.

In the center of the island, there is a huge manor, which is the residence of the Rhodes Pirates.

In the huge restaurant in the manor, there is a huge round table. The Rhodes Pirates sat around the round table. Several waiters, led by baby-5, placed the meals one by one, then left the room and closed the door.

"Thank you for your hard work during this period."

Rhodes raised the wine glass in his hand and looked at the companions sitting around.

"However, we have already completed the initial goal, so we can celebrate a little."

The partners all had smiles on their faces, raised their cups in front of them, and drank a full cup.

"Nayru, you should talk about your responsibilities first."

The grand banquet was held last night, and today is more about sharing the current situation with all the partners. After all, everyone has been busy with their own responsibilities for some time, and they don't have a clear understanding of the overall development of the pirate group.

"First of all, it's about the security company."

Rod is basically a hands-off boss, just put forward some ideas and requirements, and the rest of the things are all handed over to Nayru and Luo.

However, as Rod's right-hand man, it is supposed to do such things.

All kinds of information flashed through Nayru's mind.

"Including Dressrosa, there are 11 surrounding islands, and a total of 15 countries have signed security agreements with us."

"These countries have a total population of about 3.2 million. Based on the annual fee of 50,000 Beli per person, we can receive a total of 160 billion Beli per year."

"So much!"

Nia looked up suddenly, and her eyes almost turned into the shape of Beli.

"Not actually."

Nelu shook his head.

"According to what Rhodes said, we have started recruiting in all 15 countries. After strict assessment, we have recruited a total of 10,000 people. According to the conditions given by Rhodes, these 10,000 people can get a salary of 100,000 Beli every month, and can exempt five family members including himself from annual security fees."

"In this way, in terms of the security company, after deducting this part of the cost, there will only be about 140 billion Beli."

"This is also a huge sum of money!"

Although Rhodes and his group have never been short of funds since they went to sea, thanks to the generous donations from Tezoro and friends from all walks of life, it is still difficult for all the companions to calm down when they suddenly heard that such a large amount of funds would be received every year.

This is 140 billion Beli, and every year!

Although we don't know what to do with so much money, this number still makes everyone's heart surge.

"This is just in theory."

Neru continued to pour cold water on everyone.

"In fact, among the 15 countries that have signed security agreements with us, 4 countries are too poor. The people there can barely make ends meet. It is impossible to ask them to pay security fees."

"Moreover, according to Rhode, the 10,000 people we recruited, in addition to receiving a salary of 100,000 Baileys per month, will be provided with food, clothing, housing and transportation by the security company, and their weapons and equipment must also be considered."

"Not only that, if they perform well, there will be additional rewards. The outstanding ones can be promoted to become small cadres. After the promotion, both income and other treatment will be further improved. All of these require money."

"I am currently studying the assessment method for them."

In fact, Rhode did not expect to make money by collecting these security fees.

Collecting security fees is just a way for these countries and people to accept them little by little.

The cost of 50,000 Baileys per person per year is not much.

Aaron, that guy in the East China Sea, charges 100,000 for adults and 50,000 for children every month.

After training the newly recruited group of people a little, Rhode planned to drive some pirates to invade the countries that had their flags, and then make a few appearances in front of all the citizens, so that they would feel that their security fees were worth spending, and they would feel less repulsive.

Moreover, in this world, although there are a large number of pirates, and in the New World there are a large number of islands that rely on pirate groups, the vast majority of people in this world still reject pirates.

Yearning for peace is the idea of ​​most people.

So even if Kaido, the beast, is ambitious to conquer the world, he will support Kurozumi Orochi as the daimyo in Wano Country, and he will act as the protector of the country.

And Big Mom Charlotte Linlin has established the Ten Thousand Kingdoms and ruled the forces under her command in the form of a country.

Just by comparing the two pirate groups, it can be seen that the Big Mom Pirates are far stronger than the Beasts Pirates in terms of grassroots and backbone forces.

Not only that, although Auntie has Sireia, once it breaks out, she will attack everything she sees regardless of enemy or friend, putting the people's lives in constant danger, and living in Ten Thousand Kingdoms requires one month of life expectancy every six months. , but with the title of Queen and a ruling political system like Ten Thousand Nations, the rule of the Big Mom Pirates is generally much more stable and reliable than that of the Beasts Pirates.

Kaido, who is also one of the four emperors, could only rely on his personality charm to recruit people from all over the world, and got some subordinates with ulterior motives. The black charcoal snake he raised completely ignored the people's livelihood in Wano, and brought the entire country to ruins. It's a mess, with no ability to inject new blood into the Beast Pirates at all. His rule is like a castle in the air, held up entirely by Kaido's powerful power.

Rhodes would not learn from Kaido's squandering style of rule.

Now with the shell of a security company and the double endorsement of the world government and the royal families of various countries, Rhodes can recruit a large number of people from the 15 countries that have planted their flags without much resistance.

In these countries, those who hate pirates and do not want to become pirates also have a reason to convince themselves to join Rhodes.

As long as they start joining in, everything will fall into place. They will change little by little and integrate into the Rhodes Pirates until they completely become the shape Rhodes wants.

This is the biggest benefit that the title of Shichibukai can bring to Rhodes now!

"On Greenbit's side, the original members of the Don Quixote family have gone through two rounds of screening, and in the end there are more than 400 people left, thanks to the help of Robin and Violet."

Luo also told everyone what he was responsible for during this period.

"Most of those who were turned into toys by Sugar's ability left directly. In addition to the people of Dressrosa itself, there were more than 1,300 people who stayed in the end, and more than a dozen worlds were found among them. Government agents and Navy undercovers."

Doflamingo once wanted to train Luo into a new generation of [Red Heart] as his right-hand man.

But now, the Don Quixote family that he had worked hard for more than ten years to finally establish was destroyed in one fell swoop, and everything left behind by the family was absorbed by Luo. This may also be a kind of inheritance.

"According to what you want from Rod, the total of 1,700 people are divided into two parts. Among them, 1,000 relatively reliable people are left in Greenbit, responsible for various things, and there are more than 700 people with wandering thoughts. The people asked them to form seven pirate groups and spread out to the surrounding sea area, including the dozen undercovers. "

For these seven pirates, Rhodes did not even lend them his flag, nor did he accept them as his younger brothers.

After all, these selected pirates were originally a group of guys who were afraid of the world being in chaos. They just wanted to roam the sea, get drunk now, and enjoy grudges the next.

Rhodes just gave them a new pirate ship and some start-up funds to let them pursue their ONE PIECE again.

After this, Rhodes may just be their savior and reincarnated parent; and when needed, they can also be his beloved relatives and friends!

"We have sorted out the arms business left behind by the Don Quixote family."

"Except for the inconvenience around the world and the inability to meet and communicate, we have already visited with Bowness, Kosha, and Weber one by one with the partners that we can contact in the New World."

Peijin and Xia Qi were mainly responsible for this matter during this period.

When Doflamingo ruled Dressrosa, he vigorously developed tourism on the surface, attracting countless tourists, but secretly he was engaged in arms reselling. They were still selling weapons underground in Dressrosa. There is a military factory where toy soldiers and little humans are enslaved to work day and night.

And Doflamingo relied on his own skills and identity to do business all over the Grand Line and all over the world.

After Doflamingo was defeated, some former customers directly chose to cut off contact, but some expressed the idea of ​​continuing cooperation after Pekin and the others contacted him.

Especially for some of their partners in the New World, Pekin and Xia Qi even brought Bowness, Kosha, and Weber to visit them one by one, and re-negotiated cooperation.

In particular, some of these countries are their targets for continuing to expand the security company's business. The ongoing arms business is also paving the way for the security company's business in the future.

Since arms can be bought, it is better to just buy security services without wasting manpower.

"The bear still hasn't fully mastered the ability to discharge electricity."

Bebo scratched his head sheepishly.

In the previous battle, he used the ability to discharge electricity. After the battle, Rhodes asked him not to worry about other things and concentrate on studying that power.

However, after more than a month of training, although the friction of hair can be used to discharge electricity, there is still some distance to form a powerful attack.

Compared with Nailu's discharge, it is nothing to mention.

"The research institute has been completed, but it will take some time before the results are produced."

Gray held a cup of black tea in his hand and looked satisfied.

It has only been a year since he went to sea, and now he has a research institute of his own, where he can study all kinds of things he is interested in without worrying about funding.

This was totally unimaginable a year ago.

"However, the research institute has recently synthesized a batch of new materials, and I will show them to everyone later to see if there are any that can be used."

"Also, regarding the improvement of textile technology mentioned before, Franky and I have already improved new machines. After the industrial adjustment on Mordic Island is completed, we can mass-produce them."

The original pirate alliance on Mordic Island was vulnerable to Rod's fist. With the help of Robin, according to the suggestions of Gray and Franky, the industrial adjustment has been completed and it has completely become the production base of Rod's group.

In the future, Greenbit's research institute will be responsible for researching technology, and Mordic Island will be responsible for production.

Mordic Island is also completely handed over to Gray and Franky. Robin will only be responsible for some administrative work and auxiliary supervision.

"I still have no clue about awakening."

Nia waved her hand, and then glanced at Genos beside her.

Before Kaido attacked, the two of them fought against Kaido's cadres, Runti and Sasaki respectively.

Although both of them won the battle, they felt a lot of pressure.

Not to mention the battle with Drought Jack later. Facing an opponent who had been exhausted by Neru for a long time, the two of them joined forces to barely suppress the opponent.

According to Rod, although Drought Jack is also one of the three major figures of the Beast Pirates, his strength is far inferior to the other two.

Therefore, after the battle, Nia and Genos have been thinking about how to further improve their strength.

Especially Nia, she felt that she was also an old veteran of the pirate group. Now that Captain Rod can match the Four Emperors, she must be able to deal with the big cadres under the Four Emperors independently.

As an animal-type devil fruit ability user, they use physical skills as their main fighting method. Awakening is the best way for them to improve their strength.

However, the awakening of the devil fruit is indeed not so easy to do.

After Nia and the others, Robin just smiled lightly and said nothing.

Her main job recently was to summarize all aspects of the matter and report it to Rhode. With her nearly perfect secretarial ability, she saved Rhode a lot of energy.

Rhode's information collection on the relics of ancient strongmen has not yet produced any results.

Bonis remained silent.

He was not the kind of person who could handle government affairs, nor was he responsible for anything alone, and his work had been reported by Pekin and others before.

Fighting, killing, and shocking.

This is what he has been doing for the past month.

"Me, me, me! In addition to studying food, I have also been exercising recently!"

Minina bent her arms slightly, showing her biceps.

"I have learned the Armament Haki, and I can also "bang" it out. When cooking, I can make the meat more delicate!"

Minina happily shared her own things.

Minina, who has always relied on her talent and brute force to fight, finally decided to exercise her fighting ability after the last battle.

Then she showed an exaggerated learning ability as her physical talent.

Learned the Armament Haki in an instant, and mastered the Haki in one day.

"My observation Haki is also going well. Now I can feel the texture of the ingredients, and I can handle them more easily. I will definitely make more delicious dishes for you later, hehehe~~"

Everyone looked at Minina with complicated eyes, who was grinning "hehe".

What a terrifying talent!

Just eating and drinking, she can have a terrifying physical fitness, even better than the animal-type devil fruit ability users.

Even the power of Haki, after a little hard study, she will soon master it thoroughly.

I really don't know what level of power she will have if she practices as hard as Bonis.

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