One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 10 Correct the Leyline!

Hetu Luoshu turned into a long scroll in the sky, surrounding Fuxi's body, immeasurable divine light, exuding supreme majesty.

When Fuxi was in it, he was like a stalwart god, and he couldn't help but feel awe.

"Sage Fuxi!"

"The Lord of the World!"

People knelt down and worshiped, extremely pious, and worshipped Fuxi like a god.

Hundreds of thousands of onlookers, like waves, knelt down one by one toward Fuxi.

And the leader of the tens of thousands of sages who came from afar, originally planned to use the tortoise to prove his virtuousness. He never wanted to be taken away by others, and his heart was extremely depressed.

However, seeing that hundreds of thousands of people around them were worshipping, their faces were a little overwhelmed.

After all, the human race at the moment respects the virtuous, and Fuxi's performance just now is a worthy sage, and even they have to obey. It is indeed inappropriate for them to stand out from the crowd in such a scene "May 73".

When more and more people knelt down to Fuxi and called them "sages" and "common masters", they finally couldn't hold it any longer, and began to bow down to Fuxi one after another and gave great gifts, which was regarded as agreeing with the name of the most sage of the Fuxi people. No.

Under the rule that meritocracy is used, no one dares to take the risk of the world, even King Luo and Chiyou, in the end, they have to bow down to Fuxi.

In this way, Fuxi became a real sage of the human race, admired by all people, and the world returned to his heart.


Seeing all this, Ye Jia couldn't help showing a smile and nodded: "Yes, now that Fuxi's prestige is flourishing, it's time to help him plan the Fengchan Ceremony."

He raised Fuxi as the first generation of human emperors, but this ceremony of enshrining Zen is essential, otherwise the emperor's name is not true, and it is difficult to assemble humanistic luck.

"However, before that, we have to make some arrangements for the mysterious turtle." Ye Jia looked at the mysterious turtle, his eyes flashing slightly.

After all, with a wave of his palm, a time-space barrier that accelerates infinitely in time appears around the mysterious turtle.

As soon as the space-time barrier shrouded the mysterious turtle, the mysterious turtle was stunned, but looking out from the space-time barrier, everyone was just as still, motionless.

"What's going on!" Xuan Turtle turned pale in shock and was about to break into the water.

Unexpectedly, even the water is the same. Except for the water around him, the water in other places is like solidification, motionless and without waves.

"What!" Xuan Gui was shocked and frightened, not knowing what happened.

At this moment, he inadvertently looked up and saw a figure in the crowd that was not affected by this strange situation at all.

As if wandering outside of time and space, the seemingly ordinary figure with a smile stepped forward from the still world and instantly came to Xuan Turtle.

Ye Jia smiled and said, "You did a good job."

Seeing this, Xuan Gui didn't know who was coming, and immediately showed a flattering smile: "It's still the master's clever plan, the small one is just a start."

It's no wonder he is so servile, because he knows very well that his status as an innate god and demon may be able to show his prestige with ordinary creatures. In front of Ye Jia, he is not even a fart.

Ye Jia turned a deaf ear to Xuan Gui's flattery, and only continued: "Since you helped me complete this matter, you can practice alone in this prehistoric world in the future."

When Xuan Gui heard this, he was overjoyed: "Thank you, my lord, I will never forget the kindness of my lord!"

"It doesn't matter if you are kind or not, but you have to be vigilant about some things. You can't mess with the rules of the prehistoric world, or you will be wiped out." Ye Jia said lightly.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Xuan Gui: "What are the rules I said, you should know?"

Xuan Gui shuddered and nodded again and again: "I know, I know, and I will never offend."

"It's good if you know." Ye Jia looked back, "Okay, you can do it yourself."

After all, he disappeared as soon as his mind moved, and when he left, the space-time barrier only flashed, and then it burst with a bang.

Xuan Turtle looked up and saw that the surrounding crowd had returned to normal.

Seeing this, he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief: "It's hard to imagine that there is someone in this world who can master time and space. It seems that I am really too small."

Thinking of Ye Jia's terrifying method of manipulating time and space, Xuan Gui couldn't help shaking his heart, feeling that there is a heaven outside.

After thinking for a moment, he sighed in his heart, shook his head and broke the water, swam into the water and disappeared in the blink of an eye...


After Ye Jia left from the Luoshui, he instantly broke through the endless time and space and came to the land of the wild east.

He stood in the air, looking down at the earth, and said nothing for a long time...  

"Fuxi and even the emperors of the future will enshrine Zen on the mountain, and the choice of this place to enshrine Zen is naturally the top priority." Ye Jia murmured, "I have looked all over the world, but there are no satisfactory mountains. "

Humanity leads to heaven and earth, and the emperor is the human being -kun. That's why the emperor's qi is connected to the heaven and the earth, and he can obtain the supreme qi luck. And the mountains and veins are the grandsons of the sky and the earth.

People - kun Fengchan, naturally want to find a good mountain range, so as to communicate with heaven and earth, and undertake the fate of heaven.

Such a mountain range has extremely strict requirements on the trend and environment, which is rare in the world.

In fact, it is not that there is none, but many mountains in the prehistoric wilderness are not in Ye Jia's eyes at all, and of course they are ignored.

If not, then create one.

Ye Jia thought so.

He smiled slightly and said, "The earth veins here are okay, let me correct it first."

The earth vein is the vein of the earth, the foundation of the earth's current circulation, and the most important thing.

This leyline carries the secrets of the Tao of Heaven, not to mention ordinary creatures, even the saints of the Tao of Heaven, and it is not easy to see the whole picture.

But Ye Jia just glanced at the earth's leylines.

In his eyes, the geology of the prehistoric land has two major trends: east and west, north and south, of which the north-south trunk is connected with the east-west trunk, and the prehistoric land is vaguely divided into four parts.

Looking at the four-point trend of the earth, Ye Jia suddenly realized, secretly thinking that this is probably the reason why the great land will be divided into four continents in the future 5.2.

The place where he is located is probably at the intersection of the two main lines of the earth. But the main vein of the earth is not regular after all, so it is said that it is an intersection, but it is also much worse.

Ye Jia looked at it for a while, and when his hands formed a seal, his divine power poured out, and his momentum was magnificent.

Then I saw his sword pointing a little, and the ground below trembled faintly.


Even if this vast and boundless earth trembles faintly, its power is not trivial.

Ye Jia immediately pointed his sword to a flying point, divine power poured out, and the leylines in the depths of the earth twisted, like a rope, being slowly combed by Ye Jia's vast and majestic power.

With the rotation of the earth veins, gradually, the trend of the two main earth veins was corrected, condensing into a Uzumaki trend, forming a central earth pivot that gathers endless earth energy. .

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