One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 11 Plastic Mount Tai!

Previously, the Buzhou Mountain was broken and devastated, and the earth's veins were disordered. Now Ye Jia turned his hands and the earth energy condensed, and a brand new earth center appeared.

Then his hands formed seals, and the divine power went straight to the earth, causing the earth to rise, and the surrounding divine light was vast.

The air steamed out of this place, connected with the earth, and gradually turned into a column shape, ten thousand feet high and extremely thick.

The air of the earth is rooted in thick soil. It is not the material of the sky pillar, but it should not be raised too high. Ten thousand feet is just right, and the air of the sky can be harvested.

Ye Jia looked at the ground, found a few hills and slopes, held one hand in the air, and grabbed those high ground, even if the ground shook.


From his hand, an invisible vast force surged out, instantly grabbing the earth and rocks in those hills and highlands, and then slammed into the earth.

Between the flying sand and the rocks, the earth air swirls violently, and the earth and rocks are like flying swallows returning to their nests, and they all flock to the pillar of earth air and attach to it.

Gradually, as the earth and rocks gathered more and more, the pillar of earth energy, which was originally only a phantom, began to turn into a towering mountain range, with a magnificent momentum.

A moment later, Ye Jia released his hands, and the high mountain was shaken immediately. The pulse of the earth stretched no less than a million miles15, bringing up countless mountain ranges, large and small.

"That's right, the climate of this mountain range has been completed." Ye Jia nodded with satisfaction.

However, although the mountains have become the climate, there are still many deficiencies if you want to really use it to enshrine Zen.

After thinking about it, Ye Jia immediately swept the ground with his sword, and his sharp energy burst out, circling the newly formed mountain range, and slashed across the ground in an instant.


Wherever Ye Jia's sword pointed, the ground immediately cracked and sank, and in the blink of an eye, a huge riverbed with no head and tail formed, with a magnificent momentum.

Then he dug through other rivers, drawing in the vast river water, which merged into the riverbed, and a real big river was formed, which went straight into the ocean.

The mountains and rivers complemented each other, and the vitality suddenly appeared, and the surrounding millions of miles of land instantly felt radiant. Although it was still desolate, no one would doubt that it would not be long before this place would be as lush and lush as a fairyland.

After Ye Jia finished all this, he nodded: "This mountain should be called Mount Tai. Mount Tai is not far from the major settlements of the human race. It will not take long for the human race to multiply here, and then Mount Tai will definitely be full of vitality. Fuxi, who is peaceful everywhere and has become the co-owner of the world, just enshrined Zen here."

Schedule it all, and the rest is just a matter of time.

Then his figure flashed, and in an instant, he crossed time and space back to the Xuanyuan Land, leaving only a mountain and a river here.


Ye Jia created Mount Tai and a big river with the help of a god-tier. The mountains and rivers complement each other, connecting the atmosphere of heaven and earth, and the surrounding is more and more lush and prosperous.

And after the test of the mysterious turtle, Fuxi truly became the co-lord of the human race, and everyone in the world does not respect him.

Today's human race is based on meritocracy. With the help of this great popularity, Fuxi quickly mastered the substantive power of the co-lord of the human race, and ordered all parties.

The human race in the world is basically unified, and Fuxi is the emperor.

Afterwards, Fuxi pushed forward reforms aggressively, popularizing some basic skills such as web weaving that Ye Jia taught him, and at the same time establishing a Terran army and a government system, which made the civilization of the Terran take shape.

And the Six Paths reincarnation began to operate at this time, and countless newborns were born into the human race, which made the human race develop rapidly.

Its momentum is so fierce that it has reached an unimaginable level.

Under such conditions, people believed that Fuxi was really a sage from heaven and the fundamental reason for the prosperity of the human race.

As a result, Fuxi's reputation is getting higher and higher, and the power in his hands is getting hotter and hotter. When he is in a position to give orders to the world, he will not dare to obey.

But Fuxi became the emperor after all to inherit the fate of the human race and achieve immortality and immortality. Therefore, he did not leave any heirs, and he did not care too much about his heirs.

This has left hidden dangers for the future turmoil of the human race. Ye Jia originally wanted to intervene, but then he thought about it, if he forcibly interrupted the historical process, I was afraid that the amount of calamity would change, but it would be very bad.

As a result, the human race developed rapidly under the shroud of Fuxi, with no distractions.

And the infinite respect of the world's human races makes Fuxi more fortunate, and it is more than half the effort to practice.

Moreover, he was already a quasi-sage powerhouse in his previous life, and now he has the blessing of luck and Hetu Luoshu, and the speed of cultivation is naturally a thousand miles.

A hundred years have passed, and Fuxi has reached the state of quasi-sage perfection, which is much stronger than that of his previous life.

Quasi-Saint Consummation is an infinite approach to the Holy Way, and there is no way to progress.

At this point, it is time to seal Zen.


On this day, at the foot of Mount Tai.

At this time, after a hundred years of reproduction, Mount Tai has become lush and green, full of vitality and prosperity, like a holy land of immortals.

Such a resort, the human race has long been firmly occupied by it.

Today is the day when the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, Fuxi, enshrined Zen, which can be said to be the biggest event since the birth of the entire Human Race.

Therefore, there is a sea of ​​people at the foot of Mount Tai, the crowd is full of voices, and it is a lively scene.

"It's almost time, and the ceremony is about to start!" A human soldier guarding looked up at the sky and said.

"Yeah, it's really a great event for my human race to ascend to Mount Tai this time." Another guard followed.

The same scene happened everywhere in Mount Tai. The rising human race was full of confidence in the future of the group, and they all spoke with a hearty smile.

At this time, Fuxi was already in front of the Taishan Mountain Road, and he was accompanied by a group of civil and military officials, all of whom looked solemn.

Fuxi looked up at the sky, and there was a hint of excitement in his calm expression.

Over the years, with Ye Jia's help, he was finally able to approach the Holy Way. After Feng Chan, he is no different from the saints of the heavens.

Every time he thinks of this, his mind is inevitably a little unsettled.

And with the growth of his strength, he has a deeper understanding and shock of Ye Jia's unimaginable heaven-defying magical powers.

When he stood under the holy way, he gradually realized that Ye Jia's magical powers had reached a level far beyond the reach of all beings, including saints.

After wandering for a moment, the scorching sun is getting higher and higher.

"It's time." Someone beside Fuxi reminded respectfully.

Fuxi was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "It's time to come so soon."

It's time to start climbing. When we reached the top of the mountain, we were going to hold the Fengchan Ceremony at noon, worshiping the heaven and earth, and showing the prosperity of humanity.

Fuxi raised his head and looked at the blazing sun, thinking about the wind of the demon emperor back then, and feeling quite emotional in his heart.

"In that case, let's climb the mountain."

After that, he stepped out one step and went up the mountain road. .

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