I saw that the water snake at this moment, after the fierce attack just now, not only was not injured, but its size became much larger, as if it absorbed the water that the plague snake attacked.

Just now, the size of the two was still on the same level. In a blink of an eye, the size of the water snake was a circle bigger than his, and the momentum was even better.

This is called Plague Snake, how can it not turn pale in astonishment!


The water snake roared and shook its huge snake tail a few times as if it was showing off its mighty power.

Seeing this, Plague Snake was shocked and angry.

"Even the water movement supernatural power has to be forcibly suppressed!" A madness flashed in the green snake eyes, "It's so deceiving!!"

Immediately after hearing his roar, the huge snake body rose up, looking like it was going to fight hand to hand, rampaged and killed the water snake on the opposite side.

However, the water snake at this time absorbed the vast river water, and its size increased by a full circle, so as soon as the two collided, the plague snake suffered a big loss.

There was only a loud noise, as if the land was falling apart, and the two majestic snakes of thousands of meters backed away.

However, compared to the water snake, the plague snake retreated significantly farther, and staggered and almost fell, looking rather embarrassed.

On the other hand, if the water snake is said to be retreating, it is better to say that it has moved to the rear, which is not even obvious.

From this point of view, although the two giant snakes look similar. But in terms of strength, the water snake that Ye Jia casually created was stronger.

Two giant snakes fought on the banks of the Yellow River, and the movement was huge. As long as you flick your tail casually, you can sweep some hillsides, or roll up a mighty wave on the Yellow River for a long time.

The fight was quite tragic and spectacular at first, but it didn't take long before the Plague Snake fell in all directions, being suppressed by the water snake everywhere, and scarred.

The water snake on the opposite side relied on a mysterious body, not even a single injury.

The water snake flicked its tail, and the majestic power surged out immediately, and the plague snake, which had been injured everywhere, was immediately sent flying, and was almost swept directly into the Yellow River.

He struggled to get up, shook his huge head, and looked at the water snake in confusion.


The water snake has been fighting so far, unscathed, and the fighting spirit is still high. Such an undefeated state gradually gave birth to a deep sense of powerlessness and despair in the plague snake's heart.

After fighting just now, as long as he pounces on him, he will suffer under the huge size of the water snake. The more he fights, the more injuries he will suffer, and the greater the disadvantage.

This reciprocation has formed a vicious circle, so that the current plague snake has been completely crushed and beaten by the water snake and has almost no resistance.

"Is this the great power of the saint..." The Plague Snake looked at Ye Jia who was lying on the twisted space-time not far away, and couldn't help thinking like this.

Thinking how arrogant he was back then, now it seems that even a water snake created by others can easily suppress him.

Such a deep sense of frustration, what a shame.

"Am I really unable to beat this water snake?" The Plague Snake thought sadly.

He had already clearly realized that under any conditions, he would not be able to defeat Ye Jia, not even touch him.

But being defeated by such a water snake really made him unwilling.

Just when he was depressed, his eyes suddenly lit up: "By the way, since the water snake can strengthen itself by absorbing river water..."

A bold idea suddenly flooded into his mind, making Plague Snake suddenly excited.

"Yes - absolutely! In my life, I will never be defeated by a mere water snake!" There was a sudden light in the green snake pupil of the plague snake.

When he looked at the water snake again, he had already brought an inexplicable smile.

"Roar!" He only heard a loud roar, and under the surging mana, the Yellow River water began to surging again, and the magnificent water potential was endless and mighty.


Thousands of gigantic waves rose up, and the momentum was extremely magnificent.

Ye Jia moved his brows as if he was aware of it, then he pinched his fingers and said with a smile, "This little snake thinks he is smart, but... "

After speaking, he shook his head disapprovingly, and continued to lie on the twisted void with his eyes closed.

The Plague Snake motivated the mana, and after a while, the monstrous wave crashed down and rushed towards the water snake, the water was turbulent.

The vast water waves quickly submerged the water snake without revealing the slightest.

After the weather calmed down, the water waves dissipated. As expected, the water snakes that came out of the water had grown a lot again, but now they were two full circles larger than the plague snakes.

The advantage of two laps is already like an adult versus a child.

But the strange thing is that Plague Snake can't help but not feel panic, and the green snake pupil is also full of danger and ridicule from time to time.

One wave after another, the Plague Snake had just driven a mighty wave, and in a blink of an eye, the old trick was repeated, and it once again stirred up the vast Yellow River, pulling out a wave to the sky, flocking to the Water Snake.

The same scene was staged again, and the size of the water snake increased again, and the gap with the plague snake was further widened.

In this way, every time, the Plague Snake will pull the water of the vast Yellow River to attack the Water Snake, repelling it for a while, but also making its size continue to grow.

As the size gap between the two continued to widen, the plague snake at a disadvantage became more and more excited.

".〃A little bit bigger... A little bigger..." In the dark green snake pupil of the plague snake, the dim light became more and more intense.

Finally, the size of the water snake continued to grow, and eventually it was ten times that of the plague snake, becoming a terrifying beast of tens of thousands of feet.

Seeing this, Plague Snake suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha...you are dead!"

(Wonderful Zhao)

After saying that, his huge snake body rose up, rode the clouds to control the wind, and came to the water snake in a blink of an eye.

Snakes have no hands or feet, which is the biggest key to snakes.

Because unlike other creatures, they can have limbs to assist each other. The vital parts of snakes are often more deadly than ordinary creatures, which also provides a reason for humans to override vicious snakes.

At this time, the size of the water snake had increased tenfold, and with the size of the plague snake, it had just reached the level of the thickness of its neck.

The neck can be said to be the biggest key point of almost all snakes.

The Plague Snake rode the clouds and the wind, and instantly flew to the side of the water snake, to be precise, the side of the water snake's neck.

He looked at the neck of the water snake, and there was a vicious breath in the green and narrow snake eyes: "Feel the suffocation!"

As soon as the words fell, his huge body rushed out like lightning, and went straight to the enemy! .

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