One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 73 It's God!

The Plague Snake suddenly rushed, and the water snake, which had soared in size, wanted to knock it flying, but its size was too large and it was difficult to move.

In contrast, the Plague Snake quickly became extremely fast, and when he saw a flash of black light, he flew directly to the neck of the water snake. When the snake body twisted, it instantly wrapped the neck of the water snake twice.

"Hahahaha! I see what tricks you have this time!" Plague Snake laughed, "You are dead!"

As he said that, his body suddenly exerted force, like a chain, ruthlessly strangling the neck of the water snake.

Under the oppression of this huge force, the water snake couldn't help but raise its head and roar, with a look of pain, and water light flowing.

But after all, the plague snake was entangled in the neck of the water snake. Only under the head, the snake had no arms and legs. It was extremely difficult to break free.

"Roar-......" The water snake roared in pain, and the huge snake body twisted around.

Seeing this, Plague Snake became more and more complacent, and laughed wildly one after another: "Hahahaha...Go to hell!!"

He didn't notice that Ye Jia, who closed his eyes not far away, didn't even lift his eyelids under such circumstances, as if he didn't care at all.

"Roar!" The Plague Snake roared, the power above the body became more and more majestic, with black light flashing all over his body, obviously he had used all his strength.

As the plague snake tried its best to restrain it, the neck of the water snake was quickly shrunk. The plague snake that could have been entangled in two circles turned into three circles in a blink of an eye. The huge force made the neck of the water snake tremble.

"Roar...." The water snake's head was even more flowing, and the brilliance trembled. It was obviously under the pressure of terror, and the situation was in critical condition.

"Death!!!" Finally, the Plague Snake roared, and his body suddenly burst into force!


The majestic power exploded instantly, squeezed from all around, and rushed towards the neck of the water snake.

Under this terrifying power, the neck of the water snake couldn't bear it any longer, it burst open, and the water burst out.

"Crash..." The head of the water snake fell immediately, turning into a wave of water, and the water splashed everywhere.

The Plague Snake flew down immediately, stopped not far away, looked at the water snake that lost its head, and laughed wildly: "Hahahaha! I was defeated after all!"

However, despite the loss of its head, the water snake's huge remnant remained motionless, with water waves flowing on it, and there was no sign of disintegration.

Seeing this, Plague Snake couldn't help but stop laughing wildly, and looked at the wreckage of the water snake with some suspicion: "What's going on?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the water snake's remnant body was full of water, and a mysterious and mysterious aura rushed towards his face, mighty.

"Boom boom..."

The remnant body of the huge water snake made a magnificent rumbling sound, and the momentum was huge. Immediately, the water light erupted, and the remnant body split into dozens of water columns, which circulated through the sky.

"This is!" The Plague Snake was horrified, with a look of disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of magnificent water-column brilliance masterpieces, and the shape changed, turned into dozens of giant water snakes in a flash, each of which had the initial size of the previous water snake, which was comparable to the plague snake.

The Plague Snake was terrified: "This is impossible!"

However, the fact is in front of them, dozens of giant water snakes are full of momentum, and they are roaring at the plague snake.






Dozens of terrifying water snakes roared around the Plague Snake. The scene was magnificent, and the Plague Snake was shocked.

He looked at the dozens of water snakes around him, and knew that he was in a desperate situation and could not escape.

Thinking of this, the plague snake is angry from the heart, and the evil grows toward the courage, and an unwilling hatred and anger arise spontaneously.

There was a chill in the green snake eyes, and he looked at Ye Jia, who was leisurely not far away, and the color of hatred was exposed.

"Everything is a death!" he said through gritted teeth, "I will fight with you!!!"

After he finished speaking, I only heard a roar from him, screaming in the sky, the huge snake body was full of black light, and black energy erupted.

Immediately, he saw his snake's tail rise and tug, directly into his mouth, and then he swallowed his own snake's tail in one bite. (bfag)

"Roar—!" The Plague Snake's face was extremely ferocious, madly devouring its tail, and its huge body kept collapsing.

"Boom..." An inexplicable sound rumbled, and a mysterious and mysterious aura rushed forward.

Ye Jia, who was lying on the twisted void, opened his eyes and looked at the Plague Snake with a little playfulness: "It's interesting..."

Although he said that, he didn't do anything, just stared at the plague snake quietly.

The Plague Snake swallowed its tail, and as it continued to swallow, his body quickly turned from several thousand feet to several hundred feet. In the end, there was almost only a snake head and an extremely bloated neck, head and tail in a strange posture. connected.

A surging cold light was released from the green snake pupils of the Plague Snake, and a strange sound came out from its throat, like babbling, and like a curse.

With this strange voice, black light gradually shone on his body, and it became more and more intense, and the aura of evil disease was surging.

After a while, the entire plague snake turned into a black ball of light, flashing with a strange and extremely deep power, which was amazing.

The black ball of light circulated for a while, and a pair of green snake pupils appeared out of thin air, looking at Ye Jia coldly: "It is said that the saint is indestructible, today I will see if this is the case!"

After all, the black ball of light collapsed again, turning into a size of three feet, the black light was blazing, and a terrifying aura surged out.


As if thunder exploded, the black ball of light suddenly shot up, heading straight for Ye Jia.

The terrifying power stirred the endless situation, breaking through the siege of dozens of water snakes in an instant, and came to Ye Jia in a flash.

In the black ball of light, an extremely annihilated spirit roared frantically: "Die!"

Immediately, an aura of destruction surged, as if terrifying energy was about to explode.

At this moment, Ye Jia suddenly opened his eyes, stretched out his finger, and lightly pointed at the black ball of light.

An extremely mysterious power flashed away, and immediately the black color full of destructive energy condensed in the void, no longer moving forward, and the destructive energy that was about to explode on it was also tightly bound.

"What!!" The plague snake spirit in the black ball of light shouted in horror.

He tried to stimulate the power to explode, but the incredible power of the outside world could not break through no matter how hard he tried.

He doesn't even have the qualifications to work hard!

The emotions of fear, despair, and anger were intertwined for a while, and the weak sanity of Plague Snake almost collapsed.

Ye Jia slowly got up from above the twisted void at this time, and said lightly to the black light ball in front of him: "Forgot to tell you... I'm not actually a saint."

As he spoke, he put his palm forward, held it in the air, and said coldly, "It's God!".

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