Hearing the loud noise, the group of Marine soldiers was also shocked and turned their heads, only to see the scene of Lieutenant General Akainu punching through the wall of the warship angrily.

Thinking of the usual stern Lieutenant General Akainu and the things they were just talking about, Lieutenant General Akainu must have heard it, and he was so scared that he lost his soul.

Among them, the source of the news, the active transmitter of Eight Trigrams, runs the fastest.

But with such a big movement, the Marines on other warships looked over, why Zephyr didn't respond.

"What's the matter, panicked?" Zephyr came out of his office wearing his clothes, and asked a Marine who was running slowly.

"No, no, nothing? Master Zephyr." The caught Marine was heartbroken. Seeing that he was caught by Zephyr and couldn't run away, he simply stopped the best friend who was running in front of him.

"Then why are you running around in a panic on the warship." Zephyr is not a fool.

"That's because, because." The Marine who was caught by Zephyr was trembling in panic. Although Zephyr didn't show any aura at all, the majesty that he usually lived in the Marine high-levels alone made this Marine tremble and incoherent. , I can't even move my mind.

Zephyr wondered if he was so terrible, and didn't say to punish him. The Marine soldier couldn't even say a word. Zephyr turned his eyes and looked at the innocent Marine soldier who was dragged by his companion.

If possible, the Marine soldier who was dragged by the buddies must break off friendship with him. Seeing the look in Zephyr's eyes, he stammered and said: "Just now... In Akainu... Lieutenant General saw us gather to chat and send ...Get angry."

After all, these Marine soldiers did not dare to speak out about the high-level changes they had talked about. They could only reluctantly say a reason. Zephyr didn't believe it all, but at least he knew that it was Akainu who had just made the move.

It's not difficult for these Marine soldiers. Zephyr reprimanded them to stop panicking and let them go. Akainu didn't care about it.

But what no one knows is that the Marine soldier who talked about Eight Trigrams before ran to the corner of the warship where no one was on the ship. When he was panting, a pattern of circles suddenly appeared in his eyes, just like Rinnegan, and soon Rinnegan again. Disappeared.

"Hey, why did I get here? By the way, what the hell did I say in this mouth, damn it." The Marine soldier was taken aback and slapped himself in vain.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

All this was of course arranged by Qin Luo. Directly using Mangekyō and Rinnegan to control the Marine high-level does not seem to be particularly easy, and it is very likely to cause trouble.

However, using Rinnegan’s illusion technique to control Marine soldiers a little, and give them psychological hints. It’s not a problem to smash their mouths. These controlled people will still be very conscious and will not know that they are controlled at all, only when they are not impulsive. Control your mouth.

So in the following things happened frequently in Marine.

My second cousin’s cousin’s son-in-law’s neighbors, etc. told me a big news. Marine executives are about to change, so-and-so is about to become Admiral, or the Zephyr instructor and Marshal Ganggu Kong recommended whom to do Admiral, Founder I have a relative series.

Of course, the methods are not the same. Some Qin Luo directly controlled his soldiers to report the gossip to the lieutenant generals, while others continued to use them when Marine soldiers exchanged Eight Trigrams.

In the end, Qin Luo didn't even need to take action. Various rumors spread among the Marine soldiers who had nothing to do at their leisure and became a secret that no one knew.

Other people Qin Luo don't know, but the more powerful and potential lieutenants like Bastille and Ghost Spider have heard that Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru will become Admiral. As for each of them, they will all become Admiral.

Although these lieutenants knew the gap between them and Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru, when it was time to promote and discuss merits, there were really few people who could really face these gaps. In Qin Luo's view, all the lieutenants who heard the news had deep expressions.

In the future, the three Admiral Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru, in addition to Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru have all heard Ganggukong recommend Akainu.

After listening to it, Aokiji looked calm, and continued to sleep without knowing what his inner thoughts were. Kizaru bit the cigar he was smoking, and even rewarded the soldier who was talking about Eight Trigrams with a beam of light, although it was just Ironing out a hole in the Marine soldier's clothes, but it can be seen that his heart is not calm.

"Sure enough, I still care." Qin Luo muttered softly. When he was about to leave Aokiji's warship, Qin Luo noticed that the blindfold Aokiji was wearing didn't know when it had formed a layer of hoarfrost.

In any case, the seeds of jealousy have been planted.

"Bang bang bang." There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." After everything was done, Qin Luo changed back to Sato Shaosuo and returned to his room.

"You are looking for me, Sato Shaozuo. And this is the white wine you want." The soldier who came in was the soldier who had pleased Qin Luo before. After speaking, the soldier poured a glass of wine for Qin Luo.


"I'm tired of reading and reading, I can only use wine to refresh my thirst." Qin Luo said casually, a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan flashes in the middle of a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, and completed the psychological hint to the soldier who came to deliver the wine. As a witness that he has been reading in the room.

The soldier was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "Sato Saosuke, I heard people say that Marine's senior management is about to change. It seems that Aokiji, Akainu, Kizaru, Garp, and the tea dolphin will all become Admiral."

Qin Luo almost spit out the wine, but he didn't expect that the rumors would eventually reach him, the instigator. It was still such an outrageous version. Five rumors like Admiral would still be believed.

"Do you think this news is credible?" Qin Luo just controlled the five senses and cognitions of Marine on this Marine warship, and manipulated the memory, but there is no limit to the IQ of these people. There is no credibility of such rumors.

"Of course, I'm so good at listening to such nonsense. Isn't this just a joke to Sato Sato?" Qin Luo is gratified and helpless. What is gratified is that the Marine he controls is not a fool after all, and his illusion is also There are no side effects. What is helpless is that the rumors that I have spread are seriously deformed, and I am afraid that it will not have such a good effect.

"Five Marine Admiral without Sato Sato's name. This is simply funny. No one can do without Sato Sato." The soldier slapped Qin Luo on the face with a serious appearance.

"Puff." Without holding back this time, Qin Luo directly squirted the wine out of his mouth and choked.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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