"What's wrong with you, Sato Shaosuo?" the soldier controlled by Qin Luo asked hastily.

"It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't matter." Qin Luo raised his right hand to stop the Marine soldier from approaching.

Qin Luo didn't expect that the Marine soldier under control would say such a sentence. Even Qin Luo, who has been used to flattering, was caught off guard by this fresh and refined flattery.

"You go out first. It's a celebration party soon. I'll change my clothes first." Qin Luo waved to the Marine soldier to go out.

Soon the sky slowly darkened, and in the midst of a tumult, Marine's sea celebration banquet was about to begin.

When the celebration banquet was finished, the sky was completely dark.

As the flagship of the Marine's strongest assembly order to form the fleet, the main celebration banquet venue and commendation center are of course located on the current Marine Marshal's steel-bonded warship.

The Marshal’s naval ship "Marine One" is not only the best technically, but its area is also much larger than that of ordinary warships, but no matter how big it is, it is impossible to accommodate all Marines.

Therefore, ordinary Marine soldiers stay on their warships and prepare the celebration banquet in the galley on the warship. Only officers with the rank of second lieutenant or above or special establishments, as well as those who have received special invitations, have potential or background Marine generals who can reach the marshal. The warship "Marine One" participated in the main celebration banquet.

Qin Luo's "Sato Shaosuo" naturally met the requirements in terms of military rank to be able to participate in the celebration banquet on "Marine One".

As the only person eligible to participate in Qin Luo’s warship, "Sato Shao Zuo" came to the "Marine One" when the crowd gathered the most. Of course, with so many Marine generals, Qin Luo did not continue to carry Liuyun. Instead, he used illusion techniques to set himself a face similar to "Sato Shaosuo".

Qin Luo took a glass of wine and stood beside a group of people who had confirmed that they did not know each other, pretending to be waiting for an acquaintance. At this time, the corners are conspicuous, and Qin Luo will naturally not do that.

However, Qin Luo chose to be close to the deck of the ship. The noise from other warships and the sound of waves outside was enough to cover up the sounds he might make later.

At this time, the entire three-story banquet hall was basically crowded by General Marine, and almost everything that should be there was almost there.

"Guys!" As the vigorous emcee's voice sounded, the lights of the banquet went out, leaving a few dim ones on the table.

Two spotlights were lit, shining on the vacant part of the banquet hall on the first floor, where it will serve as the seat and commendation table for the main generals of the Marine high-level party.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The military ranks like "Sato Shaozuo" played by Qin Luo are scattered in the "banquet plaza" on the first to third floors of the banquet hall, and naturally there are no seats.

"Please invite Lieutenant General Marine, Admiral and Marshal Ganggukong to enter the arena." Under the voice of the master of ceremonies, the lieutenant general will appear one by one according to their strength, merit and status, and then Admiral and Marshal Gang. Gu Kong is the finale on stage.

Among them, Qin Luo has quite a few acquaintances, and I think Kizaru, Akainu, Aokiji, Sengoku, Garp, etc. will all enter the arena later. It's like walking on the red carpet in the real world. It's actually quite boring, but you can judge the number of supporters of these generals based on the size of the call for admission.

Lieutenant General Garp and Crane will be the best, followed by Kizaru, Akainu, and Aokiji, the future three Admiral.

Others may not notice, but a caring person like Qin Luo can clearly see that when Kizaru, Akainu, and Aokiji enter the venue, the expressions of the three are very exciting and change almost every second.

Akainu was the last of the three to enter the arena, and the voice was the loudest. Aokiji and Kizaru both looked at Akainu who was seated with constipation. Akainu is not good-tempered. The anger has not disappeared, but he just stared back. An unspeakable gunpowder and anger filled the celebration banquet.

"Interesting and interesting, it would be more interesting if it were to fight." Qin Luo's voice was very small, inaudible in the boiling atmosphere.

Next, Marine Marshal Ganggukong's speech was more boring. It was nothing more than the crusade against the evil thieves of Flowing Cloud, the strength of unity, the justice of Marine and the merits of everyone, etc. Balabala.

The Marines may be full of enthusiasm, but Qin Luo was depressed and bored.

How can I put it, this is like holding a memorial service for King Yama-I don't want to live anymore. If it weren't for the future plan to be more interesting, Qin Luo would like to open Mangekyō Sharingan directly and lead these Marine generals to a pot.

Finally it was Sengoku's turn to speak.

At this celebration banquet, Sengoku also changed into a brand new Marine uniform, with white as snowy fabrics and tidy beard. Obviously he was well dressed up. At least he didn’t want Garp to break his jar... I also lost Qin Luo all afternoon. I didn't toss Sengoku, but now Sengoku is still upset, at least in a lot of spirits.

"It's enough for you to settle down for an afternoon, Sengoku." Qin Luo smiled evilly, and Yin Hong's liquor in the glass in his hand was shaking.

"Sengoku." Qin Luo is scary and pays attention to a step-by-step approach.

Qin Luo repeated the old tricks and sent out psychological hints to Sengoku alone. There were still so many Marines in the audience that only Sengoku heard.

At this time, Ganggukong's speech is coming to the final stage. Sengoku is preparing his speech in his place, and it is his turn next.

Damn it again, Sengoku faintly heard the voice of Ryuyun again in the impassioned voice of the steel bone resounding through the venue.

"Hearing hallucinations?" Sengoku listened intently, and he was relieved when he heard nothing.

"Sengoku, am I dead?"

Sengoku's hand holding the speech was suddenly squeezed, and the speech was torn apart.

"What's wrong, Sengoku?" Lieutenant-General Crane on the side saw Sengoku strangely and asked.

"Nothing, really." Sengoku reluctantly answered Lieutenant General Crane's question after a second.

"Tell me if you have anything." Lieutenant General Crane was still worried, and Sengoku's 0.7 was not in the state at all.

"Okay, how could something happen to me." Sengoku said to Lieutenant General Crane in a cold sweat to make him feel relieved, but when it came to it, he broke off suddenly, and cold sweat kept coming out.

"I Ryuun will not die, and death is just the beginning." Ryuun's voice is still Ryuun's voice, but this time Sengoku heard it really, because this time the voice changed from the light and fluttering tone before. Sorrowfully, with the sneer Liuyun occasionally gave out.

"...Love." After a long time, Sengoku said the last two words, in a tone that he didn't believe at all.

Sengoku stunned directly on the seat, and the sudden words made him completely unable to accept. He confirmed countless times that only he could hear this voice, and the Lieutenant General Crane on the side did not respond at all.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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