The night was getting darker and darker.

The terrifying three-masted sailing ship under the fog revealed a different kind of weirdness.

A roar came from the foggy distance.

“I am the man who will become the Pirate King!!!”

Looking in the direction of the line of sight, you can see a huge figure.

The huge figure beat his chest with both hands.

And pulled up a huge mast as a hat.

It was the giant zombie Oz that Moria specially prepared for Luffy’s shadow.

“This is what Luffy would shout,”

“But this voice sounds much thicker than Luffy’s,”

“Why do I feel like everyone over there is in trouble?”

Seeing that even Luffy was hit, Nami looked a little worried,

“I didn’t see Zoro’s shadow, so Zoro should be fine.”

“And there won’t be any adverse reactions after the shadow is harvested.”

“Except for what Brook said about not being exposed to the sun, everything else should be normal”

Lynn is not too worried about this,

Moria’s ship is always in the foggy Devil’s Triangle,

He certainly won’t take the initiative to expose the ship to the sun.

Moria’s ability is very strange,

but from another perspective, it has basically no lethality.

No matter how many zombies there are, it’s useless,

After all, whoever fights these days is Wushuang mowing the grass.

Chopper panicked,

“Could it be that Luffy and the others were all captured!!”

“We have to rescue them!!”

“They must be in danger now!”

Robin nodded,

“Maybe it will be a little later.”

“All their limbs will be spliced ​​together.”

Robin’s words successfully scared Chopper to tears,

“Luffy! Sanji! Franky! Usopp! We’ll rescue you now!!”

Lynn said helplessly,

“Robin, don’t scare Chopper.”

But they really had to speed up,

because they didn’t know if there were any other strange people with special abilities in Moria,

such as the one who could turn invisible that they had seen.

The four of them quickly cleared all kinds of corpses on the road,

and rushed to the center of the castle.

Along the way, Robin introduced to Lin En the information she knew about Moria,

“Moonlight Moria is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea,”

“His bounty is as high as 320 million Baileys.”

Hearing this number, Chopper asked,

“His bounty is not as high as Luffy and Lin En.”

After hearing this, Robin explained,

“Bounty is indeed a factor in proving strength,”

“But it does not represent hard strength,”

“And those Seven Warlords of the Sea are even more so, because their bounties have been frozen since the day they joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea.”

Her face was a little solemn when she mentioned the business,

“Don’t underestimate Moria.”

“As far as I know, his bounty order has been frozen more than ten years ago.”

“And before the bounty order was frozen,”

“He was a man who could compete head-on with Kaido.”

Hearing the name of the Four Emperors Kaido, Nami and Chopper were shocked again.


“Is it the one Luffy’s grandfather mentioned?”

“Is it one of the four strongest pirate groups on the sea?”

Robin nodded,

Nami suddenly said,

“How about?”

“Let’s not look for treasure,”

“Just save Luffy and the others quietly and then sneak away quietly.”

Lin En thought it was a little funny,

“You don’t think about money at this time.”

Nami shouted angrily: “Nonsense, your life is about to die!!”

Lin En moved his wrist, and his hammer was almost smoking all the way.

“Although your suggestion is normal, but”

He pointed to the zombies everywhere,

“How do you expect us to sneak in to save people quietly, and then sneak away quietly?”

The noise they made along the way was too loud,

Even if the other party was a hibernating bear,

it should have been woken up by them at this time.

Nami panicked and covered her head with tears,

“It’s over, it’s over, why are we facing such a dangerous person!!”

Since the battle with Arlong,

There have been Crocodile, Enel, and CP0 along the way. I thought it would be quiet, but Moriah appeared.

This is too weird.

The strength of the enemies they encountered at the beginning was steadily increasing,

but suddenly from one day on, the enemies they encountered were extremely terrifying.

Lin En also fell into thinking,

If we follow the logic of the story,

many enemies in the early stage were not set up reasonably,

especially Crocodile and Enel,

including the current Moriah.

CrocodileEr used the Sand-Sand Fruit in the desert,

Enelu possessed the Thunder Fruit, one of the top natural fruits,

and Moriah was once a great pirate who could fight Kaido.

Lin En comforted Nami,

“Moriah should not have reached the level of the Four Emperors yet.”

“He should still be far from the strength of the Four Emperors now.”

Although the ability currently displayed by the Shadow-Shadow Fruit is very strange,

it is also within the acceptable range.

At this time, they saw a room that was completely different from the other rooms.

It looked like a bedroom with the door wide open.

But the weird thing was that this bedroom was so huge,

even the door was 8 meters high.

Chopper looked left and right, “Are there still people this tall living here?”

Robin said, “On this ship, there is only one bedroom this big.”

“It should be Moriah.”

“He is the tallest among the Seven Warlords.”

Nami and Chopper’s faces froze.

They said they were going to sneak away,

but they ended up sneaking into someone’s bedroom.

All the furniture here is unusually huge,

huge bed, huge wardrobe,

But Nami noticed a place at this time,

She pointed at the bedroom and shouted


Lying in the bedroom were Luffy and others who were unconscious.

Under the huge bed,

the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates were tied up.

“Were they caught here?”

Lynn glanced at Moriah’s bed,

there was an imprint of Moriah’s huge body on it,

it looked like they had just left not long ago.

At this time, he found that all the people who were tied up had no shadows, so he should be in the morgue on the island where the bodies were stored. Nami untied the ropes that tied everyone, but saw that everyone was still unconscious. “Hurry up and find a way to wake up Luffy and the others. We can still find a chance to slip away before Moria comes back.” But he was troubled by how to wake them up. “Why do these people have such good sleep quality?” Lin En watched Nami and Robin trying to wake up the sleeping people, even Robin used her ability to create dozens of small hands to slap them together, but it was useless. “What can we do if they can’t wake up!!”

“You have to say the key words!”

“What key words!!”

At this time, Lin En seemed to remember something in his mind, and he spoke tentatively

“Are the beautiful sea warriors coming with a good ship and meat?”

As soon as the voice fell,

the unconscious person immediately opened his eyes,

Luffy: “Where is the meat!!”

Sanji: “Where is the beauty!!”

Franky: “Where is the good ship!!”

Usopp: “Where is the sea warrior!!”

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