Moriah can obtain the powerful battle memory and effect of this person by cutting out shadows.

The person whose shadow is cut out will also get the side effect of not being able to be illuminated.

“Tell me, how did you fail?”

Lin En looked at the group of people who woke up helplessly.

He remembered that he had told them that Moriah could cut out shadows,

but they still failed.

Everyone felt embarrassed.

Luffy shouted

“I was thinking of catching that big ghost!”

They had seen it on the deck of the Sunny before

“But it suddenly rushed towards me.”


Sanji sighed and continued Luffy’s words,

“Then he fell to the ground and shut himself up.”

“That’s it…”

Luffy suddenly got angry again,

“I don’t want it as a crew member!!”

Nami shouted angrily, “So you want to recruit it as a crew member!!!”

“Don’t invite such a weird thing!!!”

Not just ghosts, Luffy invited all the strange creatures he saw on the way to board the ship.

Lin En understood a little,

So he invited Brook just because he was weird?

Franky’s face was also a little solemn.

“The abilities of those ghosts are very strange,”

“As long as they pass through the human body,”

“they can make people extremely negative.”

Usopp suddenly became confident again,

“I, King Usopp, am not afraid of that!!”

“The will of the sea warriors is not so easy to be defeated!!”

Of course not,

In fact, Usopp knew that it was because he was very negative in himself,

Negative ghosts could not make him more negative.

Chopper’s eyes sparkled: “Usopp is so awesome!!”,

Lin asked: “Then how were you caught?”

Usopp’s voice suddenly dropped,

“They were all caught, I can’t beat them.”

“Even I can’t fight them alone.”

Lin pointed to the courtyard outside the house,

“We have just seen the zombies of the four of you,”

“Luffy and Sanji’s zombies will be more difficult,”

“Especially Luffy’s zombies, which are twice the size of ordinary giants.”

Luffy suddenly recalled that an old man on the road told him,

“Although I really want to take a look at my zombies What does the corpse look like,”

“Actually, we don’t need to find zombies to get back the shadows,”

“As long as we defeat Moria, all the shadows will come back.”

Lin En agreed with Luffy’s point of view and then asked,

“By the way, have you seen Zoro?”

“We haven’t seen his zombies along the way,”

Sanji shook his head,

“He left the team halfway,”

“He must have noticed something different.”

Okay, then I can only ask when we meet.

Lin En wants to see the weapons forged by Zoro’s soul,

We still have to solve this incident first.

However, the fruit abilities of Moria’s ability users this time are too weird.

One can be invisible, and the other can make others passive.

And the most difficult thing is the bunch of zombies in its hands.

There are many powerful zombies before death.

Just when Lin En was thinking,

suddenly a group of people pointed at him.

“Lin En, behind you!!”


Lin En turned his head and saw a huge pair of scissors closing instantly.

His shadow was then grabbed by a black hand.

A sinister laugh came from the huge wardrobe.

“Hahahaha, finally the flaw is revealed.”

The huge wardrobe opened immediately.


The Straw Hat Pirates looked at Moonlight Moriah who came out of the wardrobe in surprise.

“It’s boring to stay in there,”

“Fortunately I didn’t wait in vain,”

“You’re still slacking off.”

Moriah grabbed Lin En’s shadow in his hand and laughed wildly.

Lin En looked behind him.

The place where the shadow should have appeared was blank.

“Put them here,”

“Just lure you in,”

“Then take down the shadow while you’re distracted.”

Moria used his brain to formulate a strategy for once,

“This way I have all the shadows of the high-level fighters in the Straw Hat Pirates!!”

Lin En suddenly understood,

The indentation on the bed was probably made for him to see,

At the beginning, Moria and the others hid here waiting for him to come,

No wonder the zombies along the way seemed to be intentionally or unintentionally leading them here,

Then they would see Luffy and Sanji and his group unconscious in the wide-open door.


Lin En looked at the shadow in Moria’s hand with a subtle expression,

It seemed to be meaningless..

Three more people came out of the huge closet,

“Mr. Moria’s body is too big, it’s very crowded inside.”

The one holding a parasol and wearing gothic clothes is Perona, one of his subordinates, who has the ability of the ghost fruit.

“It’s you!!”

Luffy and Franky gritted their teeth and looked at the new person,

“It’s her ghost!!”

Then another person came out,

Wearing a round hat on his head, with a lion-like chin and nose, it was Absalom,

“Long time no see, beauties.”

“It’s that pervert!!”

Nami pointed at the new person.

“It’s him who hid in the women’s bathroom!”


Sanji couldn’t sit still after hearing this,

“He can be invisible!!!”

Could it be?

Sanji’s legs were shaking.

He had also read the complete collection of devil fruits.

But even though he had no interest in devil fruits, he still had a fruit he dreamed of,

the transparent fruit,

and this fruit was in Salom’s body.

“Damn it!!”

“My dream of peeping into the women’s bathhouse by being invisible!!”

The zombies who heard this couldn’t help but complain.

“Is your dream so low!!!”

Asalom was also confused.

The other party suddenly looked at him with hatred.

This man couldn’t peepe into the women’s bathhouse openly?

He shook his head slowly,

“The transparent fruit is just an additional component of my powerful strength.”

Sanji cursed, “But you still went to peek!!”

The zombies also agreed,


“They seem to be the same.”

Lin En shook his head,

“You have such a twisted concept,”

“I never do peeks.”

The expressions of the two people suddenly became obscene at the same time,

“You don’t understand the fun of peeping,”

“Especially when the other party is completely unaware…”

“Stop it!!”

Hearing that the topic was about to get out of hand, Lin En interrupted them,

“Hurry up and fight, don’t teach the children bad things.”

Is One Piece an animation for all ages?

At this time, Chopper also saw the last figure in the closet,


It gritted its teeth,

This is probably the most unbearable thing it has encountered since it went to sea.

The other party is still the doctor it once respected.

Hogbag became rampant at this time,

“Hiss! Hiss! You can’t win!”

“Now even the strongest shadow around you has been taken down by Lord Moria,”

“Provide us with more advanced combat power,”

“How can you win!!”

Moria laughed,

stuffed the shadow into a body,

“Although I don’t know why you haven’t fainted after being deprived of your shadow,”

“But your combat power of 300 million bounty is definitely not weak!”

“This is the body of a general zombie that I treasure and can rank among the best!”

“Lin En’s shadow!!”

“Let me see your combat power!!”

Following Moria’s actions.

A shadow was stuffed into a body that looked very powerful and strong.

After a moment,

A huge corpse stood up from the ground,


“I want to play games, I want to watch anime!!”

The huge figure roared, and punched the ground,

“Volcano rift!!”

. . . . . .

Nothing happened,

Everyone, including Moria, stared at the figure in a daze.

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