The violent sound of"boom boom" resounded throughout the Sakura Country.

All the civilians and monks present were thrown backwards. Under the powerful repulsive force, the monks in the foundation building stage and the golden elixir stage showed their spiritual weapons to resist the impact.

The civilians only saw the overwhelming buildings coming, and the next second they were swallowed up by these buildings.


A roar came from below, and Uchiha Madara in the sky felt a spinning green umbrella coming towards him.

Uchiha Madara glared and snorted:"Rinmu!"

The next second, four shadows appeared and rushed towards the flying umbrella.

The flying umbrella shining with green light was about 50 meters away from Uchiha Madara when the shadow of Rinmu attacked and punched it.


Under the strong blow of the shadow, the parachute was knocked out.

The emperor below had a mirror circling around him, resisting the pressure. With a wave of his finger, the parachute flew back to Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara put his hands together and continued to release repulsion. Today he was going to destroy the entire Sakura Island.

The powerful repulsion continued.

5 kilometers, 10 kilometers, 20 kilometers.

Under the huge thrust, screams were heard from below, and countless ordinary Japanese soldiers were buried by the buildings.

""Hurry up!"

The Emperor shouted. He saw that his parachute could not touch the opponent, so he shouted hurriedly.

Even without the Emperor's order, the monks present would not sit and wait for death, because in their spiritual perception, their country was still being destroyed by this evil thief.

Those buildings were all in ruins, and they were spreading to farther places.

Countless escape lights soared into the sky, and flying swords, spears, fire talismans, and spiritual attacks attacked Uchiha Madara.

The seeking jade behind Uchiha Madara flew out, and then turned into a shield, protecting Uchiha Madara in front of him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The dense attacks hit it, and the Qiudao Jade Shield was intact except that it moved back a few dozen centimeters.

""Swish, swish, swish~"

Seven or eight beams of light flew up from the ground and attacked Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara was surrounded by a Dao-seeking Jade. The Jindan stage who rushed to the front raised a samurai sword and slashed at Uchiha Madara.

In just a moment, a black ball quickly grew longer and turned into a black stick, blocking the attack of the samurai sword.


The old man in the early stage of the Golden Core who was close to him had his eyes wide open, staring at his broken samurai sword magic weapon


"My magic weapon!"

The old man spat out a mouthful of blood and retreated hastily.

""Be careful of the opponent's weapons!"

The Emperor who controlled the flying sword shouted from the ground.

The several Jindan stage warriors who originally wanted to attack with magic weapons were shocked and gave up their weapons and threw out talismans.

Uchiha Madara didn't even look at him and activated his hungry ghost ability.

The fire talisman, the phoenix blade talisman, the thunder talisman and other attacks hit Uchiha Madara, and the burst of light gradually dimmed, and was absorbed into Uchiha Madara's body in an instant.

"How is it possible!!!"

The several Jindan masters who threw the talisman were shocked.

"Come on!"

At this moment, a loud shout came from the side. It was an old man in the middle stage of the Golden Core. Behind him followed thousands of Foundation Establishment strongmen dressed as Japanese soldiers. As the old man in the middle stage of the Golden Core shouted, thousands of people stepped on flying swords and rushed towards Uchiha Madara in the sky.

Seeing so many people attacking, Uchiha Madara stopped releasing the Super Shinra Tensei, then clapped his hands, and a huge amount of chakra gathered in his throat.

At the moment when these people came to Uchiha Madara 50 meters away, Uchiha Madara clapped his hands and shouted:"Senjutsu·Dam Water Repair Ha!"


A stream of water spewed out from Uchiha Madara's mouth, and the moment the water source touched the air, it spread violently.

Thousands of foundation-building cultivators and golden elixir-stage masters were immediately submerged by the sea water.

These people flew into the sky without thinking.

Uchiha Madara stood on the water, continuously spitting out sea water. A 10-kilometer-sized sea water barrier appeared under Uchiha Madara's feet, and the sea water continued to grow.

20 kilometers, 30 kilometers...

Countless foundation-building and golden elixir-level warriors were flying around in the waters. As long as they moved, Uchiha Madara's waters would move with them.

"The opponent's water moves are still getting bigger, everyone disperse first!"

In the water, the emperor shouted through voice transmission. Not only was the mirror defense magic weapon circling around him, but there were also four flags around him to block the sea water outside. Several Jindan stage elders were standing inside.

Thousands of foundation-building stage who received the order desperately flew in the direction they thought was safe.

At the same time.

A man and a woman in the water looked horrified.

"The other party seems to be planning to use this trick to eliminate ordinary devils. What should we do? It seems that we are implicated!"

The male monk said to the woman with an unpleasant expression.

"How should I know? How can this move be so outrageous? Even a Yuanying old monster can't do it!"

The female monk said in panic.

"We'd better pray that this trick doesn't have any other uses, otherwise we're doomed!" the monk said solemnly

"Otherwise, why don't we just state our identities? Our country is the worst offender against the devils, and this person should be one of our own."The female monk said hurriedly

"That won't work. We have been planning for so many years. If it is exposed, all our efforts will be wasted!"

The male monk said directly.

The battle in Sakura Country was immediately reported back to their respective countries by spies planted by various countries.

The top leaders of China.

Countless Jindan elders gathered in the satellite room, observing every move of Sakura Country.

"What kind of move is that? The water is still spreading! It's too scary!"

The old man surnamed Long looked at the surging sea water on the screen and broke out in a cold sweat.

The Minister of Defense asked his subordinates:"Have you calculated the range of the move?"

A man with glasses who was using a computer to draw said solemnly:"...Fast diameter....It's almost fifty kilometers! The altitude is also more than ten kilometers!"


"This kind of strong man is probably beyond the Nascent Soul stage we think of. Who is this person and why did such a strong man suddenly appear?"

The old man surnamed Long said with a serious face

"No matter who the other party is, as long as they kill the devils, they are our friends!"

An old man with a red beard said excitedly.

At the same time, in the sky above Sakura Country,

Uchiha Madara felt that it was almost time and stopped in the sky.


A series of sounds of people breaking through the water were heard, and the first to come out were the Jindan-stage masters.

Five or six Jindan-stage masters stood above the water, surrounding Uchiha Madara.

After seeing the opponent's terrifying power, these Jindan-stage masters did not dare to attack again. They stared at Uchiha Madara with blazing eyes.

"You bastard, what grudge does our country have against you that makes you want to attack us!"

"You are violating international law and will be sanctioned by other countries!"

One of the middle Jindan soldiers with medals on his clothes shouted angrily.

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