Seeing the attack coming, Xiao Ri Tian Huang made a gesture with his fingers, and the mirror defense magic weapon in front of him burst into brilliant light. The mirror itself suddenly expanded to a size of three meters, protecting him and the people behind him like a door panel.

The high-speed rotating spiral shuriken fan blades hit the mirror, making a cutting sound.


Two cracking sounds were heard, and a crack suddenly appeared on the mirror.

The executives in charge of collecting souls and the emperor and others changed their expressions.


The Emperor shouted

"With a"whoosh!" sound, several people scattered.


The mirror defense magic weapon shattered, and with a bang, Uchiha Madara's Dissolution Release Rasenshuriken exploded.

Several people hurriedly used life-saving methods to prop up a defense shield for themselves and sacrificed their own defense magic weapons.

The white light of the explosion swallowed up the little Japanese emperor and others. Uchiha Madara glanced behind him. In the sea of fire there, countless foundation-building cultivators fell from the sky like dumplings, and everyone was burned to charcoal. A large number of souls in the sky were gone.���Suppressed, flew away.

A resolute-looking man among the ghosts shouted:"Everyone stay away from the little devil holding the bell, don't catch him!""

"Now the little devils have a strong man to hold them back, let's go deal with those who are alone, charge!"

The ghost man's words were like a signal, and the thousands of ghosts in the sky scattered and floated close to the water surface below. When they saw the victims who emerged, they directly broke their necks with their soul hands.

"It seems that they hate the devils so much!"

The Chinese monk sighed as he looked at the ghosts who were making up for the loss.

"Who says it's not true? They finally stood out from millions of people and became foundation-building cultivators, but they were harmed by the devils and put into the soul sail. If it were me, I would do the same!"

The Chinese female cultivator replied

"Don't stop them, let them vent!" The female monk said again.

Above the sky, Uchiha Madara glanced at a ghost on the water. The other party was a short flat head, and was removing the storage bags on the waists of those corpses. Uchiha Madara ignored it, and then his eyes looked at the place where the melting explosion occurred.

The flames of the melting explosion of the spiral shuriken lasted for dozens of seconds. Gradually, the light of the explosion dissipated, revealing several people who had not died yet.

At this time.

The Japanese emperor made a hand gesture with one hand, and there was a jade seal on his head. A circular shield with a diameter of more than ten meters was wrapping several people.

The other people also made a hand gesture and urged their spiritual power to the jade seal on their heads.


A dragon roar sounded, and a five-clawed golden dragon was hovering outside the shield.

"I didn't expect that thing to be in your hands!"

The Chinese male cultivator was shocked when he saw the thing on the other party's head.

"What is that?"

Uchiha Madara turned his head and looked at the Chinese male monk below, and asked curiously

"It's the Imperial Seal of Qin Shi Huang!"

The Chinese female cultivator explained first.

Uchiha Madara was puzzled. What on earth was wrong with this world? Even the Imperial Seal of Qin Shi Huang was a magic weapon for cultivation?

"Good insight!"

The Japanese emperor spoke in broken Chinese and praised:"We didn't plan to use it originally. After all, if this good thing is exposed, the United States will definitely come to snatch it, just like we plundered you China in the past."

"But you bastard, you actually used repulsion and sea water to kill our people. Now we don’t care so much!"

The Japanese said, and shouted:"Go to hell!"

After that, several people held up the shield and flew towards Uchiha Madara at a very fast speed.

Uchiha Madara sneered, he wanted to see what the other party was going to do.

The moment they came to ten meters away from Uchiha Madara, the Japanese senior official wiped the storage bag, and their shields disappeared instantly. A huge guy appeared in front of Uchiha Madara, and then they quickly raised the shields.

"Senior, be careful, that's an atomic bomb!!!"

The male monk below saw the thing clearly and shouted anxiously with a pale face.

"Even if you are in the Nascent Soul stage, I don’t believe you can withstand the power of an atomic bomb!"

"It's over!"

The high-ranking Japanese officer shouted, and controlled the atomic bomb to fly towards Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara controlled the Seeking Truth Jade, turned it into a black stick, and shot it towards their defense shield. Several people were extremely confident in their defense.

The next second.

The black stick penetrated their defense, and several people were shocked.

In the sky, Uchiha Madara pressed his right hand on the tip of the atomic bomb, and then, Uchiha Madara used Flying Thunder God to disappear on the spot.

In the defense shield.

Uchiha Madara appeared among several people, and several people wanted to attack reflexively, and punched out with their spiritual power.

However, Uchiha Ban had already disappeared, and their fists were hitting an iron lump.

The eyes of several people widened at the same time


A violent explosion occurred in the protective shield, and in just one second, the protective shield collapsed.

The power of the explosion was devastating, sweeping more than ten kilometers in front of Uchiha Madara.

The sea water below evaporated instantly, and the flames of the explosion soared into the sky.

On the water, the Chinese male and female monks glanced at the black shield in front of them. It was this thing that helped them resist the explosion.

They were terrified. If it weren't for their predecessors who helped them block the power of the explosion, they would have to die here today.

In the Chinese monitoring room.

The senior executives looked at the black shield that was a hundred meters high and were stunned for a moment.

The Minister of Security asked in confusion:"What on earth is that? Can it resist the impact of an atomic bomb?"

Obviously no one answered his question, because they didn't know

"Thank God, it seems that the other party is one of our own, otherwise we would not have used this defensive method to help the"soldiers" and the two intelligence personnel."

The old man surnamed Long said thankfully

"Now the Japanese have used nuclear bombs in front of the world, blatantly violating the Treaty of the Anti-Semitism. Their country will soon cease to exist. It is time to notify other countries to take action!"

The red-bearded old man said excitedly

"I'll go and inform them!" The Minister of Defense took on the task and hurried to issue the letter.

""Look, that bastard is not dead!"

The red-bearded old man shouted, and everyone's eyes turned to the screen.

On the battlefield in Sakura Country.

The little Japanese emperor knelt on the ground, panting, and the golden dragon on his body was circling.

At this time, the golden dragon was extremely dim, and it was obvious that a lot of energy was consumed in resisting this move just now.

The several Jindan-stage powerhouses around the little Japanese emperor had disappeared. There were several storage bags on the ground. They should be dead.

Uchiha Madara slowly raised his right hand and launched a repulsive force.

The little Japanese emperor, who was originally panting, suddenly felt a huge suction force coming. His face changed drastically, and he hurriedly urged the jade seal, and the golden dragon shone again.

Uchiha Madara dived and rushed towards the opponent's defensive shield.

The little Japanese emperor saw the opponent attacking, and with a touch of his waist, the parachute flew out again, passed through his defensive shield, and shot towards Uchiha Madara.

The shadow beside Uchiha Madara hit the parachute, and the parachute was immediately knocked out

"With a"swoosh" sound, the Dao-seeking Jade behind Uchiha Madara suddenly grew longer and pierced through the opponent's defensive shield. Uchiha Madara's big hand reached in and grabbed the Emperor Xiao Ri's neck.


A large amount of lightning flashed on Uchiha Madara's arm, and the little Japanese emperor screamed in pain.

"Ahhhh ~ I...I surrender! I surrender!"

The emperor, whose neck was being strangled, screamed and the light of the imperial seal above his head disappeared.

"If it were someone else, I might consider it, but you...."

At this point, Cosmic Wave Spot paused and added:"To be honest, I wanted to do this a long time ago!"

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