Uchiha Madara thought about how miserable his life was. When he was very young, he had thought that if he had superpowers one day, he would blow up the country of the Japanese devils as soon as possible. Now his goal was only half accomplished.

After Uchiha Madara finished speaking, the lightning in his hand increased. He wanted to electrocute the other person to death and let him feel the torture of this lightning.

""Senior! Don't kill it!"

At this moment, the Chinese male monk shouted hurriedly.

Uchiha Madara glanced back at him and said in a cold tone:"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Originally, he wanted to persuade the other party to hand over the little Japanese emperor to them, and then bring him back to the country to torture him for some things that would benefit the country. Facing Uchiha's cold eyes, the male monk dared not speak anymore.

"Only the death of this beast can relieve my hatred!"

Uchiha Madara added.

The Japanese emperor saw that the other party really wanted to kill him, his face turned grim, and he said with difficulty:"I...I will fight you!"

After saying that, the Japanese emperor wanted to communicate with the atomic bomb in the storage bag and wanted to directly detonate everything inside. As a result, under the perception of his spiritual sense, the storage bag disappeared. I don't know when, it was already in the other party's left hand.


Dense lightning was dancing on the little devil's body, making it impossible for him to resist with his spiritual power.

Thinking of his country and the hateful man in front of him, the little devil emperor communicated with the golden elixir in his body and decided to blow the other party to death even if he died.

The little devil emperor's stomach began to swell.


Uchiha Madara looked at the other's belly with some confusion.

The Chinese female monk in the distance saw this and shouted hurriedly:"Be careful, senior, the other party is going to self-destruct!"

""I see!"

Uchiha Madara nodded, and then activated the power of the Hungry Ghost Path.

The little devil emperor's belly had grown to the size of an eight-month pregnant woman's belly, and it shrank rapidly. White energy flowed from his belly to his neck, and was sucked into his body along Uchiha Madara's arm.


Feeling the spiritual power in his body quickly dissipating, the Japanese Emperor's face showed unwillingness.

As the Japanese Emperor's spiritual power dissipated, the Japanese Emperor's appearance quickly aged. His originally black hair turned into dead grass, and a large number of wrinkles appeared on his face.

Uchiha Madara absorbed for more than ten seconds, and after sucking the other party dry, he said disdainfully:"Is this the spiritual power of the middle stage of the Golden Core?"

"This power is just like that! It can be easily controlled!"

After saying that, Uchiha Madara threw the opponent heavily to the ground.

Just now, after absorbing the opponent's chakra, Uchiha Madara activated the human way to read the opponent's memory, and learned about the opponent's approximate cultivation and the use of spiritual power. What he found very interesting was that the opponent's storage bag actually carried a country of Sakura country's training supplies, not only that, but also dozens of"little boys" in it.

This made Uchiha Madara plan to use this to destroy this hateful island.

""Senior, these are 3,530 storage bags, please keep them!"

At this moment, the flat-headed man in the form of a soul used his ghost cultivation ability and came to Uchiha Madara, dragging a densely packed storage bag.

Uchiha Madara looked back at the other party and praised,"You are very good!"

After that, Uchiha Madara did not hesitate to be polite with the other party. With a wave of his hand, he used the spiritual power he had just mastered and put them into the storage bag of Uchiha Madara, the little devil emperor.

"This is what I should do. Senior, this is also helping us to get revenge. I don’t have the ability to deal with Jindan stage, so I can only do what I can!"The flat-headed man in the spirit form replied respectfully.

"You guys leave now, this island will soon cease to exist!"

Uchiha Madara said to the souls and the two Chinese cultivators in the distance.

The people present looked at each other, clasped their fists respectfully and saluted, saying:"Thank you, seniors!"

Then, the Chinese male cultivator looked at the souls, waved his hand and shouted:"Let's go!"

Countless escape lights flew towards China.

Uchiha Madara waved his hand, and the jade seal on the ground and the storage bags of those Jindan stage powerhouses flew into his bag.

Uchiha Madara sat cross-legged on the ground, intending to give them time to leave while stabilizing his own situation.

Half an hour later, Uchiha Madara opened his eyes, and the spiritual power in his body disappeared. These spiritual powers merged with the ten tails in his body.

At this time, as long as Uchiha Madara did not actively use his spiritual power, no one would find out that he now has the identity of a cultivator. Uchiha Madara looked in the direction of China, and felt that it was about time, so he flew directly into the sky.

At the same time.

In the Chinese monitoring room.

The old man surnamed Long looked at the white man in the picture and asked curiously:"What is he going to do?"

As the old man surnamed Long finished speaking, he saw the other party waving his hands, and one after another little boys flew out of the storage bag and flew in all directions.

"Quick! Zoom out the screen!"

The red-bearded old man shouted hastily, and the operator immediately did as he was told.

The map of Sakura Country shrank, and streaks of fire appeared on the screen.




A violent explosion sounded from the screen.

"How come there is a sound?"

The old man surnamed Long asked in confusion.

The operator gloated,"I saw that our country was destroyed and I thought it was worth celebrating, so I added some music for them!"

"Hahaha~ This explosion is well matched, it's wonderfully matched!"

The red-bearded old man laughed and praised.

The explosion lasted for more than ten minutes. Under the bombing of dozens of little boys, the Sakura Country had disappeared. A large amount of seawater began to flow back, gradually submerging the Sakura Country.

After confirming that the opponent's island was destroyed, Uchiha Madara flew quickly towards China.

Half a day later.

Uchiha Madara arrived at the provincial capital. At this time, he had restored his original appearance and was wearing a suit.

Walking on the street, Uchiha Madara heard many shops playing songs.

Today is a good day...Today is a good day...

An old song from many years ago was played on a loop in the streets and alleys. Countless ordinary people were looking at their mobile phones. Uchiha Madara walked beside a sanitation worker and stopped to watch the content on the other's mobile phone, which was playing a piece of news.

Uchiha Madara listened for a while, and the general meaning was that the mysterious Yuanying period strongman destroyed the Sakura Country with his own strength, and the Sakura Emperor and other strong men fell. Then he denounced Xiaori for blatantly violating the treaty of cultivators! And claimed to arrest those who violated the country.

At this moment, in the sky!

A dozen monks dressed as police were chasing a monk.

One of the police threw a chain with spiritual power to tie up the fleeing monk, and the monk fell more than ten meters in front of Uchiha Madara.

"Let me go, you bastards! I am innocent, why are you arresting me! Baka!"

The insulting voice of the other party made Uchiha Madara realize that it was a small day.

"Your country used the atomic bomb, violating the cultivation rules and implementing collective punishment! If you want to blame someone, blame your bastard emperor!"

"Take him away!"

The police captain shouted, and his two men dragged him away like a pig.

"What are the rules for cultivation?"

Uchiha Madara asked the sanitation worker in confusion.

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