Some heroes who were active on the streets also rushed to the scene of the incident in Y City.

Among them were the A-class heroes Stinger, Flash Max, Springbeard, and the C-class hero Unlicensed Knight who was riding a bicycle.

On the streets of Y City, Uchiha Madara was walking aimlessly. After hearing about the monster, he used his perception ability to the maximum. He also wanted to see this so-called monster. As a result, after exploring the entire city, it seemed that there was no fighting or destruction anywhere.

"Citizens, please pay attention, please stay away from Qingyang Street as soon as possible. A strange person has appeared there. His level is unknown and he is suspected to be a ghost!"

"Citizens, please pay attention, please stay away from Qingyang Street as soon as possible. A strange person has appeared there. His level is unknown and he is suspected to be a ghost!"....

The horns on the street kept repeating this sentence.

Uchiha Madara stopped a passerby and asked the location of Qingyang Street. He realized that it was the place where the Hell Snowstorm was.

Uchiha Madara used his perception ability to sense the area again, but there was no trace of monsters. Uchiha Madara realized that it was probably because he subdued the other party, and the residents thought that the other party was defeated by a monster, which was a misunderstanding.

"Do you know where Z City is?"

Uchiha Madara asked the citizens around him

"Over there!"

The enthusiastic citizen pointed in a direction, Uchiha Madara nodded, and then slowly walked towards City Z.

Eight minutes later.

The men of Qingyang Street, Fubuki, trembled, and then woke up. They quickly searched for the enemy's traces and found that the enemy had disappeared.

""Where are the people?" Eyelash asked in confusion

"Hurry up, dig me out! Hurry up!"

Fuyuki shouted when she saw them wake up.

Everyone looked down and saw that their team leader was buried in the ground.

""What happened, Master Fubuki!" the mountain ape asked hurriedly.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, get me out first, quickly! I can't let other heroes see me like this!"

Fubuki issued orders anxiously.

The subordinates heard the horn and thought there was a monster nearby. For the safety of the team leader, Shan Yuan clenched his fists and pounded the ground around Fubuki, trying to break it open and rescue the team leader.

"Boom boom boom~"

The mountain ape kept attacking the ground two meters away from Fubuki's head. After dozens of punches, a big hole gradually appeared on the ground.

The men protected the heads of Fubuki's team to prevent the splashing stones from hitting the team leader's head.

The sound of the bombardment spread far away. Even the streets next door could hear the sound from Qingyang Street. The citizens thought that a battle was going on there. More than ten minutes later.

The men of Fubuki's team were running on the street carrying a long stone pillar with a diameter of one meter and a length of about one and a half meters.

At the top of the stone pillar was the head of Hell Fubuki.

Just now, after her men blasted out a big hole, they wanted to attack the stones around the team leader, but the stones did not move at all.

Fubuki couldn't figure out what means the other party used to make the ground around her body so hard that even the mountain ape couldn't break it. Fubuki didn't dare to delay again, and could only order his men to carry the people and the stones back to the base camp first, so this happened.

"I will never let that bastard go!"

The angry voice of Hell Blowing Snow rang out from the top of the stone pillar.

""Hua La La~"

There was a sound of bicycle chains, and Hell Blowing Snow looked up and saw a man on a bicycle riding hard towards this side.

""Quick! Block me, don't let the other party find me!"

Hell Snowstorm shouted in a low voice, and the mountain ape quickly blocked the snowstorm with his body as big as a hill.

The unlicensed knight seemed to have discovered the team in front, and braked suddenly. The tires of the bicycle made a friction sound on the ground and stopped.

""Is the weirdo still ahead?"

The unlicensed knight asked hurriedly when he saw that these were members of the Fubuki Group.

"that...It should still be there!"

Eyelashes said uncertainly.

The unlicensed knight thought of the angry voice he just heard and asked doubtfully:

"I seemed to hear your team leader's voice just now. Where is your team leader?"

"Did they go to deal with the monsters?"

Eyelashes secretly glanced at the stone pillar behind the mountain ape and said awkwardly:"Yes! Our team leader just rushed over!"

Blowing Snow, who was blocked by the mountain ape, blushed and was embarrassed.

"I won't talk to you guys for now, I'm going to enforce justice!"

The unlicensed knight said, and quickly pedaled his bike forward.

When he passed them, the unlicensed knight turned his head and took a look. The mountain ape slowly moved his feet, blocking the unlicensed knight's view.

With the mountain ape's body as a barrier, the unlicensed knight only saw a stone pillar.

The unlicensed knight couldn't figure out why they were carrying a stone, but he didn't think much about it, and quickly disappeared in front of the Fubuki group on his bike.

When the unlicensed knight left, these people breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, they didn't meet any members of the Hero Association again, and soon returned to the villa.

"What the hell is this thing! Why is it so hard!"

The members of the Fubuki team frowned as they looked at the stones in the hall.

Just now, they used electric drills and angle grinders, but they couldn't destroy the stones outside the team leader's body.

Fubuki was very anxious in the stone. Is he going to live in it for the rest of his life?

"Team leader, why don't you notify your sister to come and let her think of a way, maybe an S-class hero can break it!"

Eyelashes was worried about the team leader and made such a suggestion.

As soon as these words came out, Fubuki's anxious face turned into anger, and she resisted:"I don't want her help! Don't say such things again in the future!"

"Even if I live in here, I don't want to lose this person!"

For a moment, the members were silent.

"They are all trapped in the stone, but they don't even want to tell me for the sake of face, my stupid sister!"

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the house.

"Damn it!"

Hearing this voice, Hell Blowing Snow was furious. She came

""Why did you come here!" asked Fubuki in the stone.

She felt that today was the most embarrassing day of her life. Not only was she seen in such a miserable state by the citizens, but she was also discovered by her sister.

Tornado flew in from outside with green light on his body. Looking at Fubuki with his head sticking out of the stone on the ground, he replied:"I heard from the association that you were defeated by a monster and buried in the soil, so I rushed here."

"It seems that there are no weirdos on the street!"

Tornado said, and waved her right hand, and her ability was activated.

"Click, click, click~~"

There was a sound of stones rubbing against each other, and it turned out that the stones were indestructible.


Tornado was stunned for a moment, thinking it was just an ordinary stone. She was wondering why Fubuki didn't break it, but she didn't expect it to be so hard.

""Did you fight with someone? I feel like there's a mysterious energy on this stone!"

Tornado asked.

Fubuki thought of that hateful guy, gnashed her teeth, and didn't answer.

Seeing that her sister didn't want to talk, Tornado didn't ask any more questions, and planned to rescue her first. Then Tornado opened his arms, and a large number of wind blades appeared in the hall, cutting the stone.

Fortunately, there was not much energy on it. After a few minutes of consumption, the energy on it gradually decreased, the stone broke, and Fubuki was saved.

"Tell me, who did it!"

Tornado looked at Fubuki and said angrily.

Fubuki looked at her sister who was looking down on her and said with great resistance:

"This is none of your business, he is my opponent and I will defeat him!"

"You can't even break free from this kind of stone, and you're still talking about defeating the other party."

Tornado was like stating a fact, and her words made Fubuki clench her fists unwillingly.

"I will not let go of anyone who dares to attack my sister!"

After saying this, Tornado stared at Fubuki and threatened,"Tell me quickly, or I will attack your men!"

The members of Fubuki's group in the hall broke out in sweat when they heard this.

"No, you can't do that to them!"

Fubuki hurriedly stopped them.

"Haha! Then just tell me the truth!"

Tornado knew her sister's weakness and was concerned about her subordinates. In order to make her sister reveal the identity of the enemy, she used this method.

The next second, a strong wind blew in the room. Seeing that her sister was serious, Fubuki reluctantly described the other party's appearance.

Eyelashes and others in the room found paper and drew the other party's appearance according to their memory.

"You should stay at home from now on. Don't do anything like heroic activities. It's too dangerous for you!"

Tornado took the portrait, gave a warning, and left the room.

""Damn it!"

Looking at Tornado's back, Fubuki, who was scolded like a child, was very dissatisfied.

Above the sky.

Tornado looked at the portrait in his hand, and said angrily:"How dare you hurt my sister? This time I will let you experience the feeling of being locked in a stone!"

At this time, Tornado had changed his expression and became indifferent.

At the same time.

Uchiha Madara, who was walking towards City Z, stopped. He realized that the seal he had set was lifted.

Originally, he just wanted to make the other party suffer. The energy of the seal would be exhausted in three days at most. Now that it was broken in advance, Uchiha Madara didn't care too much.


Uchiha Madara felt someone running towards him. He turned his head and saw a bald man carrying a basket of vegetables. Judging from the other party's dress, it was the protagonist of One Punch Man-Saitama.

The other party passed Uchiha Madara in a few seconds.

"Saitama, right?"

Uchiha Madara didn't want to miss the other party and wanted to test his strength, so he shouted.

Saitama heard someone calling him, braked quickly, turned his head and asked:"You called me?"

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