Saitama tilted his head to make Uchiha Madara feel very cute.

Uchiha Madara nodded and said,"I heard that you are very powerful, I want to give it a try!"


Saitama's expression changed, and he looked at Uchiha Madara seriously. How did the other party know that he was so powerful? Was he discovered by the other party when he was executing justice?

Saitama thought it should be like this.

But thinking of the monster in front and his own strength, the other party was not his opponent at all, Saitama refused:"I won't talk to you, there are monsters in front, I want to go!"

After that, Saitama looked like he was going to leave and made a running gesture.

"There are no monsters over there, don't worry!"

As soon as Uchiha Madara said this, Saitama, who was originally planning to run, stopped and asked,"Really?"

Uchiha Madara said again:"Yes, go ahead, Saitama! Let me see where the gap between us is!"

Saitama shook his head and refused again:"You are not my opponent, and I don't want to fight with you, because there is no point at all!"

"This is not up to you!"

Uchiha Madara finished speaking and directly activated the gravitational force of the Ten Thousand Things Sky Attraction.

A strong suction force appeared on Saitama, and the expression on Saitama's face froze, and he found himself flying towards the other party.

Seeing Saitama flying, Uchiha Madara clenched his fist and punched out. Saitama's head tilted, and Uchiha Madara hit nothing.

""So fast!"

Uchiha Madara's eyes widened, and he didn't even notice when the other party turned his head.

Uchiha Madara became more excited, opened his eyes, his Samsara eyes appeared, and punched again with his left hand.


Saitama stretched out his right palm and grasped Uchiha Madara's fist

"I said to you, you guy, I said I won't fight you, why did you attack me!"

Saitama said angrily.

If he didn't fight back, the other party would knock over his food, and he would have nothing to eat tonight.

Saitama looked down at his basket after saying this, and his eyes were caught by Uchiha Madara

"Are you worried about this?"

Uchiha Madara asked

"Nonsense, if we fight, the food will be smashed and I won’t have anything to eat tonight!" Saitama said unhappily

"So that's how it is!"

Uchiha Madara nodded, then he retracted his arm, clapped his hands, and a large amount of gold sand quickly emerged from the ground.

"this is..."

Saitama, carrying a basket of vegetables, looked at the golden sand floating in the air with his eyes wide open.

Uchiha Madara controlled the golden sand to gather on the ground. After a while, about ten kilograms of golden sand piled up into a triangular sand pile.


Saitama's eyes sparkled

"Let's make a deal!"

Uchiha Madara said to Saitama.

Saitama raised his head, looked at Uchiha Madara and said,"What deal?"

"Fight with me, and all the gold sand will be yours, how about that?"

Uchiha Madara knew that Saitama was poor. He had seen One Punch Man in his previous life. Saitama often bought cheap discounted vegetables because of financial difficulties.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Saitama confirmed in disbelief.

"Of course!" Uchiha Ban nodded.

"I promise you!"

Saitama replied hurriedly.

Uchiha Madara took a look at the surrounding buildings and decided not to fight here, so he said:"In that case, follow me!"

Saitama looked at Uchiha Madara puzzled and asked:"Didn't you say we were going to fight? Why do we have to change places?"

""Do you want to fight here? Aren't you afraid of affecting the residents around here?"

Uchiha Madara asked.

Saitama looked Uchiha Madara up and down carefully, and felt that the other party didn't seem to be strong at all, so he waved his hand and said,"It's okay!"

"Come on, let's make quick work of it!"

Saitama said, looking at Uchiha Madara seriously, and in his mind he was imagining how he could sell the gold to eat something delicious.


Uchiha Madara laughed and said,"In that case, don't regret it later!"

After that, Uchiha Madara's Six Paths Sage Mode was activated, and in an instant, a powerful aura burst out from Uchiha Madara's body.


The ground under Uchiha Madara's feet and the surrounding walls began to crack. This momentum stirred the air, creating a strong wind that made Saitama's cloak flutter.


Saitama's expression changed at this time, and he shouted hurriedly.

Uchiha Madara looked at the other party in confusion.

"I think it's right to change places!"

Saitama said, and then added;"I admit that I underestimated you just now."

Uchiha Madara's momentum was retracted, and then he soared into the sky

"Follow me!"

Uchiha Madara's voice came from the sky


Saitama shouted again

"What happened again?"In the sky, Uchiha Madara turned around and said

"I have to take this gold with me, otherwise it will be taken away when we leave."

Saitama replied, then squatted down and put the gold sand into the basket one handful at a time.

In the sky, Uchiha Madara stood with his arms folded across his chest, watching Saitama's operation.

After Saitama put the gold into the basket, there were still some fragments on the ground that could not be caught. Saitama directly grabbed all the ground, then carefully tilted the ground and poured the gold on the ground into the basket.

Uchiha Madara was frowning.

After packing up, Saitama looked happy and said,"Okay, let's go!"

The Uchiha Madara in the sky nodded and flew forward.

Saitama on the ground was running quickly on the ground with the basket.

The two of them were one in front and one behind, and in the blink of an eye, they disappeared into the street.

The Uchiha Madara in the sky increased his speed, trying to get rid of Saitama, but found that no matter how fast he flew, the other party could still catch up. The expression on Uchiha Madara's face became more and more solemn.

The two of them were very fast, and after nearly ten minutes, they came to a deserted mountain.

Uchiha Madara used the Samsara Eye to sense the surrounding area. There was no one here, which was very suitable for fighting.

Uchiha Madara landed from the sky

"Let's go here!"

Uchiha Madara said to Saitama


Saitama replied, looked around, found a stone in the distance, walked over, and carefully placed the basket on it.

Then, Saitama walked to the opposite side of Uchiha Madara and said seriously:"Come on!"

Uchiha Madara started the Six Paths Mode again,

"Let's try this first!"

Uchiha Madara said loudly, and shouted:"Wood Release·Senjutsu·Top Buddha!"

In an instant.

A loud rumbling sound appeared, Saitama looked around, then stared at the front, and a big Buddha slowly emerged from the ground.

"So awesome!!!"

Saitama said excitedly when he saw this exaggerated move for the first time.

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