
King was so nervous that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Everyone present stared with their eyes wide open.


Tornado nodded, and then said:"Although his moves can distort space, it is still useless against that bald man!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were fixed on the portrait of the unmotivated bald man on the screen.

They couldn't imagine that such a man actually had such strength. He looked like a small fry.

"I estimated the strength of Uchiha Madara. If he is in his prime, I won't be able to defeat him!"

As soon as Tornado said this, everyone looked at King.

"This kind of strong man, is it okay?"

King pretended to be calm, waved his hand, and said as if he didn't take the other party to heart.

Everyone nodded in agreement. As the strongest on the surface of the earth, King had the qualifications to say this. After all, King was able to fly into space with a bomb that was about to destroy the solar system, and travel back in time to shoot down a group of meteorites flying towards the earth. That was an impressive record.

"What about the bald guy?"

Bangu asked curiously.

"Do you still need to ask? He is definitely no match for King. King's Purgatory Warriors Explosive Heat Wave Cannon can probably kill that bald guy with one shot!"Child Emperor said

"You are right, I think so too!"

Flash nodded in agreement.

In their hearts, KKing is so powerful that they look up to him.

"I heard from Tornado that Uchiha Madara has a bad temper. If other S-class heroes go there, they will probably fight with him. For the sake of safety, let's give the task of recruiting him to our strongest King!"

On the stage, Xiqi announced directly

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

"No one but King is up to the task!"


The other S-class heroes nodded in agreement.

King was now lying on the seat, his cheek slowly moving on his arm, and then he used his arm to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead and cheek.

King was scared to death when he thought of the other party's bad temper, and he said madly in his heart:"What a joke, I will definitely die!"

"King, what's wrong with you?"

Child Emperor asked puzzledly when he saw King lying on the seat.

"Well, I ate too much spicy food yesterday and my stomach hurts."

King made an excuse to cover up the fact that he was lying on the seat and wiping the sweat with his arms.

"Oh no, I've gone too far. Now they want to send me to contact Uchiha Madara. How can I refuse?"King was so anxious that he didn't know how to refuse.

"Since King has no objection, then this matter...."

Before Xiqi finished speaking, King hurriedly stopped him and said,"Wait, I usually have to fight powerful monsters everywhere, I don't seem to have time!"

King found a lame excuse.

Xiqi on the stage nodded and said,"Since King wants to fight monsters, then you can do this, Zombie Man. The other party has a bad temper. Even if he attacks you, you have an immortal body, so it shouldn't be a big problem!"

King breathed a sigh of relief.

"As for the bald man, who will go?"

Xiqi looked around and asked curiously.

"I'll go, that bald guy seems to be easier to talk to than Uchiha Madara!"

Tornado floated up and took on the task.

Seeing that no one objected, Xiqi nodded and said,"Since Tornado has chosen Saitama, today's meeting is over, let's adjourn!"

The meeting ended and everyone walked out of the Hero Association.

At the gate of the Hero Association, Atomic Samurai patted King on the shoulder and said,"Next time if you fight with Saitama or Uchiha Madara, you must call me in advance. I also want to see how powerful King is!"

King's heartbeat quickened, and the thumping sound continued. He said seriously,"I will!"

Atomic Samurai was startled to see that the other party was ready for battle, and hurriedly withdrew his arm. He felt that he was too rash and put his hand on King's shoulder, making him a target of attack.

"" Goodbye!" said the Atomic Samurai, and ran away without looking back, fearing that he would be attacked by King.

As soon as these people left, King seemed to have no strength left, and sat down on the ground, his lips trembling as he said,"Ah~ I'm scared to death!"

King's voice was trembling with fear, and he kept swallowing his saliva.

""Eh? King, what are you doing sitting on the ground?"

Suddenly, a childish voice came from behind King. King stood up quickly under reflex and turned his head to see that it was Child Emperor. King said seriously,"I just thought of a move called Crow on a Plane, and I couldn't help but practice it!"

"Really? Then can you tell me how powerful this move is?"

As a little fan, Child Emperor wanted to know this move in advance, so he asked curiously with anticipation on his face.


King was helpless and began to think of some words from the game to cover up his lie.

After explaining for a long time, he finally fooled Child Emperor. King took a taxi and rushed home.

As soon as he got off the car

, King saw mosquitoes flying all over the sky.

The taxi driver was so scared when he saw this scene that he stepped on the accelerator and drove away without asking for money.

Standing in front of his door, King looked at the mosquitoes all over the sky and his heart beat again. He was so scared that his legs went weak. The dense mosquitoes made him terrified.

"Boom, boom, boom~"

The violent beating sound of the Emperor's engine made the mosquito girl in the center of the mosquito discover the existence of King.

The mosquito girl's face turned pale and she was shocked in her heart:"Oh no, I haven't reached my prime yet, but I met the strongest on the surface of the earth!"

The mosquito girl ran away quickly without thinking, after all, the booming Emperor's engine was too scary


King looked at the mosquitoes and breathed a sigh of relief.

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, King walked towards his home with trembling legs. His back was already wet.

"It's too scary outside, I'd better stay at home!"

King thought about it and didn't go out for the past month.

On the other side, more than a dozen���The mosquito girl kept looking back, and when she saw that King didn't chase her, she was also relieved.

"Thank God! Fortunately, he didn't catch up with me. I almost died. It was terrible!"

"Just from a distance of ten meters, one can feel the powerful oppression!"

"As expected, he is the strongest on earth!"

The mosquito girl was extremely grateful and said to herself

"This city is too dangerous. I didn't expect King to be here. I have to go farther away!"

The Mosquito Girl made up her mind and flew away.

She was heading to City Z.

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